Saturday 3 November 2012


Female Eyebrow 

Your eyebrows add strength and definition to your face. Well groomed eyebrows enhance your beauty  You should pluck eyebrows before bedtime so any redness will disappear overnight. In shaping your eyebrows use your facial features. 

1.      Brush brows upward. Carefully trim any excess hair above the top of your natural arch. Be careful not to take off too much at the ends or you'll have brow "bald" spots

2.       Look closely at the shape. Your brow should begin at your tear duct, peak at the outer edge of your iris and end at the outer corner of your eye 

3.      Prep your skin: Soak a cotton ball in astringent and wipe the brow area. 

4.      Hold a pencil in line with the outer side of your iris and note where the peak of your arch naturally occurs. From the arch to the outer corner of the eye, your brow should fall in a straight or slightly curved line, depending on the look you're trying to achieve. 

5.     Use a pair of slant edge tweezers which grip hairs easily. Comb hairs one way and then the other to remove loose hairs.  You should pluck hairs between the brows and any stragglers. Never remove the hairs from above your eyebrows.  Pluck each hair individually close to the root.. Work in the direction of the growth.  "It's very difficult to let your brows grow back into their natural shape after you've plucked them to death trying to achieve a particular look," Always avoid over plucking ..

6.   Fill in sparse areas with a freshly sharpened brow pencil - be a bombshell; use light, quick strokes to draw in hair. Brow powder will give thin brows overall definition, and is great for a more natural look. Using the brow brush, sweep powder up and outward over brows .. If you're a brow novice, a tinted brow gel is a foolproof way to keep brows in place . Lightly coat brows using upward and outward strokes. Wipe off any excess and allow it to set. Get Glowing!  

Tuesday 9 October 2012



The Mental state of your lady leads to her eating habit. A lady guilty of the four most important elements under Mental state will tend to eat nonchalantly, eat more of sugar high content meals subconsciously.

Note: child birth also is a factor that could lead to such eating habit; your woman needs all she can eat to cater for the baby in her womb. She must be advised to eat healthy foods.
You don’t have to question your lady about her eating habit because you will never hear the truth, not that the lie is meant for you but to deceive herself that her intake of healthy food is more to that of the junk meals she could never control herself of.
All you need is to be more vigilant in the highlighted eating habit of your lady:
  • ·         Her most favourite intake
  • ·         Her most frequent intake
  • ·         Does she eat in between meals
  • ·         Water intake
  • ·         Her sugar level intake
  • ·         Her fruit intake
  • ·         Intake of food rich in fats
  • ·         Intake of fried foods
  • ·         Intake of junk
  • ·         Eating late
The following diets and actions enumerated above will lead to weight gain in a lady.

Note: every individual is guilty of unhealthy eating habit. Ladies tend to have the upper hand due to pampering from our men with junk foods; never will a lady ask her man for AGBOJEDI.
To put the situation into order, TARZAN OR GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE method is required, meaning you go NATURAL in your diets.

Note: A very important fact men fail to notice is that whatever changes you make in your diets tends to be accepted and incorporated daily by your lady.
  • Outlined are necessary changes you should both make when it comes to your diets.
  • ·         Introduction of natural fruits before each meal of the day aids digestion. Apple will help your lady in reducing cholesterol.
  • ·         Water flushes the body system; it is advisable to drink 2-8 cups a day.
  • ·         Minimize the intake of fried foods.
  • ·         Minimize the intake of junk meals.
  • ·          Take lots of Vegetables.
  • ·         Replace sugar with Honey or intake should be on the minimal level.
  • ·         Eat balanced diet, we tend to eat carbohydrate all day long for a week which accumulates cholesterol.
  • ·         Minimize eating between meals.
A glance at your lady’s physical attribute tells you what she has been through mentally and what she has been feeding herself with.

Outlisted factors from Mental state to Eating habit attributes to your lady’s physical state.
In this section you need to make a choice of what you desire of your lady.

Note:  ladies do take care of themselves in their own way but we always need our men to mould us into that outstanding lady they want by their sides.

