Sunday 1 July 2012


Each gender is uniquely constructed with specific strengths and weakness.
A lady’s weakness each month is not when she is broke or when she is not in good term with her guy but  

If you ask any lady out there, is it that time of the month? It will be of no surprise coming from another lady but such question from the opposite sex will prick your lady’s interest, curiosity and above all admiration for her man.

Note: THAT TIME OF THE MONTH is a code used to term the period every lady goes through her menstrual cycle. It is a phrase meant to alienate the opposite sex if present during such conversation.

Each month a lady goes through OVULATION, a period when a ripe egg or ovum is released from one of the ovaries. The ripe egg begins to travel down the fallopian tubes so it may be fertilized by the sperm. If the egg is not fertilized by the man’s sperm, it passes out through the vagina.This process is known as the monthly period or that time of the month.

The monthly cycle can be categorized into 3 basic moments which comes with changes in every lady.

Note: yeah! Yeah!! This is a lady’s topic, you will say but this particular moment leaves your lady vulnerable. During this period she needs her man to be supportive and understand the changes she is going through, it’s a 5 days routine but with all the changes it seems longer and all a lady needs is her man beside her.


Otherwise known as the OVULATION usually comes with
·         Headache
·         Nauseating
·         High temperature

Note: The irony part of this moment is that your lady will be perfectly okay health wise; the symptoms above come like a wink which disappears immediately. It doesn’t even linger for 24hrs.

Most ladies too do not take note of this moment; the effect is always attributed to ‘something I must have eaten or I am under stress’.

There is no method or style to curb this moment, the only good news about the release moment is ‘making babies’; if the couples are ready to move to the next level this tis the moment the guy says ‘on your mark and get set’ together.

As the ripe egg travels down to the fallopian tube, it brings about a momentary change in a lady even Margret Thatcher is subdued at this moment.

Every lady becomes horny at this particular point in time; she wants her man to be with her 24/7. It’s a feeling most ladies still question because it is never attributed to the traveling moment.

NOTE: According to research 75% of men tend to be busy at this particular moment and have no to time to satisfy their ladies. The moment to most men is absurd and not a very good timing for sex.

Ladies don’t get horny until being triggered by their men; so if the situation does arises otherwise a man should be able to understand that she is being triggered by the ripe egg in her calling for sperm to fertilizer her.

Few ladies give in to masturbating to relief the moment; this is a fact a lady will deny…

The only advice for the 25% that will give in and 75% that is just of knowledge of this moment is to use condom to avoid what is not prepared for before it gets to the statement “you are trying to trap me or you want to spoil my future…”

However, for married couples this is the moment to ‘GO’ and win that race.


The unfertilized ripe egg is shed through the vagina and this is really that time if the month which is always and openly obvious due to the changes that tags along.

You will never fail to notice the following changes in a lady
  • ·          She becomes easily upset over little or no issue.
  • ·         Cries easily.
  • ·         Becomes snappy in her conversation.
  • ·         Feels uneasy in every task she engages in.
  • ·         Becomes so low in spirit.
  • ·         Prone to mood swing.
  • ·         Prone to aches, mostly with her tommy and legs.
  • ·         Prone to a sided headache.
  • ·         Nags.
  • ·         Becomes suddenly sluggish n lazy.
  • ·         Not interested in romancing the stone (her guy) due to pains.
  • ·         Believes the worst of herself.
  • ·         Prone to negative thoughts.
Most men do notice this changes but they will attribute it to the question ‘who made you angry?’ and for we, talented ladies, we will never kiss n tell except if the man has a knowledge of the shedding moment.

Most unmarried ladies tend to dodge their guys at this period of time till it lasts.

No ice-cream or candy can save this KINGKONG moment, only affection and understanding.

All a lady needs this particular period is tender loving care, fruits rich in Vit C and also lots of water for she will be dehydrated greatly which is attributed to intensity of her emotion.

Note: if she is a co-worker and you notice such moment, compliments, fruit and water will do… ‘Ask her if it’s that time of the month? You are in for it…’

Your lady is you in the making; treat her right as she would you.

Do have a wonderful week.

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