Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year...#2020

Happy New Year
We made it...
A new year is a new chapter of book to write.
Never fail to ask 'Who am I?'
Never fail to find out 'What can I do to be better?'
Never fail to ask 'What else can add value to me?'
Never fail to find out 'What can I do to make the world a better place?'
Never leave your place of prayers.
Never stop to see the good in man even when otherwise.
Never fail to check on a friend, the world is stressed as many tend to be silent, a word of hello can save a life.
Never fail to smile, laugh, have fun and know the world goes round with such little effort.
Never fail to believe in yourself, ideas that come across your mind and works of your hands.
Keep faith in all you do
The path is never easy but his grace liveth forever
Go and make impacts this #2020 with your discovery, the world is waiting for you.

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