Friday 7 March 2014



Health enlightenments with Dr. Laura John


Hypertension may be a common presenting symptom than it’s realised at present, it is in fact well known to be present in high proportion of recognised cases and generally thought to be secondary to the renal damages that follows calcification of renal track.

In most cases the first abnormality noted has been hypertension; unexpectedly renal calcification came to light during the investigation of renal track. Nobody bothers to ask the simple but essential question, what is the cause of Hypertension?

Occurrences of Hypertension in the body can be traced to poor diet especially food that lacks nutrients, stress, overweight, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, overworking the body system, drugs, high fattening foods, seasoning of different kind rather use crayfish or iru as seasoning.

You can improve your health by changing your lifestyle; all creatures on earth are heavenly dependent on nutrient intake for good health, vitality, diseases resistance immunity and longevity. Exercising and detoxifying your body is also essential

There are many vegetables that can be recommended to help people suffering from hypertension like onions, garlic, cinnamon, grapefruits, shawsorp fruits, soluble fibre foods. Juicing has its advantage because a glass of carrot or pineapple juice is equal to about a pound of the carrot or pineapple few of us could eat. Unfortunately much of the valuable nutrients in the vegetables get tossed out with pulp that is discarded, this is why i recommend that you puree rather to juice the vegetable or fruits. There are 20 times more body strengthening agents in pureed vegetable than juice extracted from vegetable pulp.

Do not buy any food that cannot rot or sprout, your body system have such biochemical needs for bacterial or yeast cell thus foods that have shelf life of a millennia will not nourish the body.

Try to be happy all the time, laugh, play, dance ,love and forgive anybody that has offended you, do not stress yourself too much over any issue or even overwork, stay in bed for at least one hour or half an hour after you must have woken up, take things easy and do not over burden your mind.

Remember the more you give way to thinking, the more you pave way for hypertension so be your happy self always

Hoping to hear from you . for your questions, advice or consultation, call 08025243367,email me on and visit our page ‘Stress Tea’ on Facebook

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