Wednesday 25 April 2018

A Movement for the recognition of OMOWUMI OGUNROTIMI, a 2018 Commonwealth Winner who sacrificed staying back for her awards and a chance to meet the Queen of England for urgent advocacy and family related issues by the Office of the President of Nigeria

#GenderMobile4Recognition #WumiOgunrotimi4Recognition #Wumi2018CommonwealthWinner

The choices we make in life either break us or make us...what can we say of the choice Miss Omowumi Ogunrotimi made in letting go of days which could have been glamorous, memorable and open doors to being in the same room with the Queen of England and other honorable high ranked dignitaries from over the world in UK.

I am penning this down so it could get to the right office of operations and the bodies involved, this is a movement for the Miss Omowumi Ogunrotimi to be recognized by the Office of the President of Nigeria.

Miss Omowunmi Ogunrotimi beats the statement of controversy made by President of Nigeria, Mohammed Buhari at the 2018 Commonwealth Youth Awards Event. This young lady, a versatile Nigerian youth would have been in the same gathering as the President if she had not opted to make a sacrifice of such event to come back home to make a difference in an urgent family and advocacy related matter for young girls and women in her community.

The question is 'Would the President of Nigeria had made such a controversial statement if Miss Omowumi Ogunrotimi had stayed back in the state of emergency for change to receive her grant and award?'

Dear President Mohammed Buhari,

Miss Omowumi Ogunrotimi, was shortlisted for the 2018 Commonwealth Youth Awards as the only Nigerian in recognition of her contribution towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 5, gender equality, in Nigeria.
Omowumi is the founder of Gender Mobile, which aims to increase the reportage of, and reduce the incidence of, gender-based violence through coordination of linked services.

This remarkable platform also works to provide survivors with information, referrals, assistance and longer-term help to close the gap in service delivery through creative use of technology.
This young lady had sworn her dedication to gender equality related issues way back her secondary school days after losing her best friend, a victim of rape who got pregnant and died without speaking up until it was too late to help. Attaining the age to make a difference in her own little way, she founded an online platform for the cause 'Gender Mobile'.
This is a Nigerian youth who did not forget where she was coming from, what she had gone through emotionally and physically and despite all odds made use of a simple platform to make a huge differences in saving lives of young Nigerian girls and women by adding value to her community. Could that be a lazy Nigerian Youth?
We both missed the opportunity of attending and speaking at the African Women Summit as delegates due to our cause in advocacy related matters which made our paths crossed. As we related, I could not help hiding my tears as she referred back to the email she received questioning her decision of coming back to Nigeria to sacrificing the opportunity of meeting Queen Elizabeth and other dignitaries, a chance most dignitaries in Nigeria lobby for and a chance that could have paved more recognition and connection if present at the occasion in person.
I can recall her facial expression when she turned to me 'Do you think I made the right decision?', she asked and a hug i gave 'You made a sacrifice being here for a cause, a more deserving opportunity to meet the Queen of England once more will present itself  at the most important time by his grace', I answered.

Also of recent, she was honoured as a Riseup Leader on the RiseUp Leadership Accelerator programme, this in accord confirms Miss Omowumi Ogunrotimi as a young vibrant and hardworking leader paving way for greater development for other young girls and women in our country.
Dear Omowumi Omalicha as I tagged you, I know you would be surprised at this call for movement of recognition for you however its the little medium I can use to pitch a voice for you, you showed me strength in despair.

Dear President of Nigeria, Omowumi Ogunrotimi represents the faces of many Nigerian youths engaging in remarkable movement of development for our country, Nigeria despite the situation of the economy not favouring us, we,the youths in our little efforts strive to make changes without a salary to our name.

All we need is an avenue of support and not controversy.

Omowumi Ogunrotimi can be reached via

Read more on her initiative Gender Mobile

For support towards Gender Mobile, send an email to

I beckon on all Nigerian Youths to repost and broadcast till Miss Omowumi Ogunrotimi is recognised by the office of the President for her sacrifice.

A saying goes "Silver or gold I have non but what I have, give I thee"...

#GenderMobile4Recognition #WumiOgunrotimi4Recognition #Wumi2018CommonwealthWinner

Tuesday 13 March 2018

When the Chips are down; My $1 billion Quest...

There are times when a word or a statement either makes you or breaks you, the decision lies deep within you and it becomes harder especially when such a word or statement comes from one you hold dear to heart in all form of existence.

