Tuesday 13 August 2013


Growing up as a female has been a loving and eye opening experience for me of which i never failed to reminisce on

In my primary school days, it was always about been the best in class, represent my school in different competitions, the innocence act of having a boy as just a friend or a competitor to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prize i look forward to every end of the school term was remarkable and to the ever fun loving end of the year party to show off my dress and party till mother says it’s time to leave.

Gaining admission to the secondary school was all i ever longed for to prove my brilliancy and intelligence but as time went by one gets to learn secondary school is another ball game entirely. My days of j.s.s 1-3 were innocent days of having to listen attentively in class, aiming to be the best in all the subjects, the pride of having to be the class captain, be the first at the assembly ground etc but days of S.S.S1-3 opened my eyes to many vices around me.

Biology class from my S.S.S 1 has never really been my favorite, i never knew may be i was the problem or the teacher we had so i never  really got to understood the puberty stage nor the feminine body.

Having to wake up one day and wanted to urinate and saw blood on my pant made me cried that i was going to die until a senior explained all i needed to know even mother didn’t explain that to me, all i got from her reply to my note was "do not play with boys" and i was like where the hell will a boy emanate from since i was in a girls only boarding school, never really knew what she meant with the statement until i got to higher institution.

The Stomach ache one experiences during the menstrual cycle lead seniors to prescribe drugs like postinor, mestrogen etc. which i never knew were contraceptive pills and up to now i still wonder if those seniors really knew what the drugs were actually meant for those days

I witnessed cases of teachers taking advantages of mates & seniors through sex all in the name of promoting them to the next class by giving them high marks in their subjects and having to fail those who won’t compromise their dignity.

Cases of unwanted pregnancy among peers and seniors was another saga to behold which brought about the circulation of a pregnancy tale i believed to be true due to ignorance " a mate caught to be pregnant told us that during the holiday she used a public toilet after a man, that she is sure the urine of the man that she sat on made her pregnant”. Really i should be beaten for believing such story with my heart, got to realize the truth in higher institution when my period was delayed and i told a friend i used the toilet after the guy next room "please, let me spare you the saga of what happened afterwards".

Having to look back now i see the need for us ‘MOTHERS/SISTERS/AUNTIES to re-educate our daughters and younger girls related to us or not.

A  research I carried out shows that most of these girls still make the same mistakes ,no topic is too coded to discuss nowadays, these are the days of modern technology that has gone berserk however let us make positive use of these tools as an eye opening medium.

Enlighten them on various topics ranging from puberty, sex, abstinence etc. by surfing the internet, this action also brings about a bond that is unexplainable and keeping it up will make you a confidant.

Let’s make it a way of giving back to the society because these young girls are the mothers of tomorrow.

Email: princess.m.adams@ gmail.com, twitter :@pm_adams , fb: www.facebook.com/hamazonimpressions