Sunday 17 June 2012


Ladies tend to hold on to memorable moments shared with their guys due to their ways of reasoning and the emotional entangle they are prone to.

In a relationship, 95% of the emotional ordeals are vivid and well kept in a lady’s mind while a man will rather emerge himself in the financial stability of the relationship.

Most men term it absurd and crazy when a lady out of the bloom says she is tired of the relationship because the man doesn’t have her time or enough time for her.

Note: Memorable moments fill the gaps of a distant or strain relationship; it makes the lady want to give her relationship another chance. This fact however is oblivious to most men, for men are created to be more of a stallion and counts emotions as a weakling factor.
Women tend to think deeply and get entangled with the memories of the good, the bad or the ugly activities in their relationship. These memories either spice up the flame of their affection for the guy or burn it.

Note: it will take a mere conversation for a man to forgive a backstabber but due to the emotional sentiment of ladies, it might take years. The memories of the backstabbing event is recalled on sighting the culprit and so God help the culprit, the plot of revenge or pay back begins which is never immediate though normally years absurdly decades.
These moments in turn affects the final decision of a single lady to determine  
  • ·         If she is really in love with her guy?
  • ·         If he can be forgiven of past and wrong deeds or attitude?
  • ·         If saying yes to his marriage proposal is the right step?

Note: Most men make a lady happy but never make them fall in love. It is always a puzzle when a lady leaves a man she has been dating for years to get married to the one she just met few months all boils down to memorable moments.A memorable moment makes love blossom and flourish.

A married woman will rather ask herself after few months,
  • ·         Am I really happy being here?
  • ·         Why am I still with him despite his lack and mistakes?
  • ·         Divorce?
Ladies do not want their man to be by their sides all day, all they want  are just memorable moments that can add up to lots to fill their mind and soul with. That is why a lady can wait years for her lover to return form lost journey.

The memories subdued in her inner mind relates with her in time of emptiness and loneliness especially when her man is at work or on a journey. These memories creates another world in which she is entrapped till his return and also brings a relief that he will be back to recreate more with her.

Note: This is the reason a lady will see her man’s face on every guy thereby ruining the chances of saying yes to another guy’s proposal.

If a lady is seen in a dreamy state, she is getting herself entangled in the memorable moments. A fellow lady who perceives this emotion will exclaim “you are in love, who is the lucky guy?” Or “Am jealous, your man is really giving you a swell time”. While a man would rather ask “are you alright? You were lost for a moment, is everything ok generally?” so much for men I will say…

To know your lady is not about making a Shakespeare of her to study or hire a third party to seek her nooks and crony, it’s about creating memorable moments with her by making her long for you in time of your absence.

Your moments with her bring out her true nature and also bring her out of her shell. A person’s true nature can never be hidden, it is like a smoke.

For dating couples, each day you are opportune to be together
  • ·         Grant her stolen kisses (in bed while she sleeps, in waking her up, out of the bloom while she does the chores, while watching TV, while eating or relaxing)
  • ·         Learn to cuddle her more in bed while awake in the morning before is researched that at the point of waking up, one should linger in bed for at least is a kind of booting stage for human.
  • ·         Making love is an adventure; make it a kind of rhythm to look forward to. (Different styles, words etc., make it passionate).
  • ·         Nature is good. Take her to the beach, Gardens and reminisce on childhood have fun.
  • ·         Surprise her by helping her with chores around the house, well not to the extent your mum will complain though.
  • ·         Learn to gist her about your day and also listen to hers as well.
  • ·         Engage in outdoor and indoor games.
  • ·         Candlelight doesn’t have to be at Eko Suites, surprise her with such at your cozy place with her kind of music.
  • ·         Watch movies together, not action oriented but something down to earth kind of romantic.
  • ·         Always compliment her in every way to brighten her mood.
  • ·         Surprise her with gifts
  • ·         Learn to massage her and workout together.
  • ·         Call her often and never start your conversation with ‘where are you?’
  • ·         Learn to talk in bed when about to sleep.
For married couples, after months, your woman will ask “what happened to us? We were used to so much fun but it different now.”

Yeah! Yeah!! Different because daddy has to work to keep the family financially stable and mummy has to care for the home, the pregnancy and the kids which makes everybody busy! Busy!! Busy!!!
Everyone never fails to buttress ‘I am busy’ in their activities and it makes me wonder how on earth we have the time to visit the loo out of our busy time.

These memorable moments could be liken to the few mins you step out to the loo, step to the eatery to eat, receive a phone call, attend to a client “that brings in money; someone will definitely say but this non 24/7 memorable moments bring about LOVE, TOGETHERNESS AND GREAT FRIENDSHIP.

Married couples can also apply the suggested way of creating memorable moments outlisted for dating couples.

Note: Her being pregnant doesn’t stop her from having these moments. Actually these are the days you should create more with her, gives her stories to tell the baby.

Her being a mother of 1-3 kids whether young or grownups should not put a stop to having these moments in her life. The kids add more memorable moments so why should her hubby lack at such.
Yes, you take her and the kids out which is remarkable however create those memorable moments for just the two of you. Get a third party to babysit the kid/kids and make her realise she is not too fat, thin, old, out of fashion to keep experiencing memorable moments in her life.

A memorable moment is the beginning of a great friendship in love, courtship and marriage.
Like I always say ‘Your lady is you in the making; treat her right as she would you’.

Do have a wonderful week.

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