Monday 10 February 2014


Have you gazed into the mirror lately? Yes, gazing thoroughly without you deceiving yourself that you are in good shape while indeed you are a shadow of yourself.
Fact: Your spouse betrayed you with your best-friend.
Fact: You were dumped for another individual.
Fact: That job you seek so much is yet to be within your reach.
Fact: Your marriage is yet to be blessed with the fruit of the womb.
Fact: You believe you are so indispensable at work that all responsibilities rest upon your shoulders.
Fact: Demand at home is really overwhelming.
Fact: All your friends are married and you are yet to have a stable relationship.
Fact: Your so called friends neglected you due to their belief you are not of the same status quo.
Fact: You have siblings to cater for.
Fact: All interviews within the few months have been of negative outcomes.
Fact: Waking up and you can not boast of a dime in hands.

So withering away bit by bit in oblivion is your perfect solution? WAKE UP!!!


Stand completely nude before the mirror and take a thorough look at yourself from your front view to the rear view and finally to the back view.


Ø  What do you see?
Ø  Do you like what you see?
Ø  Can you compare yourself now to the same happy person in those pics you cherish so much that are hanging on your wall?
Ø  Look deeply into your eyes, are they tired & weary or bold & beautiful?
Ø  Look keenly at your face; does it look fresh & radiant?
Ø  Stand straight and look at your body as a whole, do you feel good with your body? do you think you are beautiful inside? Is your physical appearance alluring?
Ø  What do you think needs changes (a) your body (b) your face (c) your eyes (d) your thoughts (e) your wardrobe (f) your eating habit (g)what?, in your own opinion if not written

Let’s talk, email answers and reasons to or leave a comment… TO BE CONTINUED

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