Thursday 31 December 2015

#Reminiscence2015: Never Judge a Book by his Cover...Dedicated to Sir Tony Elemelu

There is always a saying about any individual when we watch from afar, we either judge by character or by status and assume either the worst of the person or the best of benefit of the doubt.above all we never fail to come to a conclusion and seal such assumption until the Universe proves one either right or wrong by creating a chance to get a closer look.

Tony Elemelu Entrepreneurship Programme gave me an opportunity to take a closer look at Sir Tony Elumelu. All I wanted to know was Who really is the man behind this idea?, What could have prompted him into such an idea? I wanted so much to envisage his state of mind when he finally made that decision and started to work on it?

Meeting him at the Tony Elemelu Entrepreneurship Programme Bootcamp, I watched intensely his reactions to words spoken and questions asked, unlike other people i dont just listen to your words, i tend to watch every bit of movement of your body to know exactly what you are putting into words with your actions and what you are not putting into words with that same action of yours.

Every question asked and thrown at Sir Tony Elemelu by the selected Entrepreneur #TEEP2015 was answered truthfully from the perspective of an entrepreneur which many will definitely recall and reckon with...

However to petite moi, analyzing his body language from all the questions he answered, this was his message to us

' I can not start dwelling in the past to tell you the days i have wandered with every bit of thought if it was ever going to get better but with persistence always comes a leap of faith and with every spring of opportunity I had jumped to make an impact. Hmmm, with every trial that has weighed me down in this journey of mine I had taken it into me both emotionally and logically, in my taking a closer look logically a new idea of solution always emerge and that is how i have grown not yielding to the days of sleepless night on uncomfortable grounds nor the gloominess of tiredness. At this point I have gotten to a stage where giving back is not only a legacy but the emergence of a new Africa, hmmm I can not phantom the dedication of all 1000 African Entrepreneurs but I can take a leap of faith on 25% for a start and that is the beginning of a new dawn because it will definitely grow'.

All the while I was watching Sir Tony Elemelu from afar, he was just another cute and cut personality that has been privileged and sure riding his horse high...

So glad life gave me a chance to take a closer look...#TEEP2015

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