Friday 24 January 2014

#D Enemies within…


No matter how big your dream is and how little you might think you have to achieve it; an effort each day makes a difference and takes you a step closer in achieving it.

Procrastination could be liken to a plant deprived of water each day due to excuses from its gardener before you say Jack Robinson, ‘poco-a-poco it morendo’ meaning ‘little by little it dies’ just like a dream that fades away without action.

Even if its just a small review of your dream you can pen down a day or a 30mins moments of silence to meditate about it or reach out to people that can be of positive contribution towards it…it’s a step closer


The unknown brings about instability. it makes you nervous and emit negative vibes, this also subjects you to doubt and questions your believe about your dreams whether it will ever come to reality. a major factor that brings about fear is your present status quo

A man that paddles with all determination towards the sun each day it rises not minding the turbulent waves has a destination to behold.

Persistence and positivism keep fear away…no matter the trials, what you must learn to see each day is the big picture of your dream


Subjecting yourself to comparison with other people paves way for the growth of inferiority complex in you…

Every one is created in a unique way with different talents and destinies so why bother to compare yourself with friends or even a family member

Every plant has their season, it could be their season and not yours for now but definitely your season will come .like every plant that goes through the decaying period to the germination period so would you, it’s a period when you really will found out who you are and what you spring forth..

Believing in you brings about self confidence, self esteem and strength for greater good…

No matter how hard the days might be, never stop to believe in who you are and that dream of yours. fight by being prayerful with lots of persistence to take a step each day, be patience in times of trials and persevere by not giving up on yourself.

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