Saturday 23 August 2014





If you have an idea for a movie script/screenplay and little to no writing experience, translating your idea into written form can seem a bit daunting.

To fully form your idea,start by creating a

  • Plot outline: this is the basic story bullet points.
  • Character breakdowns: Is the descriptions of each main character.
  • Character development analysis: Is a description of how each character will change or grow throughout the story.

Once you have achieved the three basic factors analysed above, the next phase is the film or script treatment.

A treatment is a broad description of a  script idea that covers key details pertaining to the story and the potential production. It is meant to persuade the reader that such a production/movie deserves to be made.

Treatment essentials include

  • Logline: 1-2 sentence description of the movie. Note,this is the first thing the reader will see in your treatment, so make sure its compelling and tantalizing.
  • Character description: A good character description involves a one paragraph overview of the story's main characters and role.
  • Plot outline: Is to acknowledge motive, demonstrate cause and effect and show the flow of the narrative as it will be told on screen.Keep it exciting as to entice the reader.
  • Finally, your treatment should end with a concluding paragraph that explains why your movie will be a commercial success and why target audiences will want to see it.It should be written in present tense and showcase the idea in an engaging manner.

Producers read treatments on a daily basis. To hold their attention, you need to make sure its concise and arouses interest. 

After your treatment is completed, it would be wise to get your idea registered.This just ensures that if someone steals your idea, you have some legal leverage.

Once the necessary steps are in place, pitch your idea by sending the treatment to as many producers, writers,and production companies as you can. It's a numbers game, so get your treatment out there.

if there seems to be no interest in your idea, you may want to consider writing the script yourself or hiring out a writer. Some producers prefer to have a fully written script along with a treatment before considering a project.

An idea for a movie script/screenplay is just that, #IDEA.

It doesn't become tangible until you can describe what that idea looks and feels like. That's why a treatment is so helpful.

A treatment gives the reader a real sense of the story and it's characters so that they can picture it themselves. After all, the reader knows nothing about your idea until you describe it to them.

Get them interested. Draw them in. Show them why you think your idea is interesting and worth watching on the big screen.




Today i dedicate my write up to my lovely best kid actors and every children out there.

I left without a goodbye after my project and couldn't help missing them, i just didn't want the tears for i wouldn't be able to hold mine.

To make up for my deed, i decided to call for a get together with them and i was just so lost with the reunion.

Agitatedly i await their presence while at the park till it got to the moment of their entry, i could see the look on their faces, the surprise, the scream, the race towards me and my kneeling down to embrace each one of them with a kiss then reality dawn as i felt the pause #EBOLA

I jolted back to reality from my thoughts and i could just see that little thing that counts so easily,’ the innocent soul in every kid’.

The clamour has been about the adults who have the knowledge of the kind of danger we face with the virus and know the preventive measures but what about the children? what about that little baby that is wrapped up behind you and touches everyone or things he/she can? what about that playground? what about those innocent hugs to family friends or neighbours? what about those kids that roam the street hawking all in the name of surviving? what about those moments you are just not there to supervise them? How do we protect them.

Just like every adult, these children also face the same level of danger.What do we do to make them realise the situation and danger we face?

I believe they are never too young to understand thus as parents, do give room to enlighten and orientate them in the language you know best to communicate with them.

As for the babies and toddlers, i can only advice parents to be extremely vigilante.

With all ailments, prevention is better than experiencing the outbreak.

Lets protect our generation next, they are the future of tomorrow.

Friday 22 August 2014

#EXPECTANT : Dealing Emotionally with Miscarriage




Suffering from a miscarriage or stillbirth can be very traumatic. Not only is it tasking on you physically,but emotionally as well. While a woman’s body can heal and recover relatively quickly from a miscarriage, emotionally, the healing process can take much longer.

Although many women do not want to deal with their feelings after a pregnancy loss, facing them can help you pull through and emerge a stronger person.

As with any loss, it is normal for couples to feel grief after a miscarriage. Unfortunately, far too often,outwardly displaying signs of grief is seen as a sign of weakness, causing some to be tempted to bottle up this emotion. Though you may want to appear emotionally strong to those around you, it is important to keep in mind that entering a grieving period after a significant loss is a perfectly normal human emotion.

