Saturday 23 August 2014




If you have an idea for a movie script/screenplay and little to no writing experience, translating your idea into written form can seem a bit daunting.

To fully form your idea,start by creating a

  • Plot outline: this is the basic story bullet points.
  • Character breakdowns: Is the descriptions of each main character.
  • Character development analysis: Is a description of how each character will change or grow throughout the story.

Once you have achieved the three basic factors analysed above, the next phase is the film or script treatment.

A treatment is a broad description of a  script idea that covers key details pertaining to the story and the potential production. It is meant to persuade the reader that such a production/movie deserves to be made.

Treatment essentials include

  • Logline: 1-2 sentence description of the movie. Note,this is the first thing the reader will see in your treatment, so make sure its compelling and tantalizing.
  • Character description: A good character description involves a one paragraph overview of the story's main characters and role.
  • Plot outline: Is to acknowledge motive, demonstrate cause and effect and show the flow of the narrative as it will be told on screen.Keep it exciting as to entice the reader.
  • Finally, your treatment should end with a concluding paragraph that explains why your movie will be a commercial success and why target audiences will want to see it.It should be written in present tense and showcase the idea in an engaging manner.

Producers read treatments on a daily basis. To hold their attention, you need to make sure its concise and arouses interest. 

After your treatment is completed, it would be wise to get your idea registered.This just ensures that if someone steals your idea, you have some legal leverage.

Once the necessary steps are in place, pitch your idea by sending the treatment to as many producers, writers,and production companies as you can. It's a numbers game, so get your treatment out there.

if there seems to be no interest in your idea, you may want to consider writing the script yourself or hiring out a writer. Some producers prefer to have a fully written script along with a treatment before considering a project.

An idea for a movie script/screenplay is just that, #IDEA.

It doesn't become tangible until you can describe what that idea looks and feels like. That's why a treatment is so helpful.

A treatment gives the reader a real sense of the story and it's characters so that they can picture it themselves. After all, the reader knows nothing about your idea until you describe it to them.

Get them interested. Draw them in. Show them why you think your idea is interesting and worth watching on the big screen.

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