These are the days when my chips are down and trying to retrace the steps of value and success in the path I trend and alas a statement of reckoning?, depression?, anger? really depends on how i interpret it comes knocking

And so a close one and I got into a brief wordspatword over a code script and at the close of our tate-a-tate as i turned to leave for peace to reign I heard the last words ' if you are so knowledgeable, why havent you raised 1 billion dollars using your skills and code?', I was transfixed where I was and turned to leave.

I could have bursted into tears, which would have been the old me growing up those years; I could have bursted in anger and reign words of venom but really I didnt want my migraine to come back that would put me to bed for weeks and yes I could have given a slap on the face but it was a case of Goliath and David in stature, cant bear any pains on my fleshy body.

And it turned out my bed was my solace, with no tears or anger,  I changed my phone screenlock image to $1billon and said in my heart as my eyes become drowsy with sleep (now thats something about my body,when a word or statement hits me that hard, sleep tends to come and I sleep for hours) ' this is my quest to conquer, your words wont break me', and I dozed off.

So this is who I am


"I am an Indian trained software programmer and digital media expert that believes in dreams and talents...I take every little opportunity to make impact with my teachings every where my path leads. Encouraging dreams has lead me to meeting with many young minds with great mindset and ideas that could rule the word however in line of duties these individuals are undervalued, underskilled and underpaid, most with the desire to travel abroad to get that advanced studies but unsuccessful with such plans. Everyone needs a push and that push is what I do mostly with the words of my mouth, words I write and words interpreted to technical skills which led to the dream of founding HamazonACADEMlA".

Research conducted shows most of these talents lack the vital skills needed to turn their talents into an outcome or product that empowers them to have a financially sustainable and meaningful life/career and skills thus HamazonACADEMlA  was founded to fill these gap using digital media technology to create a life of sustainability.

The Dream:

The motivation behind creating HamazonACADEMlA is simple 'Africans have talents of great virtue that needs to be nurtured so they can take their place and add their voices to encourage Entrepreneurship and build a better world in unity.

HamazonACADEMlA is an educational and capacity building academy empowering youths   through technical hands-on and fieldwork experience using digital media technology as a tool  to create a life of sustainability.

HamazonACADEMIA cuts across borders and when any individual thinks about HamazonACADEMlA, we want them to think hands-on experience, 'Think HamazonACADEMIA, Think Hands-on Experience.

When the Chips are down:

Presently the chips are down yet we tend to give up not but review and restrategize our objectives and mode of execution however despite all obstacles hindering our targets of empowering 500 youths, young girls and women monthly, our awards, recognitions and grants from the following bodies keep us motivated that we are on the right path and actually making a difference in our community.

European Audio Visual Entrepreneur 2014 

Tony Elumelu Entrepreneursip Programme 2015 Think Gender Awards 2015Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2016 Cherie Blair 'Road2Growth' Women In Business 2016Green Me Global Film Festival 2016 RecognitionGlobal Startup Ecosystem 2017African Startup Ecosystem 2017Space Startup Ecosystem 2017

so I wont allow any statement to depress me but make it as a wakening call to challenge myself and my team to boost HamazonACADEMIA.

And so We have a quest to conquer-: $1 billion investment 

Our quest is to get a $1 billion investment to boost HamazonACADMIA before the year runs out to meet our target of empowering 500 youths, young girls or women monthly and 6,000 yearly in Nigeria and across borders

1) Are you an investor interested in a Digital Media Technology Company? Invest in us...

2) Are you a philanthropist or a community leader who wants to invest in empowering youths, young girls or women in your state or country?, partner with

3) Are you part of the reigning government body or an aspiring candidate, why distribute a bag of rice that finishes in a month when you can invest in us to TEACH A MAN TO FISH in your community or

4) Are you running an NGO or Network that needs our services?,

Our quest is not limited  to financial investment only, we seek

  • Donations on Digital Gadgets
  • Partnership on Projects
  • Volunteers to help project our works
kindly mail us to

What gives me peace at the end of each day:

My sleeping hours is from 9 pm to 12 midnight and once i am awake, i am thinking of what more plans to make, what next to implement, proposals to write etc

what makes me add 1 more hour to that period of sleeping hours is the peace of mind that at the end of each day I am able to impact a life with my team.

Kindly help to make this dream a reality so I can actually have a sound sleep someday soon.....

Till I achieve this quest, my screenlock image will remain the $1 billion image booster...

Wish me luck.

follow on Twitter  @princesadams  