Wednesday 18 February 2015

#Relationship: Top Questions To Ask Yourself Before The Knot

For Singles who think getting married is like the throes of infatuation, lust and everything just seems so nice, , do you have a realistic picture of what it takes?

Take a step back and answer these questions:

1. What are your reasons for wanting to get married?

2. What would marriage give you that you don't already have?

3. What would you be giving up? You can list your pros and cons of marriage.

4. Are you ready to loose that freedom that comes with being Single?

5. How do you view marriage? What's your opinion of marriage? Do you have positive thoughts about marriage? Or do you have a negative view of marriage?

6. How much of your time would you be willing to devote to a life partner?

7. What are your top priorities in your life? List your top priorities in life. If finding a marriage partner or making the most of your current relationship is one of the top two, then you are probably ready for marriage.

8. Are you willing to make the compromises to be a "we" instead of a "me?" Once you find the person you believe to be "the one," are you willing to sacrifice in order to make the marriage work?

9. Are you emotionally available for a Marriage?

10. How sure are you that you are ready for Marriage and not because of material values or gains?

11. Do you think marriage is going to fix what’s ailing in your relationship?

12. Do you want “it” and not me?

13. What do you think marriage is supposed to be like? Checking out the fantasy levels about what marriage should be like to both parties will save a lot of grief later on.

14. Do you want children and how many considering the serious impact in regard to how children affect finances, religion, family and lifestyle?

15. What role does religion play in your lives, are you ready to compromise?

16. How much do you want our families involved in your lives?

17. How would you resolve a disagreement? Are you willing to look at your part in a conflict? Do you need to be right? Are you defensive, critical, sarcastic or do they turn off during arguments? Are you forgiving, tolerant, understanding, tender and empathic?

Singles who are ready for marriage are tired of the dating merry-go-round. They want some kind of stability in their life. They desire to spend their energies on building a relationship and want to get beyond the "good for now" mindset.

You are the only person who can say if you are ready or not for marriage.

It takes giving yourself a very honest assessment.

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