Friday 1 July 2016

#KidsCo: Your Child deserves your recognition for that little effort...

As little as your kid might be he/she deserves recognition for that little effort of his/hers.


I watched with interest as a mother belittled her daughter in front of the class teacher and her classmates. The Teacher had called the mother and notified her that her little daughter has to move to the next class for her level of understanding. I smiled and said internally "that’s a mother’s pride" until I received the shock of my life, the mother was so quick to cut the teacher off by clearly stating that her daughter isnt briliant but a dullard. The class teacher wondering if they were speaking of the same child decided to call the daughter to recite some works taught in previous class; at this point the mother stopped the child from answering the teacher and firmly told the teacher to make the child repeats the same class. The teacher had a confused look but wasn’t as confused as I was.

The question I asked internally was ‘What could have made her belittled her daughter in such manner?’ Finances or is the daughter having double personalities in her?

Every child is a gift, a gift of love to behold especially to the mother.

A child subjected to such humiliation can recoil back into herself and become a dullard just as the mother wished.

Kids are fragile thus parents need to watch the words of their mouth concerning every little activity they engage in both at home, in school and among peers.

Your kids need encouragement, understanding when they don’t meet up, support in activities they can comprehend with at such tender age.

Every child is different thus their accomplishments will be different.

Some of them at younger age may read better than another one at older age.

Some of them will be among the brilliant students while some other ones may need additional tutoring.

No matter how different your kids are and their little accomplishment, celebrate them for every child deserves a feel of success.

Let’s give our children the gift of growing up saying "My parent believed in me, they were my biggest fans and never failed to tell me how proud they were of me".

When we love we build up those around us, we don’t destroy them.

When we love we offer guidance and positive reassurance instead  of cruel criticism and fake devotion.

When we love a child, we build their character, we wish and hope for the best.

We make them feel unique, we inspire them to discover their infinite potential.

We guide them ; we teach them ; we learn from them; we thank them for bringing honour to you as parents and most importantly we pray for them because LOVE is born out of LOVE.

To a small child, the parent is a god--someone he/she trusts implicitly and automatically, to protect and care for them.

No matter what your status is, it is not easy raising a child however as a mother never fail to remember that moment you were in the labour room bringing forth a life that deserves your LOVE and SUPPORT.

As a father, your kids deserves your PRESENCE, LOVE, SUPPORT and UNDERSTANDING.

Just a little bit of Love turns things around how much more an endless shower of Love...

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