Monday 2 February 2015

#Friendship: Be A Friend that Counts

No matter what your status is, friendships are one of the most important constants in ones life.

Have you ever sat down to evaluate the kind of friends you have in your life?

Have you ever tried scrutinizing your list of friends to get rid of no value adding friends?

Have you ever searched yourself as well as to know the type of friend you are to those peers you call friends?

What are the most important things to consider when you evaluate your friendships with others?

 What makes friendship work?


A true friend will always be on the look out for his friends.

Come up with a positive resolution to anything happening in their friends lives.

Must not look away from the negative attribute of another but tends to give advice and reproach as at when due.

A friendship based on deceit eventually breaks up and leave enmity.


Truthfulness, sincerity and frankness paves way for a friendship built on solid rock.

The truth hurts and your decision to talk will sometimes test your strength and bravery at some point.

 Whether it's an opinion on a significant issue, professional work or on personal grounds, tell the truth.

Telling the truth matters no matter where it might hurt, but it'll never be worse than being lied to.


There are always two sides to so most things in life thus a friend can never be perfect.

In healthy relationships, the parties involved are able to be themselves from the most modest to the most Looney of the crazies.

The uniqueness in every friend leaves room for teasing, laughing, and embracing the fact that you are all individually yourselves, different and not afraid to show it.

However do not make excuses or give room to condone negative attributes in friendship.


 Life is full of unexpected challenges thus learn to be supportive in these days.

Friends you watch their back will always learn to watch yours.

Encourage their endeavors and they'll watch yours.

Motivate them and be supportive with your actions at all times.


True friendship must add value to one's life, this does not necessarily mean financial value but by good deeds, kind words etc

Above all true friendship must make positive contributions and enrich our lives which is important for our spirit, mind, and health.

Friendship that brings more of aches, emotional imbalance or negative vibes should be avoided.

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