Wednesday 26 October 2016

Long Beach Indie International calls for Films; Deadline November 1,2016

Long Beach Indie International Film, Media, and Music Festival
August 30 – September 3, 2017
Next Deadline: November 1, 2016

A Five-Star rated festival celebrating diversity, the Long Beach Indie International Film, Media, and Music Festival (August 30-September 3, 2017) is looking for films, TV pilots, web series, and music videos.

Since its inception in 2014 the festival has screened more than 450 films from 50+ countries, drawn over 8000 attendees, received coverage from more than 300 international media outlets, and drawn Oscar, Golden Globe, Grammy, Emmy, Directors Guild of America, ALMA, and NAACP Image Award winners and nominees as presenters.

Our 2014 winner in the Best Animated Short competition (The Dam Keeper) was nominated for a 2015 Academy Award and more than half of our features have gone on to gain national or international distribution.

In addition to our general call for submissions, we are also issuing a special call to female directors and films offering progressive and balanced narratives of the following communities.

Africa and African Americans
Latin America and Latinos
Asia and Asian Americans
Native/Indigenous People
LGBTQ Community
Additionally, we have a special place in our heart for horror/suspense films, music and arts documentaries, filmmakers from the city of Long Beach, and works dealing with the issues of spirituality, religion, and social justice.

Long Beach Indie takes place in scenic downtown Long Beach, California at the beautiful Cinemark at the Pike Theaters (all reclining seats), the Renaissance Hotel Long Beach, and a host of other high-end downtown and waterfront venues.

The Pacific Ocean is literally a two minute walk from the theaters.

Long Beach Indie also includes:

LBI International Film Market (New for 2017!)
LBI Film, Digital Media, and Music Conference
LBI Entertainment Business Forum
LBI College and Career Fair exposing urban youth to careers in arts, entertainment, and digital media.
There is no place in the world like Long Beach Indie. Come be a part of this five-day, international entertainment experience!

Follow https://

Courtsey Filmfreeway

Follow us for more film news on Twitter  @trendyPrinAdams

Sunday 16 October 2016

Are you a Director, check out these jobs with BRITDOC and Exposure Labs

BRITDOC is looking for a bilingual (Spanish-English), ambitious and accomplished Outreach Director to work with our BRITDOC team to ensure the successful delivery of the upcoming Good Pitch in Miami, Florida in June 2017.

The Outreach Director for Good Pitch Miami will be responsible for building strategic partnerships for each of the film teams, engaging and securing the participation of organizations from across the Americas. We are looking for a strategic thinker, great communicator and film project champion, virtuoso/adept connector, seasoned networker and relationship builder.

To find out more and to apply, head over to:

Closing Date: Thursday, November 3rd

The fantastic team at Exposure Labs - Jeff Orlowski & Larissa Rhodes - are looking to hire a Director of Impact and Engagement, to oversee their impact team and to maximize outreach with their films (which include Chasing Ice and the forthcoming and as yet Untitled Reef Project).

It's a full time position, broad and wide in its objectives, looking to potentially be a multi-year position. You’d be working directly with Jeff and their core impact team, and word on the street is that they have big plans for their latest project...

You’ve got a week to apply:

DANCE CAMERA WEST 16th Annual Call for Submissions

16th Annual Call for Submissions
Presented in Association with the Center for the Art of Performance at UCLA

For 15 years Dance Camera West has connected diverse cultures and environments through its exploration of dance on screen, bringing hundreds of challenging and provocative films to Los Angeles from around the globe, effectively bridging the gap between the uniquely influential Los Angeles film community and the significant local dance populace. Even more importantly, Dance Camera West utilizes the accessible nature of dance as a non-verbal art form to reach across cultural, geographic, and socio-economic divides by making a special effort to engage a wide range of Los Angeles audiences of varying ethnicities and interests, offering everyone a chance to experience the thought-provoking thrill of dance media.

All dance media welcomed including screendance, short films, feature length, documentary, animation, installations and interactive dance media. Professional and student filmmakers are encouraged to apply for this unique aesthetic discipline of dance made for film.

New Festival Dates
April 20-23, 2017

Important Dates for All Submissions:
Early Bird Deadline: December 1st, 2016
Final Deadline: January 13th, 2017
Festival notifications will be sent via email by February 15th,

Submit via

Courses #FilmFreeway

Queer Impact Producers Lab by BRITDOC application opens

BRITDOC have teamed up with the Arcus Foundation to run our first ever Queer Impact Producers Lab from January 31 - February 2 2017.