How long a woman and her partner mourn for will vary from couple to couple and is not dictated by the length of a pregnancy. Whether you had an early miscarriage or stillbirth, the pain can be equally acute.

Grief is not the only emotion associated with miscarriages. Other typical emotions include depression, loneliness and isolation.

When your emotions begin to interfere with your daily activities, it can be a sign of major depression, a health issue that requires
professional attention.

Another common emotional response to a spontaneous abortion is self-blame. Many women often feel that if only they had done something differently,they wouldn’t have miscarried. These thoughts can ring in the mind for weeks, making it even harder to get over the loss.

Miscarriage can also cause a woman to feel intense anger and jealousy towards other women, even friends, who are pregnant. While these emotions can be appalling, they will eventually pass and fade.

The Male too suffers as the situation can make men nervous to talk to their partners. Not only are they upset about the loss,but also they are grieving for their partner. As a result, you may find that your partner is reluctant to broach the topic, fearful that he may upset you.

After a miscarriage, a couple’s relationship can become noticeably strained. Dealing with such a
significant loss can cause individuals to turn inwards and away from each. Yet, this is when you each need each other the most, for support and for a shoulder to cry on.

Be honest with your partner; if you are not ready to openly discuss the loss with him, say so. But don’t forget to also let him know when you do want to talk.

Discussing your feelings after a miscarriage is often difficult for couples, but it is necessary. 

If you find that there is too much stress
on your relationship right now, seeking out couples counselling can help you work through your grief as well as improve the communication between you and your partner.

Like your husband, your friends and family are one of your best sources to find the support you need during this difficult time.

Another great place to turn to after a miscarriage is a support group. Talking with other women and couples who are also dealing with the aftermath of a miscarriage can breakdown those feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Alternatively, speaking with a professional therapist one-on-one can help you come to terms with your loss.

Journal writing is an excellent method for people to air out their emotions.because a journal is private, you can be honest with yourself and your thoughts, allowing yourself to reflect on just what it is that you are feeling.


Furthermore, studies have found that
writing in a journal can actually speed up the recovery period during sad times.

To help yourself and those around you feel better and more at ease, make it clear which topics, if any, are off limits with you.

If you don’t feel ready to face the world right after your miscarriage, then don’t. Take
some time off of work to focus on yourself. If you can, arrange for your partner to also have
some free time so you can be together.

#ANALYTICS: ValueFronteira Analytics RoundTable



 ValueFronteira Limited initiated the Quarterly Analytics Roundtable in order to join other stakeholders in promoting the use of data for decision making in both the private and public sector institutions.



According to DR MARTIN OLUBA, C.E.O of ValueFronteira, successful government institutions and private companies of the future are those that treat data as a corporate asset and leverage that for competitive advantage.

He also emphasized that as a country our performance in these regards is poor but can be improved with regular discussions which is the philosophy underlying the ValueFronteira Quarterly Analytics Roundtable.


The 1st Quarterly Roundtable on Analytics was held at the Banquet Hall of Sheraton Hotel and Towers on the 27th of January, 2014 focusing on the theme “The Place of Nigeria in the Age of Business Analytics”. The roundtable was designed to dig-deep into the current state, where we should be and the future challenges facing the adaptation and deployment of business analytics/data mining techniques in function specific areas such as in human resource management, marketing, strategy design and implementation, policy making, financial management, health management, logistics and supply chain management and so on in Nigeria.

The second Quarterly Analytics Roundtable also held at the Banquet Hall of Sheraton Hotel and Towers on the 28th of May, 2014 has as its theme: “The Place of Strategic Analytics in Shaping the Future of the Nigerian Media Industry”.The roundtable focused on Challenges of Analytics Deployment in Print Media industry, future of the Nigerian Electronic/Online Media and importance of Analytics to the Nigerian Advertisers and Corporate Communicators?

The roundtable also provides platform for participants to have the knowledge to cut through the hype and uncover the real business value of big data investments and associated analytics.

The third Quarterly Analytics Roundtable is scheduled to hold in September,2014.