Wednesday 21 May 2014





Today i lift my hat for a man i have watched so silently for the past years.

#ArseneWenger,a man who pricked my attention the moment he made a difference in my best player's life #KanuNwankwo when he was in Arsenal.

It is never about the money with #Arsenewenger but always about the talent that lies in you even when you realise not the potentials in you.

It is also never about the thank you from such talent to #ArseneWenger but about the deep fact that when such a talent looks back to yester-years #ArseneWenger will ever be a point of reference as to one who believed in him and made a difference with him.

To #ArseneWenger every player is a family whether they see it or not.

To #AresenWenger,his fans he holds in high esteem.The cheers after every victory to the pains and tears after every loss strikes an emotion in him though as much as we all know,he is a man who hides his emotions so well.

Does he deserve the cup ? Yes and he deserves the beauty of heroism which his players and fans displayed all over the world

Thanks #ArseneWenger

Up Gunners for life


I am proud to be a Gunner 4 life.

Thursday 15 May 2014



thThat midnight call could be an emergency,do not ignore.

a young lady slept without an iota of sickness in her rented three bedroom flat,at about 3pm in the midnight she woke up extremely drained,feeble and felt life leaving her.

she picked her phone to call out for help and dialled a close friend whose phone was switched off,she dialled a neighbour who was also a good friend of hers but her phone kept ringing without being picked and lastly she dialled a friend who she kept on her blacklist as a betrayal and fortunately stays around the environ.

luckily for her,the betrayal came to her rescue not minding the hour of the day and took her to the hospital.

This is an eye opener to circumstances not anticipated,for precautions and to avert situations like this

    • Never fail to reserve an airtime on your phone incase of unexpected situations that could occur at odd hours of the night.
    • We all need the rest which is quite important but a phone on vibration is more considerate to a switched off phone.if not a friend,a family member could really be in need or in a state of emergency at such hour.

The neighbour didn't pick up because she felt the lady in question was in a chatting mood,a routine they engage in every other nights and she wasn't in the mood for chatting that midnight.

    • You don't have to condone the midnight chatting thing if it isn't ok with you,you have a right to let your friend on the fact that midnight chatting aint your thingy so that next time you see a persistent call from such friend you will put an urgency to call.

Most networks now offer  airtime borrowing channel which makes it easier if you are short of airtime before you lay down to sleep at night.

Nobody knows what tomorrow holds thus always check your phone before you lay down to sleep to ascertain availability of airtime.

No matter the token,you may be saving a life if not yours.



It is quite easy to read a child as to what pricks their interest if given a closer look.

Gone are the days parents don't bother about the talent or interest of a child until teen level.

These are days babies are making millions out of their unique smile,look,laughter,posture,attitude etc and kids are not left out too engaging in what they believe in.


A friend complains always about her 10yr old son who destroys every gadget or electronics he comes in contact with so buying these things for him is like a waste of money to her.

A short visit to her home changed her perspective.
her son kept asking me to explain to him how a plane flies and what component actually makes it fly?

He went into his room and brought out a big box he kept his things,in it were his creations;he wasn't destroying the gadgets bought for him,he was so inquisitive as to how they work that the only way he could get to the bottom of his curiosity was to dismantle the gadgets,rebuild and remould the gadgets in his own way.

It was an awesome discovery which left the mum and moi agape.Made us realised he wants to be an inventor,had to advice the mum to check out workshops he could benefit from anytime he is on vacation.

Now my friend’s lamentation about her son has turned to a appraisal.

These are days parents need to be more vigilant and #closerlook as to what pricks their kids’ interest.

A child running around with cape and using a stick as mic sure do have an iota of interest in music.

A child that never fails to move to every beat sure do have interest in dancing.

A child who destroys toys to reinvent his own sure do have an iota of interest in sciences and inventions.

A child that wishes to make recommendation on your makeup as to what colour soothes you has an eye for beauty

Many are kids with great talents and interest,all you need do as a parent is to take #closerlook and nurture them through enrolling them in workshops,summer classes,competitions etc to encourage them.

Every child deserves a right to believe in something though their interest tend to change when getting older but every parent sure do need to give their kids that opportunity to explore.

That opportunity to some could be one his/her great life time memorable moments and to some kids it could be a great venue to stardom.

Every kid deserves #closerlook,who knows what you might discover in yours.

A #Closerlook leads to #Discovery which paves way for #Nuturing and embarks your kid on a journey of #GreatMoments  or #Stardom to be the one thing every parents desire #ParentsPride.



