Friday 7 March 2014




Gone are the days of references where Nigerian movies and TV programmes are concerned.

Those days of good scripting and almost perfect casting where we could reference actors to films/TV soaps in which they acted remarkably; the like of Peter Edochie who played Okonkwo in the famous book of Achebe ‘things fall apart’; Joke Silver to Owuro Lojo; Eucharia to Glamour Girls, Ego Boyo to Violated, Kunle Bantefa to Checkmate/House Of Fuji; Omotola Jolade to Mortal Inheritance; Genevieve to Last Party etc

The days when movies and TV programmes shed more light on integrity, family bond, friendship, discipline and also encourages upcoming talents.

Days of Pot Of Life, Abiku, Telefest, Magaragaji, Village Headmaster, Mr B, House No 13,Chief Koko Of Koko Close etc

Days of appreciated stage drama like Ovarowen, The Gods Are Not To Blame, Prophet Jero and many more

Days of intriguing moments to share with the families at the National Art Theatre, Agege Pen Cinema and other good cinemas  

Even the Yoruba community wasn’t left out with outstanding stories like Ayanmo, Aiye, Jaiyesimi from the stable of late Herbert Ogunde; Late Afolayan was also known for his amazing stories Ija Orogun, Taxi Driver. the like of Sunday Omobolanle’s role in Kanakana was extremely exceptional as well as other actors involved; Bello’s role in Omo Orukan; Baba Sala in Orunmorun and many more to mention

Those were days parent appreciated sitting with the children to enjoy the moment of good stories for acting those days was quite believable to reality.

The money one could not say was really there but one could see the commitment of actors, the costuming, the set, attention to details and despite the technology en vogue then , one could still appraise the production.

These are days parents will need to either send their children to their rooms or on errands to watch Nigerian movies due to unforeseen contents not suitable for children’s viewing.

Yoruba movies have gone form remarkable titles to Sikiratu Sindodo,Amina Alata, etc even the highly praised mainframe is loosing its touches.

These are days the money and great production devices are in place and quality scripting, acting and productions are found wanting and extremely not close to reality.

These are days a well spoken actor is left hanging for a local accented actor.

These are days a well groomed actor born and breed in Nigeria is rejected for a foreign accent spoken actor or just arrival.

These are days producers prefer fake coloured ladies to natural beauties to feature in questionable roles.

These are days of younger relatives of producers turn actors and young talented actors out there are left to roast and roam one audition to another.

These are days production is a clique thingy, 5 to 10 movies must feature the same xyz people.

Indeed these are funny days that you just sit, watch our movie industry and wonder when a great transformation will take a toll.




Telema wanted to break the news herself which would have been heartbroken and such a shocker for us, dedicated fans of Soji however no thanks to our lovely Tweety (Linda Ikeji) who belled the cat before it was out of the bag.

How could you lose such a jewel, Soji?

How could you allow a man in the wheel chair take away the love of your life?

How could you lose to a man in the wheelchair?

Like seriously Soji, what exactly didn’t you get right?, d script in the script or the script outside the script?

Seriously, we fans are heartbroken.

Tinsel is a game of chess so we are believing and keeping faith for Soji to hookup with Bimpe who is our last option though not the best for him, well that’s if he doesn’t miss such an opportunity too.

So much for Soji…now Telema is surely the run away bride.


You couldn’t have made a better choice,sweetheart…kisses deary.


Take good care of our lovely jewel; she is more precious than diamond.

Congrats and divine grace always…Princess Adams



Health enlightenments with Dr. Laura John


Hypertension may be a common presenting symptom than it’s realised at present, it is in fact well known to be present in high proportion of recognised cases and generally thought to be secondary to the renal damages that follows calcification of renal track.

In most cases the first abnormality noted has been hypertension; unexpectedly renal calcification came to light during the investigation of renal track. Nobody bothers to ask the simple but essential question, what is the cause of Hypertension?

Occurrences of Hypertension in the body can be traced to poor diet especially food that lacks nutrients, stress, overweight, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, overworking the body system, drugs, high fattening foods, seasoning of different kind rather use crayfish or iru as seasoning.

You can improve your health by changing your lifestyle; all creatures on earth are heavenly dependent on nutrient intake for good health, vitality, diseases resistance immunity and longevity. Exercising and detoxifying your body is also essential

There are many vegetables that can be recommended to help people suffering from hypertension like onions, garlic, cinnamon, grapefruits, shawsorp fruits, soluble fibre foods. Juicing has its advantage because a glass of carrot or pineapple juice is equal to about a pound of the carrot or pineapple few of us could eat. Unfortunately much of the valuable nutrients in the vegetables get tossed out with pulp that is discarded, this is why i recommend that you puree rather to juice the vegetable or fruits. There are 20 times more body strengthening agents in pureed vegetable than juice extracted from vegetable pulp.

