Wednesday 15 July 2015


Contemporary society has challenges which hitherto didn’t   exist before now.

For a young lady, to withstand these challenges and grow up in a way that will please God and satisfy societal norms and value, there is needs for her to be guided properly.

When a young lady is not guided properly, she is left to the wings and caprices of her peer pressure and societal influence.

Agencies which should strengthen society moral fibre such as FAMILY, CHURCHES and SCHOOLS are sometimes overwhelmed by the contemporary societal challenges while parents are sometimes engaged in the quest of how to make ends meet.

Many times, the adolescent girls are left under the care of the teachers and the church. They in the other way round are not properly motivated because of poor remuneration.

Some churches which should be the hope of last resort have been infiltrated by the strange doctrines. There is therefore for an overhaul in these agencies to adequately prepare the lady’s to face the challenges of contemporary society.

This writeup which was a theme of one of our seminar is aimed towards preparing the lady’s on how to withstand some of these challenges.

Who a girl child is will depend on the way she sees herself.

Self-conception is a key to how a lady projects herself. All ladies are created specially by God for a purpose.

Every lady therefore has potentials that must be tapped. Beauty they say, Is in the eye of the beholder.

For a lady to achieve her full potentials in life there is need for her to see herself in the right perspective.

A lady should understand the reason she was created for. Materialism and other physical things should not be a determinant of a lady self-worth.

 A lady should be contented with anything she can afford reasonably. The beauty of a lady does not lie in the price of cloth she puts on, nor the make-up she wears.

A good feminine curves without an accompany good character will not bring out the beauty of a woman. The beauty of a woman is inherent in the heart.

According to AUDREY HEPBURN;” The beauty of a woman is seen in her eye because that is the doorway to her heart”.

The physical beauty fades away with time but inner beauty persists at all time. Lady should therefore strife towards achieving inner beauty and fulfilment .

At this point, it will be important to highlight qualities that makes up the inner beauty of a lady.


      This is like a wild fire that propels a lady into achieving any height in life. Passion keeps dream alive even when there are obstacles. Passion does not understand the language of poverty and lacks
        Passion ignite interest .how passionate one is to a cause determines the extend of achievement. PASSIONATE PEOPLE ARE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE.
        Negative aspect of passion can make one to go any length E.G co-habiting  with a man that  is not legally married to.             Passion is a two edged sword that must be balanced on the altar of morality.
A young lady must acquire passion both for the things of God and her life endeavour.


         Ladies of thes days disburse their shortcoming and weakness under the layers of make ups and indecent dressing.      An ideal lady who understands the facts that she is made in the image of God does not wear make-up that makes her look like clown nor dresses indecently like other people.
        An ideal lady understands her personality and self worth, and dresses to please God and her conscience . Ladies of less self esteem dresses to look like models or super star while others dresses to give the impression that they are from wealthy homes to hide thier true self.
        A life of disguise can lure young girls into prostitution and crime in a bid to live the life they are disguising for.
         Instead of looking up to another person while not look up to God and get directives.
          No wonder they say; you are addressed the way you are dressed.


          A lady who understands what she wants in life is focused, and directs all her efforts into pursuing her dreams. She does not indulge in anything that distracts her from chasing  her dreams .she is not easily distracted by little things    
         Chasing shadows involves leaving your dreams for irrelevant things.
         Shadow, looks bigger and more appealing than the substance of life. Chasing shadows can consume any young lady


          The challenges of life persist in all level of human development. A young lady should understand as long as there is life, they are bound to be challenges
          Challenges in life is actually designed by God to strengthen and make us better people.
          A right altitude to challenges will positioned us to the next level God has designed for us
The aim of the enemy(satan) is to discourage you and weigh you down by presenting  numerous can actually turns the stone hauled at you into a building blocks

A young lady does not allow herself to be treated as if she or her time are anything less than valuable .she does not accept poor treatment from a man and she will make it clear from day one.


        A young lady must posses I can do all istudents, she does not depend on any body  for her livelihood, she tends to generate her income no matter how small it is and live by it.
        It takes courage to say no to evils even in the time of needs, it takes self confidence to retain your virginity even when all your peers  are losing theirs for a wrong reason.
        It takes courage to confront and report cases of abuse and rape in order to forestall future occurrence
        Courage keeps us going even after series of mistake.

Mrs Jane Kalu Okereke is Grass Root Initiative for Transformation of Women And youth Director . She is from Ohafia Local Government in Abia State.
           She has been involved in community services and a stung  member of Presbyterian Church Women guild.

           GRASS ROOT INITIATIVE FOR TRANSFORMATION WOMEN AND YOUTH is a non Governmental organization which aim is to promote the welfare of the women and youth through empowerment programs.

Email: 08034637460

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