Thursday 15 May 2014




‘Oh dear,its another wedding ceremony of an old school mate and just have to be there;For how long will i remain single?’,you never fail to ask yourself.

Out of 10 best of friends you are yet to be hooked,you can not boost of a steady relationship let alone making an announcement for a wedding because the partner in your life could be liken to the devil himself.

You are always confused and in tears from pressure inflicted on you from family members.

At this point in time,friends tend to become matchmakers which is neither good nor bad and pick a match based on their judgement of the right partner for you which could really be bad.

Dear,your worst nightmare is giving in to these pressures from any side.No one survives a wrong decision taken and no family/friends will suffer the consequences with you rather you will be blamed for being in a haste and also for not waiting patiently for the right partner #ImagineThat.

The pressure and thoughts of you not having a soul mate you can talk to and share your life with could really be overwhelming which is #Reality but all good things comes to those who wait and in their waiting subject themselves to positive changes.

    • Never subject yourself to looking haggard due to depression of not having a partner rather eat well,exercise,get beauty product that soothes your skin type and renew your outlook.
    • Appearance matter,have a change of don't have to spend millions of dough to look good.
    • Renew your thought about yourself by being positive always,it attracts love
    • Get involved in outdoor activities,through this you get noticed
    • If finally you meet someone that pricks your interest and shows the sign,do not be carried away but find out exactly what this person in question wants of you before you fall in love thus loving the wrong one right.

Having to get a partner to settle down with aint the main issue the most important issue is the question you need to answer after marriage

‘When you wake up in the next five years beside that partner of yours,would you feel like hugging him/her out of love or strangling him/her out of ?.

Be patient,he/she will found you at the right time.

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