Do not buy any food that cannot rot or sprout, your body system have such biochemical needs for bacterial or yeast cell thus foods that have shelf life of a millennia will not nourish the body.

Try to be happy all the time, laugh, play, dance ,love and forgive anybody that has offended you, do not stress yourself too much over any issue or even overwork, stay in bed for at least one hour or half an hour after you must have woken up, take things easy and do not over burden your mind.

Remember the more you give way to thinking, the more you pave way for hypertension so be your happy self always

Hoping to hear from you . for your questions, advice or consultation, call 08025243367,email me on and visit our page ‘Stress Tea’ on Facebook





There are two major factors that can lead to this kind of occurrence in a relationship apart from the possible fact that your partner could be a wayward and undisciplined being with no shame .

The Busy Factor

Subjecting your partner to the care of your friend all in the name of being too busy at work or gallivanting around the world from one project to another

The Oblivion Factor

Yes, you are always there by her side in everyway that counts from keeping her company to outing to messaging to calling at the right hours yet oblivion to the little details that matters to her.

To avoid betrayal

Ø Never subject your partner to the care of your bestfriend, for memories created between them could pave way for such action

Ø Learn to appreciate who your partner is and never compare to any friend

Ø Learn to know what he/she desires out of life, everyone is unique and created for a purpose

Ø Learn to know the little things that counts when it comes to your partner. These are things he/she might not tell or talk to you about but what you tend to notice through being observant.

Ø Relationship aint about sexual advances always each time you get to met, learn to communicate. talk about different aspects of your lives from job to family to personal issues, learn to open up on each other’s wrong, learn to laugh, cry, argue and make up with heart to heart talk and not sex, sex, sex to blind the real issue at hand

Every lady wants her man to be by her side always. We all know our guys have to work n vice versa to make ends meet but out of no time even if its just an hour that you could make out for your partner; JUST MAKE IT COUNT

The only way to make it count is to dedicate such moment to your partner. This gesture leaves memories that can never be overridden by any bestfriend out there.




Have you ever noticed the glow that glitters in your kid’s eyes when he/she is about to share with you a new knowledge of something just acquired, such moments are overwhelming and adorable for life.

All you need do is use the pretence plot and not spoil the whole moment with your ‘I am the adult and all knowing’.

If your kid should come up to you and says ‘mum/dad, do you know about the mountain called Kilimanjaro?’ wait for the sign to tell if it’s an assignment or knowledge he wants to share with you.

If it’s an assignment, his/her next statement might be ‘our teacher asked us to find out more about it as assignment’, now you can go all the way to share all you know however if the next statement goes ‘our teacher told us it is the highest mountain in Africa’, now that is the sign.

What you do at this point is to place yourself as a child before him and let him/her be the teacher, ask questions he/she would likely ask his/her teacher so to revive memories of what was taught and just pretend all through.

The next time grandma or any close relative comes visiting, your kid will be so proud to share the experience that he taught mum/dad about Kilimanjaro mountain and God save them too from the lecture he might want to reiterate.

This scheme aint about this moment, it is a way to create a great friendship between you and your kid.




The first step to changing your thoughts is to LOVE YOURSELF, loving yourself opens your eyes to those little details you chose to ignore.

To love yourself is to invite positive changes into your life and it starts with your physical attributes which is your appearance.

The physical appearance sheds light on all the physical attributes of your body from your hair to your toe nails.

It gets to a certain point in our lives that we damn all consequences concerning your appearance all in the name of surviving even when our attention is drawn to it, our possible reply might be ‘ who is observing me’. What we tend to know not is that someone out there is actually watching.

Do you know what separates a goal getter from a non goal getter? a goal getter tends to spend his/her last dime on taking care of his/her physical attributes because he/she has gotten to a level that going hungry to care for his/her appearances will yield a positive result sooner or later.



Don’t let the stress of life turn you into wolverine, keep your hair neat and have a nice cut to your taste every 2weeks. Same goes for those keeping their hair long or in other styles


Ø Your hairstyle must change every 2 weeks if it is fixing so to avoid a smelling hair and dirty scalp.

Ø A braided hair should be kept for only 2 to 3 weeks to avoid dryness and dirty scalp as well.

Ø Get a nice wig to cover up for those moments you can’t afford a new hairdo, just be careful of the breeze.

Ø If you have a long natural hair, keep it clean by washing with lukewarm water, creamed and neatly packed.

You can get affordable shampoo, hair spray, hair gels or cream for less than $5 to give your hair the best of treat.