These are elements you need to watch out for to make a decision
  • ·         She breaths heavily after little or no stressful walk
  • ·         Easily tired  during chores
  • ·         Make a scene before getting herself into the car
  • ·         Always call for a hand to help her up
  • ·         Dancing is a great task for her
Apply the NO HOLD BARRED method which involves you to:
  • ·         Take a good look at your lady and decide if you want her in that present shape.
  • ·         Take a keen look to determine if she needs that weight loss programme.
  • ·         Be prepared to talk to her into the next factor “EXERCISE ROUTINE” with style.

Exercise is generally good for the body system either you are on the plus size or paves way for healthiness and total fitness of the body.

Our daily activities deprived us of this important factor, well so we say but out of no time you can a schedule for exercise routines.

What we fail to understand is the fact that exercise is not meant to be an everyday affair and also not all round the clock routine.

Exercise can be performed
  • ·         3 times a week.
  • ·         20-30 mins to involve different workout.
  • ·         Weekend routine (preferably Saturday morning), the workout can be pushed to 1 hour.
You will be surprised the effects of the aforementioned if adhere to with the right workout by you and your lady.

A professional touch will be required if your lady seems to have weigh more than an indoor routine can solve, this is time you do the talking with style.

The NO HOLD BARRED method still applies here:
  • ·         Sit her down
  • ·         Tell her “ she is what you make of her…her lifestyle is your responsibility just as much is hers and you will want both of you to make changes”.
  • ·         Talk extensively on her weight gain and make her see reasons why a professional touch will do no harm.
If your lady knows what is best for her,she will adhere.

Note: Going all the way to get your lady into a weight loss program will spring up a dedication you least expected from her.

Your lady is you in the making; treat her right as she would you.

Do have a wonderful week.

Want to tell me about your experience, consult on weight loss programme and the right diet supplements to introduce for you and your lady...mail us

Wednesday 18 July 2012


WE, ladies are like volcano, you trigger us with the wrong choice of words or action and we erupt! Before you can say Jack Robinson, you are on the list of payback candidates…

If your lady is adding too much weight and you are feeling uneasy about it, never make the following mistakes of:
  • 1.       Telling her to her face.
  • 2.       Buy a size 8 when she is size 12.
  • 3.       Make a joke about her weight.
  • 4.       Compare her to any animal on the bigger side like hippopotamus.
  • 5.       Saying her tommy is bulging out of her cloth.
  • 6.       Commenting: “isn’t that dress too tight for you”.
  • 7.       The greatest mistake is stealing a glance at a slimmer lady like Genevie {you are done for}.
  • You getting to make the aforementioned mistakes will lead your lady to:
  • 1.       Have insecure feelings about herself.
  • 2.       Start feeling awkward in front of you.
  • 3.       Start to doubt your relationship maybe there is a lepacious romancing you.
  • 4.       Source for weight loss drugs/drinks that might be dangerous to her health.
  • 5.       Starve herself of good food in the name of watching her weight without a professional help.
  • 6.       Get upset over little or simple talks/action attributing it to her weight.
There are four factors attributed to weight gain which are quite oblivious to us

To solve a problem, you need to find the cause of the problem. In order to make your lady lose that excess cholesterol in her, you need to know what lead to the weight gains and that is where you apply the weight gain pie solution.

Note:   Taking your lady’s state of weight as a waste of time to either monitor or curb will only lengthen the days of the hospital bills that will be paid by you when she is diagnosed of diabetes, hypertension, kidney problem, cancer, fibroid etc. these ailments are researched to be end result of too much cholesterol in the body.

Ladies watch over their men in style so vice versa won’t hurt; you stand to gain, for in every circus of friendship there is always an unspoken internal competition.

To put the weight gain pie solution to the test, you have to start with the MENTAL STATE of your lady. 

Figuring out the mental state of a lady is quite difficult if not well executed because every lady tend to hide their real state of mind however a flicker of emotion which never fails to be expressed gives them away if well observed, you will notice it and that is exactly what you should be on the lookout for when you throw the four most important questions of mental state to your lady.


