Friday 24 January 2014


Living life goes beyond hard work in a career that’s why it is said if you are alive hale and healthy even without a job and @ the times of trials you should be thankful for when there is life there is hope.

At a certain point in ones life if a friend or an elderly person gives such an advice, a slap is what you will deem fit for such person especially if he/she is in a status way above your trial level but a visit to the hospital will definitely change your way of reasoning.

An interview conducted with Dr. Laura John, C.E.O of Herbal Fountains on health related issues shed more light on Diabetes, a common disease threatening many lives.


             This is known as a metabolic or endocrine disease, it is very common especially in the elderly individual and it is caused by reduced availability or reduced effectiveness of insulin.

INSULIN is the hormone in the body produced by the pancreas gland; it is responsible for the regulation and control of sugar in our blood. Too little insulin or ineffective insulin will cause blood sugar to be poorly handled and metabolised by the body and the concentration of sugar in the blood to rises and remain high at this point, sugar may then spills over into the urine producing GLYCOSURIA (gathering of Sugar ants on a spilled drop of the urine, of the uncontrolled diabetes). This high level of sugar in the urine draws water from the body by osmosis thereby increasing the urinary volume or poly-urea and occurrence of frequency urine of which some individual complains of getting up 3 to 4 times in the night to pass urine.

            Types of Diabetes

1)    Maturity onset diabetes, this tends to occur in overweight elderly individuals, often with no symptoms but in many there has been complication of uncontrolled vascular disease affecting the blood vessels mainly of the eyes, limbs and kidneys, infection can be controlled by diets, drugs and other herbals.

2)    Juvenile onset diabetes which tends to occur in younger patients, it comes with severe systemic diseases apart from the polyuria, polydipsia (thirst) and infections more commonly seen in the adult or maturity onset types, also occurrence of malaise, fatigue, weight loss, coma etc. The cause is unknown as there are many contributing factors including genetic and viral. Insulin is usually required for management and very low sugar episodes may be a complication of insulin therapy.

Diabetes is a lifestyle induced and thus can be avoided by controlled lifestyle.

·         Seek natural remedies that can help make the blood sugar level move from high to normal, improve eyesight, improve your balance, reverse neurotherapy and also give you more abundant energy.

·         It is also good for one to do a lot of exercise and lose weight.

·         Always check your cholesterol level which is very important

·         Detoxify your body of toxin always.

·         You are what you eat; take lean beef, stock fish, snails, nuts, fruits, fish, legumes, whole grains, vegetables, please try to stay away from all refined carbohydrates that are lacking in fibre. Fibre in food slows down the absorption of sugar into the blood stream so the blood glucose stays at a manageable level.

·         The fast foods and soft drinks we tend to appreciate does a lot of damage to the immunity for these ailments stem from as simple as too much sugar in the blood.

·         Go natural; eat fruits in their natural state, do not juice your fruit with the addition of sugar n other flavours rather take it naturally as they come.

·         Eat wide range of variety of food that has protein and also lots of fibre, nibbling is good and eat small frequent meals rather to gorging

·         Avoid and minimize your intake of unhealthy foods which are high in salt, fat, sugar, cholesterol, alcohol, caffeine, processed meat etc.

#facts: Diabetes can destroy the kidney and also causes kidney diseases.

#Recommendation: Suffering from diabetes? Order the diabetes tea from herbal fountains ltd. The diabetes tea not only flushes your system and renews it. 

To consult Dr Laura John on health related issues and to order for your diabetes tea,call 08025243367,
email: and visit her page ‘Stress Tea’ on Facebook.

 ‘Health is Wealth’ as liken to ‘Knowledge is Wealth’…do share with a friend.

 Prevention is better than cure.

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