Ø Dip cotton wool in water to soften the buds and clean your ears weekly, just as the face attracts dirt so does the ear.

Ø Wash thoroughly with soap while bathing or soak cotton towel in water to wipe outer ears both at morning bath and evening bath.


Ø Brush you teeth twice daily i.e. first thing in the morning and before you get into bed at night

Ø Minimize the intake of coffee, could lead to teeth coloration.

Ø Quite smoking, it is quite dangerous to health and also discolour your lips, teeth and tongue

Ø Drink lots of water to avoid dryness of the throat and sided lips spit while talking.


Ø Dip cotton bud in water to soften the bud and use to clean the nostrils (this method isn’t only limited to babies).

Ø Never pick your nose in public with your fingers and always have a handkerchief/tissue papers with you.

Ø Never use your hands to blow your in public, aint hygienic. Always move around with handkerchief.


Ø Too much caffeine affects the eyes so stay off cigarettes, alcoholic drinks and minimize intake of coffee

Ø Take lots of water, it rejuvenates the skin and your eyes.

Ø Always exercise your eyes weekly by opening it to water for 3mins

Ø Before you finally lay down to sleep at night, soak cotton towel water and place over your closed eyes for 10 mins (I won’t tell what that does to you or your eyes, try it to find out so you can recommend to friends).


Your face bear it all, the clothes you wear can hide other parts of your body but not your face. It is so open it tells your critical moments to the happy days in short it gives you away easily more than your lips.

Have you ever asked yourself this question ‘what sells you?’

If a brand needs a representative to promote their products/services, the first thing the company will tell the marketing manager is to seek out someone that has the FACE. The face in this phrase could only mean a pretty/handsome face, a face free of pimples; a face free of stress; a face people can reckon with; a charming face with smiles and so on


Life aint easy deary, telling you to pay more attention to your face is like a waste of time compared to you focusing on getting that job but what you should realise is ‘your face gets you that job’; that face gets you that guy; that face gets you that favour; that face gets you the recognition’

When was he last time you went for facials?

‘Facials! When am looking for money to survive’, this is exactly someone’s reply to this question right now.

For both genders, your face matters a lot.

Facials at least is at the rate of $50.if you are low in cash, there are two methods to apply

Method 1

out list 5 friends that can give you $10 each or 10 friends that can give you $5 each but never tell the reason behind the demand else ‘yeye babe,I never do facials, she wan do facials out of my hard earned money’ or ‘u sure say this guy head correct, na facials be the next thing’.

Method 2

DIY at home i.e. do it yourself at home though it might not be as luxurious as visiting the spa.

Ø Spa salt

Ø Facial scrub

Ø Hot water

Ø Honey

Ø Onions

Ø Towel

Ø 2 Small hand towels


Ø Boil water and pour into big bowl.

Ø Pour diced onion into the water.

Ø Bend over the bowl and cover up with the big towel.

Ø Stay for 10 – 15 mins so to open the pores.

Ø Use small towel to damp the face.

Ø Use spa salt to rub your face in a circular motion to exfoliate the cells; leave for 3mins and wipe clean with the small damp towel (wash towel to reuse).

Ø Use the facial scrub as well in a circular motion, leave for 3mins and also wipe clean with the damp hand towel.

Ø Soak a new hand towel in lukewarm water and use to press every corner of your face as a whole.

Ø Use honey to rub your face and leave for 3mins.

Ø Finally wash off with lukewarm water and facial wash liquid.

Ø Avoid heavy makeup for the next 3days.


A pharmacist aint a cosmetologist, to know the right set of products for your skin type, visit a good and certified cosmetologist. Don’t just use anything recommended by anyone due to popular demand in the market.


Your body is a temple i.e. a host to your soul, taking good care of it renews your soul.

Ø Eat healthy foods.

Ø Take lots of water, veggies and fruits.

Ø Exercise 3 times a week to keep your body fit.

Ø Stay clean with every parts of your body to your nail, shave your armpits and never forget your perfume/roll on.

Ø Get the right body products to aid your skin type.

Ø Dress decently.

Ø Avoid junk meals to avoid obesity and other ailments attached to it.

Above all stay happy, go out and have fun.



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A glass cup of water taken as you rise from bed flushes the body system and refreshes the organs for a new day.

To aid digestion,lower the risk of HBP and also to rejuvenates the body,it is advisable to drink 6-8 cups of water between the breakfast hour and the dinner hour.

30mins intake of water before meal and after meal is also advisable to reduce weight gain.

2 cups of water before you finally lay down to sleep help the kidneys to function well overnight, flushes out waste products and reduces the chance of cardiac arrest overnight.