Thursday 2 January 2020

A walk in the shoes of the less-privileged for a day...Toyin Lawani relates her son's experience

Toyin Lawani is the CEO and creative director of Tiannah’s Place Empire and also the founder of the Fashion Academy, Tiannah’s Styling Fashion Academy in Nigeria. She is also the producer of a reality TV show project titled “Diary of a Fashion Guru” which is aired on TV stations in the country.

To mark the 6th birthday celebration of her son, she made him go through the test of time to nurture his young mind towards the imbalance in life.
Quoting her words ''For my son's 6th Birthday shoot, I made him walk in the shoes of the less~privileged for a day.
We sold fruits to people and hawked in traffic, few people recognized us but didn’t care.
He didn’t stop asking me questions when we got home.
Anytime we drive past kids and I give them money, he’s always saying why this, why that. Now he understands.

Life isn't rosy all the time!
For those of us with pot bellies, blessed with abundance of jellies, observing table is not our thing.
There are others unlike us, with flattened
Tummies tossed to and fro hunger-driven, beaten by the reality of our lack.
For those of us unlike them, born with silver spoons shouldn't forget that circumstances and predicaments are cousins, we must teach our kids never to look down on anyone because they are more privileged. 
As Parents, we should teach our kids how to accommodate others with love''.

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