Wait, what's an Impact Producer?
Films need someone as professional and senior as their production producer to design and run a their social engagement campaign and we are finding, in our work, that there are not enough of these people available. This lab aims to create a cohort of new professionals ready to roll.

Deadline: November 7th, 2016

So, what's a Queer Impact Producer?
It's not an Impact Producer who is Queer (although you might be); it's someone who would like to become an Impact Producer specializing in work with LGBTQ films in the US or globally. There are many films with queer themes being finished that would benefit from an Impact Producer who knows the films that have come before, what they achieved and how, as well as what they failed to do and why. Someone who knows the right networks to get films shown, funds raised and partners on board. Someone who knows how similar and how different it is to work with the community, the public and the press in Atlanta, Georgia and in Nairobi, Kenya.

What does the course entail?
It will be a three-day residential course in New York for eight candidates. We will come together to learn from each other and from the smartest leaders we know from the fields of campaigning, film, distribution, advertising and PR. We want to impart everything that is already known about how to create a highly successful change strategy, how to create a complementary distribution strategy, how to timeline and plan, how to budget and fundraise, execute and evaluate.

The course will be hard work and there will also be a lot of required pre-reading and pre-watching.

The course will be held in English although we may, in certain circumstances, be able to provide translation.

Who is Eligible?
We are particularly interested in supporting filmmakers and advocates from communities around the world where LGBTQ rights are under pressure. We’re looking to bring eight trainee impact producers together - four from the US, and four from anywhere in Africa. Inside the United States, we are prioritizing LGBTQ persons of color.

We welcome applications from candidates with a range of previous backgrounds - from film, campaigning, journalism, law, marketing, technology, organising - since we know that each will bring unique perspectives to the group. We just want people united in their commitment to the greater good and in their interest in the role film can play in bringing change to people's lives, communities, and cultures.

What is the deadline?
We need to receive your application by November 7th, 2016.

What does it cost?
The course is free thanks to our supporters and we will pay for your travel and accommodation in NYC if needed. We may also, depending on your circumstances, be able to pay your daily expenses to make it possible for you to attend.

Log on to apply

Friday 14 October 2016


Seven documentary film projects connected to Latin America and the Caribbean will be selected for a brand new Good Pitch in a brand new city: Miami. All of this comes thanks to a brilliant new collaboration between BRITDOC, Univision and the John. S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

Good Pitch Miami, which takes place in June 2017, will seek to elevate films that have the potential to ignite local, national and international social justice campaigns. All independent documentary filmmakers are welcome to apply; applicants can live in, originate from, or simply care about the issues facing the many cultures of Latin America, the Caribbean and their diasporas, including US Hispanics.

Filmakers can submit their documentaries on  by November 14th. The seven selected teams will be announced in December 2016 and start a six-month preparation program including an Impact Lab in Colombia in February 2017. The live Good Pitch event will be hosted at the New World Center in Miami on June 20th 2017.

Friday 7 October 2016

IFFR Trainee Project for Young Film Critics 2017 – Netherlands (Funded)

International Film Festival Rotterdam is looking for participants for the 19th IFFR Trainee Project for Young Film Critics, taking place during its 46th edition (January 25 – February 5, 2017).

Talented young film critic are invited to join in this project. As a Trainee you are part of the editorial staff of the festival paper, will have 2-3 expert meetings with experienced film critics, will cover the festival for your own affiliation, write a final festival report for the FIPRESCI website and of course enjoy the full pleasure of being at International Film Festival Rotterdam.


Complimentary IFFR 2017 press accreditation;
Budget hotel accommodation in Rotterdam ;
Partial refund of travel costs when traveling from outside Europe;
A full schedule. IFFR wants its trainee film critics to really participate in the festival and interact with other industry professionals.
The trainees will form a team, hosted by the IFFR Press Office and the festival editorial staff. You get to explore all aspects of IFFR (screenings, exhibitions, Q&A sessions, and debates) as part of the program and to cover for your own media;
If your participation is successful and you have published reports that meet IFFR standards (in both quality and quantity) you get the opportunity to visit the next edition of the festival as an accredited journalist.


Age under 30 years;
Fluent command of the English language (written and spoken);
Demonstrable experience in film criticism (print or online media);
Not yet established enough to profit from facilities as attending international film festivals outside your country;
Have agreement(s) with relevant print and/or online media to publish reports on International Film Festival Rotterdam 2016.

Application Process

Your application should include digital versions (Word, jpg or pdf) of the following documents and information:

A motivation letter to support your application: explain why this project and the Rotterdam festival appeals to you and what you can offer the festival

Your resume (CV) including your contact details and date of birth.

