Tuesday 18 February 2014

Monday 17 February 2014


Do you know the power of visual is extremely influential, what the eyes see like actions, images etc tends to linger in the memory for years so be careful what you expose your kids to.

Ø  Never be physical with your partner infront of the kids.
Ø  Never expose them to movies not rated for kids.
Ø  Never use the foul words infront of the kids.
Ø  Never engage in sexual advances infront of the kids.
Ø  Use the parental controls on internet activities.

Guide them now to avoid the headache later.


Continued from last week

The first step to changes is your thoughts (d).
No one can talk you into changing who you are but can only open your mind to elements you have been oblivion to.
Ø  You have to make the changes yourself.
Ø  You have to reason with yourself you need changes in your life.
Ø  You have to search yourself why changes need to occur in your life.
Ø  You have to reflect back & forth to determine who you really are.
Ø  You have to make the thorough decision as to who you want to be taken for by families, friends and people you meet.
Ø  You have to take that break in order to have a deep thought about your life and strategize a great come back.
Changing you totally depends on you.

#CASESTUDY: A lady told me she wanted to see her guy and she boarded a commercial bus because her car was faulty. It was such a hot and sunny day so she was sweating profusely due to the heat in the bus. Seeing she was almost getting to her destination she brought out her makeup kit to freshen up her face; immediately she wrapped up with her kit, the lady seated next to her in the bus said to her ‘am sure you are visiting a friend and to look radiant you had to freshen up so to look good but are you radiant from inside?’

Can you tell what the lady is asking?

From my point of view, the lady is asking her if she loves herself just as much as she loves the person she is visiting for her to go through all that process just to look good.

 The first step to CHANGING YOUR THOUGHTS IS TO LOVE YOURSELF, loving yourself opens your eyes to the unseen or the seen you chose to ignore which takes us back to our first discussion #REFLECTION: Stand infront of the mirror task




It’s another week of health talk with Dr. Laura John, C.E.O of Herbal Fountains.

Today’s topic is very important; we are treating a particular organ of importance which is the KIDNEY.

The kidney is that organ in the human body that removes wastes from the blood, excrete them via urine and return cleaned blood to the body. It keeps water and minerals at healthy levels and produces important hormones. If the kidneys are diseased they cannot efficiently filter waste and excess fluids also urine production decreases and eventually stops.

The process of which the body cannot produce urine leads to Dialysis, a procedure in which the blood is filtered via a machine and or a fluid held at abdominal cavity.

Primary cause of kidney problems or disease is high blood pressure and obesity while other factors could be attributed to the intake of various pain killers, fume, and heavy metals from the environment, pesticides also the lifestyle of taking junks.

The damage to the kidney from high blood pressure or high level of sugar in the blood can occur even at pre-diseased stages.

The first step to protecting your kidneys is to try and control your blood sugar level, your cholesterol level, your blood pressure and above all watch that WEIGHT. It is also important to keep yourself well hydrated, if you are able to keep to the aforementioned rules you will have a good chance of retaining good kidneys till your old age.

A major fact is that if your immunity is strong, there will be no room for any ailment as such as kidney disease, cancer, stroke etc. Try to eat right, detoxify the body of toxin and build your immunity by taking very dark green vegetables (the more the green the better).

Water is the drink of life, take lots of water at least 6 cups a day. You are what you take, stay healthy.

Hoping to hear from you , my readers, for your questions, advice or consultation, call 08025243367,email me on herbalfountainsng@gmail.com and visit our page ‘Stress Tea’ on Facebook


The lamentation is the fact that he/she cheated on you with your bestfriend thus you are quick to judge the action behind the betrayal, quick to tell every ear that cares to listen, quick to paste it on every social media platform, quick to tell family and friends that its over between the two of you and so quick to cast an everlasting hatred.

Truthfully, have you sat down to ask your self, what went wrong between you two? What factors could have lead to such acts? Is it really your partner’s fault or yours?

Think deeply and answer the following questions

Ø  Do you think you know your partner very well?
Ø  Do you know what makes your partner thick?
Ø  Do you know what makes your partner thin?
Ø  Do you know what makes your partner tick?
Ø  Can you look into your partners eyes to determine she/he is pretending to be happy because he/she doesn’t want to overwhelm you with worries?
Ø  Do you actually know his/her dreams i.e. who he/she really wonna be?
Ø  Are you creating enough memories with your partner that lingers in your absence?
Ø  Do you take time out to really talk i.e. have a heartfelt talk and your meeting isn’t all about sexual advances?
Ø  Do you really connect to the extent that when you don’t talk, you are actually talking with different body languages?

#FACT: being in a relationship is quite different from keeping a relationship. It is extremely easy to go into a relationship compared to having to nurture and maintain a relationship to a greater height called MARRIAGE. We can also say the same about marriage, having to get married is never the problem; the main issue is staying married.

#CASESTUDY: a young lady approached me to seek advice concerning her relationship and let me on the conversation that brought about her second thought concerning her relationship. The conversation below took place at an outing with her fiancé and his bestfriend.

Her fiance: my baby will be a year older on Saturday, what do I surprise her with?

Bestfriend: if I were you, I will get her a ride computerized with gadgets she needs for her work so she can work while mobile

Her fiance: (laughed) hell no; that’s not my baby’s taste, a trip to Bahamas and a nice cruise on the ship will do the magic

Of course she said she was surprised at the best friend’s words because that’s exactly what she will choose to have as a gift and not one hell of a trip to Bahamas. She later got to know that the bestfriend normally tells her guy what to get for her, places to take her and what she likes eating through his observation .she is letting go of the relationship because she feels she is going out with the bestfriend through her fiance.

Ain’t that scary? If such a lady should smitten up to the bestfriend, WHO IS TO BLAME?