Friday 24 January 2014


Never despise the days of our fore-fathers we are always reminded…traditionally they were blessed with great ideas which never occurred to them could be a life time treasure, to them it was just means of survival for them and their children.

Do you remember those days when you will always pray never to be bitten by mosquito so as not to have any kind of fever because the solution will be for you to bend over a big pot full of boiled Agbo (herbals) and wrapped up with tons of cloths with a blanket as the last layer, this process according to our mothers and their accomplices ‘grandmothers’ is said to open the skin, bring out the fever and leave holes for fresh air.

This is a kind of traditional medication most children even some adults without liver dread so much unknowingly to us its gold in the making…

I bet a foreigner who apparently got married to a Nigerian lady and bitten by mosquitoes was subjected to this our precious medication when he was around for vacation in Nigeria. It is believed that on getting back to his country he shared his tale with associates who found this method rather interesting and worthwhile; they kept their heads together and came up with SAUNA to fit their world.

Now a days most ladies show off their skin without giving kudos to our forefathers…To some ladies however, having to undergo SAUNA BATH is rather expensive due to present status quo, do not quiver for it will just be your little secret ‘GO THE TRADITIONAL WAY’…

·         Boiled water
·         Watermelon skin (not herbs except if you are ill)
·         Thick blanket
·         Small/medium plastic bucket

·         Slice watermelon skin into boiled water
·         Pour into plastic bucket
·         Set yourself in a sitting position comfortable for you
·         bend over the bucket without any cloths on
·         wrap the thick blanket over you
·         stay in for 10mins
·         after 10mins,have a lukewarm bath

This process not only gives u a Sauna bath but facials as well…
Now that’s our little secret…

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