                Asking your lady this question directly will never bring the right response and you also tend to miss out on that flicker of emotion that betrays her. To know if you are really making her happy
·         Cuddle her up in your arms {no lady is too big for a cuddle from her man, she might pretend but she is enjoying it}.
·         Raise her face towards yours like the MOONLIGHT KISSING POSTURE.
·         Look straight in to her eyes and ask “Am I making you happy?”
                The answer immediately clicks in her mind and if both of you share a great bond, you will know her response before she says it out {please don’t go deceiving yourself that you felt the answer when you don’t}
·         A flicker of her eyes in other direction apart from yours means she is not.
·          If she hugs you immediately after the question, it means she is not and tries to hide her emotion.
So whatever you as Prince Charming must have done to put her in such state you alone need to find it on the spot and sort it out “I can recommend the series LIE TO ME to improve your lie detecting skills when you ask her questions”

                The best way to know the emotional state of your lady is through her cooking, if her cooking begins to taste otherwise other than the superb taste you always look forward to; it means something is wrong {please don’t term laziness as emotional breakdown, if she is lazy, she aint got it also if she doesn’t know how to cook, please don’t make excuses for her}.
This stage does not call for the MOONLIGHT KISSING POSTURE but the BEAUTY & THE BEAST STYLE
·         Sit her down after the meal
·         Hold her hands and look directly into her eyes saying “I know you are emotionally down because your cooking changed a bit and I want to know what exactly is bothering you”
Be persistent because a lady’s first reaction to such question is denial……

                If a lady seems so
·         lost in thought
·         has no interest look on her face when you are together
·         not partake wholeheartedly in your conversation or activities
·         toss in bed restlessly
·         seems to be awake late in the night to have a drink
·         snap or slip into anger easily
                It means she is bothered about not so many issues but a particular issue

Note:  if she takes to chocolate e.g. candy frequently (this particular signal is bad because it tends to lead to depression…please sweet coated mouth babes eat chocolate passionately while a depressed lady eat chocolate nonchalantly and at an alarming quantity.

This situation doesn’t need BEAUTY AND THE BEAST method but ARIELTHE LITTLE MERMAID’ method otherwise known as the WATER style…OH! Laugh not…if only you knew the magic touch of water.
  • ·         Choose a weekend or a night you are not so tired from work activities
  • ·         Fill the bathtub with soapy lukewarm water enough for two
  • ·         Place yourself into the tub first
  • ·         Ask her in with her back to your chest
  • ·         Draw her nearer and let her rest her head on your shoulder
  • ·         Say nothing for the next 15mins and use the estimated time to rub the nap of her neck to her ear loop… this will make her body relax and make her body slump back into yours
Note: please focus on the issue at hand and don’t be carried away by the rhythm in the air else you will solve nothing of what she is thinking but the inevitable. Of course you can focus so focus!
In her relaxed state, you can throw the question “what has she been thinking of because you have been missing her attention”, be persistent and let her face you because like I always say, for us ladies, denial is first…it comes easily.

Note: if you are not a bathtub user but a shower user
  • ·         Keep the shower running
  • ·         Place yourselves in a position where the water drops gently on both of you
  • ·         Let her  face you and rest her head on your shoulder and follow the procedure outlined above
Absurd you will say but it works...

                                Deep inside every lady, she wants her man to accept her for something challenging. Oh yes! She will tell you what you need to hear that she is ok with your decision if you don’t want her to work but deep down she aint.

Note: Men never realized ladies make sacrifice to please them as a sign of respect they have for them.

This situation calls for JACKPOT where you lay all your cards on the table in a more and refreshing atmosphere preferably outdoor like picnics, on your veranda even in bed at night or early morning hours (weekends). Your magic statement will be “Dear, there is something I am working on and with prayers it comes through, is there any business you might want to venture into so I can put it to mind”

Note: once a lady makes a sacrifice she expects something worthwhile in return…a lady will never share this fact with you, it’s left for you to figure it out as time goes on.
Your question will bring a pleasant surprise which you will never miss on her face however be prepared for the long list of businesses she has in mind but never discussed with you…

Note: never promise a lady a particular time but assure her whatever she comes to decide you will support her and keep it in mind. Make the mistake of asking her to put her mind to a particular date, you will be solving more than weight loss problem if you fail her, as a lady I won’t advice you to do that because it’s NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET.

To be continued...