Thursday 8 September 2016

ARRI launches International Film Support Program.

#filmmaking #ARRI

A dream come true for International Filmmakers as ARRI launches International Film Support.

For nearly 100 years, ARRI has committed itself to the film industry. “We like to find ways to give back to the industry and support new talent, so we have created the International Support Program to emphasize our ongoing commitment,” says Dr. Jörg Pohlman of the ARRI AG Executive Board. For the first time, talented filmmakers will have an opportunity to realize their envisioned projects backed by ARRI’s diverse expertise. The company’s support will be tailored to the individual needs of each selected project, helping filmmakers’ ideas come to life and make their way onto the big screen. Regional constraints no longer exist, as ARRI has subsidiaries across the globe. Filmmakers from all over the world can apply online with their feature films or documentary film projects.

International Support Program FAQs

1. How do I apply?
Please use the online application form on our website and read the requirements.

2/4. How many projects can I apply with?
You may submit up to two projects, but we encourage you to choose your most important project in terms of moving forward. Please note that you must complete a separate application for each project.

5. I have a project that I want to submit for the ISP, but it is still a treatment. If I think I will not be able to have a draft in screenplay format ready in time for submission, can I submit my treatment for consideration?
No. We need to receive a completed draft of a screenplay in order to consider your project for the ISP. This does not mean the final draft; however, we do ask that the script be in standard format.

6. Can I reapply with the same script next year?
Under certain circumstances, yes. We will consider re-applications with the same script, only if you have completed significant revisions.

7. Who can apply?
Only producers can apply. There is no limitation on nationalities. Please see the requirements for further instructions.

8. Is there a deadline?
No, this is an ongoing submission.

9. When do I get feedback?
We will get in touch with you within 8 weeks.

10. How will I be notified about acceptance? Will I be notified if I’m not accepted? All ISP notifications will be made per email. You will hear from us either way, whether accepted or not.

11. Can I deliver my application in person?
No, we don’t accept materials in person as our entire application process is available online.

12. I don't have much experience. Does that effect my chances for the ISP?
No, absolutely not. The International Support Program seeks to foster exciting emerging voices regardless of professional film experience.

13. Do you consider scripts written in a language other than English?
Although we will support scripts that will eventually be produced in a language other than English, your script must be translated into English for consideration.

14. Can I submit a script based on a novel?
Yes, we will consider scripts based on prior work, as long as you have secured the underlying rights to the material

15. How complete should the screenplay be?
The International Support Program considers scripts at various stages of development, but you must have a full, completed screenplay in order to be considered.

16. Can I apply for a limited package?
Yes, under certain circumstances, but please mention your package needs in your cover letter.

17. What does the application include?
The application includes the following components. Please see the requirements:
§ Producer’s biography
§ Logline (a 1-2 sentence description of your project) § Financing Plan
§ Synopsis (1,000 words max.) § Cover Letter (750 words max.) Please introduce yourself and the project. There are no strict requirements for this letter, but we’d like to get a brief idea of you, the theme of your script, and how the INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM could benefit your project. § Artistic Statement (1,000 words max.)
Please describe your creative vision for the material, and give us a sense of where you are in the creative process. Here’s an example of the type of information we’re looking for: What is your personal connection to the material? What do you want an audience to take away from your film? How do you envision the realization of this script in terms of story, character, tone, and/or visual style? Do you have a budget level in mind, and which audience do you most want to reach? Why are you passionate about this story? If this is a resubmission of material we've considered previously, how has the material changed or transformed since we last read it?

18. Are there any requirements for the application?
Yes. The producer has to own the rights to submit the project (Chain of Title). The director must be attached and the main cast confirmed. 50% of the budget must be financed already. The budget range for a feature (Live Action) is USD 1 mio. – 5 mio. The budget range for a feature documentary is USD 300,000 minimum.

19. Would my ideas be protected?
Yes, ARRI does not share or distribute any materials.

20. Do you accept projects that have been submitted elsewhere?
Yes, we have no restrictions on material that has been through other workshops or programs.

21. How should I address my cover letter?
Please address your cover letter "To Whom It May Concern."

22. What does the program cost? Participation is entirely free.

23. Does ARRI own my screenplay?
No. The producer must own the rights to the project.

For more information about the International Support Program visit

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