And so i got munched,had to babysit for 3hrs and those kids sure do know how to deal with adult like moi #SpongeBobSquarePantspongebob.

After i hour of realising   #SpongeBobSquarePantsbw_characters has come to stay,i quietly sat in between them,created an imaginary screen and was lost to my world of reminisce


Do you remember good old memorable cartoons like

voltron-movie-giant-lion-robot#Voltron #Superted #DangerMouse #InspectorGadget #Thundersub #Bertha #GForce

#FraggoRock #MuppetBabies #SesameStreet bugs_bunny#GreatSpaceCoaster #Tweety #BugsBunny

Tweety                #Duckula #Tom&Jerrytom_and_jerry-5405 #Victor&Hugo #SpeedRacer #Bambi #Pinkpanther #PigeonStreet



mickey-mouse-1#many more to relate with.

so how well can you relate the underlisted statement with their cartoons


  • Once a bad ol’ puddy tat,alaways a bad ol’ puddy tat is to………………………………………..
  • and i will say the secret magic word is to …………….
  • trashy knows best is to ………………………….
  • oh frogie,kiss me! crush me! is to ……………………….
  • i love cookies,yum yum,cookies yum yum yum is to ……………………………

can you type more of yours?




‘Oh dear,its another wedding ceremony of an old school mate and just have to be there;For how long will i remain single?’,you never fail to ask yourself.

Out of 10 best of friends you are yet to be hooked,you can not boost of a steady relationship let alone making an announcement for a wedding because the partner in your life could be liken to the devil himself.

You are always confused and in tears from pressure inflicted on you from family members.

At this point in time,friends tend to become matchmakers which is neither good nor bad and pick a match based on their judgement of the right partner for you which could really be bad.

Dear,your worst nightmare is giving in to these pressures from any side.No one survives a wrong decision taken and no family/friends will suffer the consequences with you rather you will be blamed for being in a haste and also for not waiting patiently for the right partner #ImagineThat.

The pressure and thoughts of you not having a soul mate you can talk to and share your life with could really be overwhelming which is #Reality but all good things comes to those who wait and in their waiting subject themselves to positive changes.

    • Never subject yourself to looking haggard due to depression of not having a partner rather eat well,exercise,get beauty product that soothes your skin type and renew your outlook.
    • Appearance matter,have a change of don't have to spend millions of dough to look good.
    • Renew your thought about yourself by being positive always,it attracts love
    • Get involved in outdoor activities,through this you get noticed
    • If finally you meet someone that pricks your interest and shows the sign,do not be carried away but find out exactly what this person in question wants of you before you fall in love thus loving the wrong one right.

Having to get a partner to settle down with aint the main issue the most important issue is the question you need to answer after marriage

‘When you wake up in the next five years beside that partner of yours,would you feel like hugging him/her out of love or strangling him/her out of ?.

Be patient,he/she will found you at the right time.


                                                      Healthy cervical cells (left) are fairly uniform in size and shape, while 
imagediseased cervical cells (right) are irregular and disfigured. 

Healthy cervical cells (left) are fairly uniform in size and shape, while diseased cervical cells (right) are irregular and disfigured. 

Gynaecologists use a Pap smear to detect abnormalities in     cervical cells, which may signal cancer. 

Cells are scraped from the cervix, and then are spread on slides and studied with a microscope.



A malignancy in the cervix, the narrow opening at the lower end of the female uterus, or womb, that leads into the vagina. The disease most commonly affects women between the ages of 40 and 55. Cervical cancer can be prevented by screening for precancerous cells, and it can be cured if detected in an early stage.
The number of cases of cervical cancer has declined significantly in recent decades as a result of more widespread screening for the disease. Today, an estimated 10,000 cases of cervical cancer are discovered annually and about 3,700 women die each year from the disease.
Cervical cancer generally develops slowly, over a period of years. Even before cancer develops, cells of the cervix undergo abnormal changes known as dysplasia. If left untreated, some types of cervical dysplasia can lead to cancer; however, cervical dysplasia is highly treatable. Abnormal changes in cervical cells can be detected through a test known as a Pap smear.
In its early stages, cervical cancer may not cause any noticeable symptoms. As the cancer progresses, the woman may experience an abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods, or bleeding and pain after sexual intercourse. Over time, the bleeding becomes heavier and more frequent, and pain becomes noticeable in the lower abdomen or back.
Historically, the best tool for diagnosing cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer was the Pap smear, named after its developer, George N. Papanicolaou. In this simple test, cells are removed from the outermost layer of the cervix with a cotton swab or wooden scraper and examined under a microscope for precancerous cell changes or signs of malignancy.
If the Pap smear reveals cell abnormalities, a physician will recommend that the woman undergo a colposcopy. In this procedure, which may be performed in a physician’s office, the physician uses a microscope-like instrument called a colposcopy to gain a magnified view of the surface of the vagina and cervix. Tissue samples are removed for examination under a microscope if the physician sees any abnormal or suspect areas. If cancerous cells are found, further tests may be necessary to determine if the cancer has spread beyond the cervix. Cervical cancer most often spreads to the vagina, uterus, pelvic wall, and bladder.
Annual Pap smears are recommended for most women, beginning soon after they become sexually active. Women who have normal, consecutive Pap smears each year and are at low risk for cervical cancer, such as women who have had hysterectomies or are not sexually active, may decide with their healthcare providers to have Pap smears at two- or three-year intervals. Several studies suggest that a newer test detects precancerous cervical cells more effectively than the Pap smear does. This test screens cervical cells for genetic material from the types of human papillomavirus that can cause cervical cancer. However, the HPV test is more costly than the Pap smear and is used primarily when the results of a Pap smear are inconclusive.
It is of advice that every lady above the age of 18yrs and is sexually active should go for pelvic examination and pap smear screening procedure yearly.



