Wednesday 22 July 2015


On daily bases, there are reports of sexual abuses in news headlines. These sexual abuses is more rampant among female rural  adolescent .

These rural girls are prone to these sexual predictors’ than their urban counterparts due to the high level of illiteracy and poverty in the villages. Rural children must therefore be protected from sexual predictors’ and harms.

To enable young girls create positive experience of their sexuality, there is need for the constant sex education.

Sex  Education, is a broad term used  to describe the education of sexual anatomy ,sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse and other sexual behaviour.

Appropriate sex education among female rural adolescent will help reduce the risk of negative outcome from wrong sexual behaviours.

Before now, to talk about sex in the public was a taboo due to the facts that some parents felts when such issues  are being discussed, it exposes the child to danger and the child will want to practice it. Our  parents did not understand  the  saying( IGNORANCE IS A DIEASES AND KNOWLEDGE IS POWER ).

To increase the ability of  young woman in making  informed decision over  their life time, parents and guidance must understand that sex education saves their children from danger of abuse.

Most abused children  finds it difficult to report the incident to their parents if they have never had pre-discussion  on sex.

Molesting a child  will keep that child in pain for the rest of her life and therefore the adolescent girls should know the parts of her body that should not be toured by any body.

There are cases of children who are  being abused by their uncle or aunty in the guise of playing with them.

Sex education helps to create awareness on how to communicate and ask for help when there are cases of abuse and not only in the case of developing skills on how to recognize tricks from sexual predictor and to resist them.

Let them realise sometimes these tricks comes in the form of constant gift, playfully asking the adolescent to come and sit down on their laps etc.

 Mother should prepare thier young girls for puberty by lecture them as to when, why and how  her period will come, according  to Wikipedia, Menstruation is the regular discharge of blood  and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina.

Studies shows that a woman average cycle is 28days and ovulation comes around the 14Th day. One will ask what is Ovulation? This is when a mature egg is released from the ovary pushed down the fallopian tube and is available to be fertilized there by making these young girls sexually active.

Creating positive sexual awareness among female rural adolescent will help them to debunk some wrong attitude and belief in relation to puberty, sex and the idea that being sexually active makes a person attractive and mature.

Therefore, those who have been abused will really not want others to be abused therefore we must all rise to our feet  and report all cases of sexual molestation around us to the nearest authority.


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