Friday 7 March 2014





There are two major factors that can lead to this kind of occurrence in a relationship apart from the possible fact that your partner could be a wayward and undisciplined being with no shame .

The Busy Factor

Subjecting your partner to the care of your friend all in the name of being too busy at work or gallivanting around the world from one project to another

The Oblivion Factor

Yes, you are always there by her side in everyway that counts from keeping her company to outing to messaging to calling at the right hours yet oblivion to the little details that matters to her.

To avoid betrayal

Ø Never subject your partner to the care of your bestfriend, for memories created between them could pave way for such action

Ø Learn to appreciate who your partner is and never compare to any friend

Ø Learn to know what he/she desires out of life, everyone is unique and created for a purpose

Ø Learn to know the little things that counts when it comes to your partner. These are things he/she might not tell or talk to you about but what you tend to notice through being observant.

Ø Relationship aint about sexual advances always each time you get to met, learn to communicate. talk about different aspects of your lives from job to family to personal issues, learn to open up on each other’s wrong, learn to laugh, cry, argue and make up with heart to heart talk and not sex, sex, sex to blind the real issue at hand

Every lady wants her man to be by her side always. We all know our guys have to work n vice versa to make ends meet but out of no time even if its just an hour that you could make out for your partner; JUST MAKE IT COUNT

The only way to make it count is to dedicate such moment to your partner. This gesture leaves memories that can never be overridden by any bestfriend out there.

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