Henry Gidiup

Speaking with the C.E.O. of Trendy Maternity,Mrs Tosin Adedeji,she engages us on the importance and types of maternity wears suitable for the different stages of pregnancy.


Maternity wears can be expensive especially when you consider the fact that you will wear them for only a few months.

However they are necessary for comfort, for style and can be acquired without breaking your bank account. Don’t give in to the temptation to buy non maternity clothes that are a size or too larger than you normally wear; you will end up with ill-fitting clothes that aren’t nearly as flattering as properly tailored maternity wears. Designers make maternity clothes with extra fabric and details that keep you comfortable while flattering your body.

Each stage of pregnancy has its own style and comfort clothes. We would be discussing appropriate dresses for each stage of pregnancy.

We have 3 stages of pregnancy: the 1st stage aka the 1st trimester, the 2nd stage aka the 2nd trimester and the 3rd stage also known as the 3rd trimester.

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, many people don’t want to divulge their growing secret until at least their second trimester. In your 1st trimester, it is advisable to put aside all tight and clingy wear; and to stick to silhouettes that flow over your belly, hips and thighs that can camouflage the few kgs you may gain in the first month. It is advisable to wear soft knits, A-line skirts, empire waisted tops and frocks, wrap shirts and dresses. In addition, a fitted top with waistband at the bottom but some roominess above the band.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you feel every few week you are a new size and don’t want to blow your budget on new clothes every month. You are advised to invest in a few items that will grow with you. Look for details like ruching, tie backs, buttons or gatherings at the side and wraps that you can adjust as your body grows and changes. Your boobs would probably be growing bigger, you are advised to invest in a few good bras; probably nursing or maternity bras.

In the 3rd trimester, you begin to feel huge and uncomfortable. An empire waist dress will be good because it is easy to throw on and you are good to go. A tunic over a maternity leggings will also be good. At this stage one may get bored of your current maternity clothes, but may not want to buy more; you can solve that by giving your wardrobe a boost of what you can wear after delivery.

list of maternity essentials or maternity must-haves:

    • A black dress- this timeless and classic fashion staple will take you anywhere from a dinner date to an evening out with friends.
    • A black jacket/bolero: this can be worn over gowns or camisoles
    • A slim fitting skirt in black or grey
    • Black pant
    • Jeans pant
    • Jersey knit skirt in a dark colour with a soft fold over your waistband. This will make you look polished and pretty; and you won’t feel constricted and will have plenty of ventilation for you fluctuating body temperature. A line flatters one and helps to balance a top-heavy physique.
    • Tunic tops- gives plenty of room where needed. It accommodates the growing belly and helps cover the expanding hips and bottoms.
    • Maternity tanks in a touch of Lycra or spandex. It expand with you while keeping your curves comfortably contained. Hip length is only not only flattering but allows a pop of colour to pop out beneath top layers
    • Slip on shoes with no laces or buckles means no bending over you burgeoning belly. It is good to note that many women’s feet expand due to fluid retention and joint loosening (some never go back).

Being pregnant doesn't stop you from looking trendy,always let the beauty of pregnancy flow within you.

For consultation and to order your trendy maternity wears,

Mrs Tosin Adedeji,

C.E.O of Trendy Maternity

Shop c56 Cocoa Mall,Ibadan

BB: 7a297153