Up to three proofs of recent work you published on (independent) film or film festivals. If not in English, provide the original articles with English translations to demonstrate your command of this language

Information about your affiliation(s): title, name of chief editor, postal address, phone number, email account, periodicity, circulation, web address, estimated unique page views per month.

A recommendation letter (on company letterhead) of your principal affiliation’s chief editor assigning you to cover IFFR 2016 and confirming that your report will be published.

Please send in your application by email to before Friday 11 November 2016.

 You will receive notificiation on the selection Friday 2 December at the latest.

Courtsey Opportunity Desk for You

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Udada International Women’s Film Festival calls for Scripts that focus on life of women

Udada International Women’s Film Festival (Kenya) in collaboration with the Institute of Creative Arts for Progress in Africa (Zimbabwe) invite young filmmakers to submit their screenplays for considerations.

Story must focus on the Life of Women and open to both  gender of filmmakers.

Submission Deadline: 7 October 2016

Sunday 2 October 2016

MOFILM calls: Send us your films and help us to raise awareness for Syria

Are you a member of MOFILM or about to be registered, MOFILM calls for films to help raise awareness For Syria.

Dear MOFILMer,

After more than five years of conflict, Syrians are facing the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, with grave protection and human rights violations occurring daily.

Currently over 8 million children are in danger - their worlds have been turned upside down by this brutal conflict. So many have lost family, friends and schools. So many have been forced to flee their homes, with nothing but the clothes on their back. These children face a bitter winter in refugee camps or on perilous journeys in search of safety. Without warm winter supplies, they will struggle to survive.

For our annual London event taking place in November, in association with #CookForSyria (more info below) we are curating an evening of storytelling and awareness entitled ‘Immersive Storytelling For Purposeful Brands’ and we need your help. The aim of the event is to show how brands can contribute to a better world and how MOFILM can support that with film content made by the community.

To demonstrate that, we would like to showcase any films you have made in response to the Syrian refugee crisis. Where possible, we would also like to distribute your work to a global audience through paid promotion on Ripple Effect TV (our platform that brings brands, people and social causes together).

You can submit your films by sending them to Sam Lynas, If your work is selected, we’ll contact you to discuss next steps. Don’t submit anything that you don’t own or anything that uses music that you don’t have the rights to use. If you don’t have work you can share, but have an idea for a film you would like to create, please do also get in touch.

If you have any questions then feel free to contact Sam.



Note on #CookForSyria & UNICEF

Friend of MOFILM and influential Instagrammer ClerkenwellBoy has co-created #CookForSyria, a new nationwide fundraising initiative in aid of Unicef UK's Children of Syria Fund, in collaboration with NEXTGen London, UNICEF UK's young professional movement.

The month–long campaign will take place in November 2016 and focus on Syrian cuisine. It will encourage everyone from the UK’s top chefs and restaurants, to people at home, to cook and raise money in aid of this important cause.

UNICEF and its partners are committed to delivering essential services for Syrian families and keeping Syrian children from becoming a ‘lost generation’. Critical efforts are being made to minimise the impact of the crisis on children – including in the life-saving areas of health, nutrition, immunisation, water and sanitation, as well as education and child protection.

They are also working in neighbouring countries to support Syrian refugee families and the host communities in which they have settled.

UNICEF is one of the few humanitarian organisations working inside Syria, as well as helping Syrian child refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt and in Europe.

(c) MOFILM 2016

To submit a film, you must be a registered member of MOFILM, yet to be a member?, Log on to and get registered.

For more Filmmaking updates follow on Twitter  @trendyPrinAdams and email us your article via

Staying Closer to TrendyPrincessAdams

Hello Fans

This is to officially apologises for going MIA(Missing In Action) for over two weeks without a post.

I was engaged in a TV Series Production which basically left me on the field.

It feels so good to be back and cant wait to start posting, getting mails and relating with you all.

There will be lots of gist on new TV Series showing this quarter, film Festivals, Filmmaking Grants and other opportunities attached to #Filmmaking,#Writing #Poems etc

Also #DaArtInU is back and going Global. Da Art In U is one of the art projects of TrendyPrincessAdams in celebrating the unique art talent in you. We have had the opportunity to celebrate great works from Nigerians and we are going global to celebrate more talents. More details coming your way.

This is to say Thank you to fans who wrote in to enquire about my absence, always having to get mails from you and also view my insight which shows data of dedicated readers never fail to gladden my heart.

Taking time out of your dedicated hours to visit and subscribe to my blog keeps me motivated to write more.

Stay Closer to TrendyPrincessAdams.

You can always keep in touch with me via
Twitter: @trendyPrinAdams or @princesadams