Wednesday 30 April 2014











Every relationship is sweet…

Every relationship is worth saving by all cost but deep down in our heart we must come to term that not all relationships are worth drowning for (#JACK #TITANIC).

Never be too blind to let go when the affection is one-sided.

You waiting for such days your partner will wake up and adorn you with 95% affection in return might be the days your true love actually comes looking and you aren't available.

A partner who doesn't realise your worth through your courtship periods doesn't deserve your presence in his/her life


Never be too blind to let go in an abusive relationship.

The thought of such dilemma to stop after marriage is 1%,if your partner can not control physical violence,THINK TWICE.

To be alive,single,happy and healthy for a while is much more better than wearing shades to cover up the abuse episodes and subjecting yourself to health hazards as a result of such violence.


Never be too blind to let go when a partner is uncontrollable obsessed and over possessive of you.

if a partner is uncontrollable obsessed with you and never fails to subject every move/things/people around you to scrutiny,BEWARE

A likeable case of killing you for the wrong reasons due to irrational conclusion is 85%.

if such a partner is not subjected to psychological therapy,it could be dangerous.

if both of you can’t seem to work it out,don't allow your love to blind you to death.


Never be too blind to let go when your partners’ families are not so into you.

The percentage of a man getting away with marrying a lady whose family are against the relationship is 75%.

They might eventually succumb to make the lady happy if it is noticed she is madly in love with the man;though at the back of their mind,they wait silently for that day she will need a shoulder to cry on and tell her ‘ i told you so,he was never right for you’.

vice versa for a lady,it is 25%.

A lady never survives the wrath no matter the years of marriage,the families wait patiently like a lion in wait for meal.

A relationship must be 1+1 to make 1 and not 1+1 to make 2.

No one is a scape goat for the other.

Every individual deserves to have a happy relationship,courtship and marriage thou the test of time is never exempted.

Be wise with your choice.

#FASHIONISTYLE: Fashion Xplosion & Xtravaganza Season 2


Snapshot 6 (19-10-2012 10-49)


Its another season of celebrating the African fashion



Fashion Xplosion & Xtravagant Season 2

The Season 2 themed “Fiesting Fashion in the African Way” is designed to enhance beauty in the African way.

It is a move

  • to project African culture via its fabrics, designs and accessories.
  • Promote African fashion and style  
  • Encourage Professionalism
  • Open doors for international partnership and marketing.

Interested designers are expected to showcase their designs which must posses African fusion and fabrics.

The best designer will be crowned “Face Of The African Fashion 2014” with other incentives.

The Organizer ‘Vochik’ said the idea behind Season 2 Fashion Show is to display the richness of our African materials and prints to international markets.

The event will also be spiced by the launching of her first two in one fashion magazine and catalogue “Fashion Trend” which is magnificent for fashion schools, students and designers who need and want to enhance their illustrations, practice new styles and learn new designs.Designers can also advertise their products and services in the magazine for publicity.

This event will hold on 29th August, 2014 @ Feminar Hall, LTV premises, Ikeja, Lagos. 3pm prompt

To participate and showcase your designs on the Runway or to book a stand for sales of your fashion or beauty products, call +2348028390257 for  details.





Taraami body wash was subjected to review by FASHI0NISTYLE,a web & TV magazine programmes that promotes fashion,style and beauty.

In the interview conducted with Mrs Feni Kuboye,the C.E.O of Taraami Enterprise and wife of popular Jazz artiste Mr Tunde Kuboye,she told FASHIONISTYLE she created Taraami Bodywash to regenerate,revitalise,nourish and moisturize tired and damaged skins.

The body wash contains various fruits extracts and oil as composition which makes it soothing for the body.

Taraami bodywash was given to three subjects with skin disorder in order to prove the proficiency.


Subject A

A lady with cracked and dried skin due to sunburn and over exposure to harsh weather

AFTER USE:I began to notice the smoothness of my skin in a week though i was frustrated at first using it because it doesn't foam like other body wash but it actually brings out dirt on my body.i love the lemon based smell,i glow,my skin looks fresh and i am loving it.


subject B

A lady with blemishes and freckles from her neckline to chest due to cream mixture.

AFTER USE: Truthfully i thought it was the same old exaggerated naija tinz just to buy the product but after few days of usage,i noticed a sort of smoothness on my skin,my blemishes were fading away bit by bit,got some blisters on my body as well and it became so invisible and intone with my skin.The freckles on my neckline to chest dried out and it peeled off without a scar.Reading the composition,i didn't notice any lightening agent but my skin glows.


Subject C

A lady with great skin disorder due to bleaching creams

AFTER USE:When i heard it was Naija made,i had my doubt even though i heard the brain behind it was internationally trained,i still flinched but i tried it anyway because it was free.

it made me believe that the skin actually eats,the saying that what you feed your skin matters.i don't know how to explain but my skin glows and it is fresh,it is rebuilding itself and i know its not my diet,its like saying the cells of your skin are being fed with the right feeds and its reforming to create a new skin.

i expected such result from a cream and not a bodywash which makes it worth spending my money on though it doesn't really foam but you will never fail to notice the thorough deep cleansing after bath.i use it in the morning and late at night before bedtime.


Mrs Feni Kuboye said she was inspired to create Taraami Bodywash when she started meeting with ladies with tired or burnt skins due to damaging creams.

‘Every lady deserves to be happy and look good’,she said

Taraami Bodywash with lemon based composition and size of 500ml is suitable for all age group and all skin types inclusive of men.

To enquiry or place an order for Taraami Bodywash,call +2347044852899


Are you into fashion,style and beauty products or services,get reviewed and celebrated on FASHIONISTYLE…unveiling you with style.




There will always be barriers to tackle.

There will always be days without a dime.

There will always be days without a meal.

There will always be days everyone will think you aren't serious with your life.

There will always be disappointment from people you think can be of help to you.

There will always be a partner that can never waste time with you because he/she doesn't understand.

There will always be moments of despair of which you will question yourself if you are on the right path.

There will always be days of looking like a haggard soul presenting your dream to someone that counts.

There will always be days of pretence to friends.

There will always be a friend that understands.

There will always be friends to mock you.

There will always be days the faith of family members will falter.

There will always be days you will question God.

There will always be least expected moments the opportunity will come but the question is WILL YOU BE READY TO MAKE THE JUMP?






And so i was let in on the interview five steps saga of employment.

Graduates seeking employment now have to undertake five different interview levels before they can be considered for employment.

so i asked the great question: what does each step of the interview entails? and what kind of employment interview takes up to five steps when you are not seeking international grants.

A research was conducted to expose the five levels of interview by seeking out candidates who had really experienced the levels.

Many attested to the first level which comes in a written test mode for proposed graduates from different backgrounds.

Few certified to the existence of the second level which is another form of written test in seeker’s environ.

One testified to the third level as a verbal interview to test candidate’s IQ and background analysis.

None was found to give details of the fourth neither was there anyone to account for the fifth level.

thus our conclusion:

From first level to third level,it is a case of MANY ARE CALLED FEW ARE CHOSEN for decorative data analysis.

From forth level to fifth level,if these levels ever exist,it is a case of ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS through connection.A case of ANIMAL FARM.

These facts point us to three important questions

1.Must we subject our graduates who strive so hard to make a living and keep up to earn a degree to ridicule and deprive them of better livelihood?

The excuse is always of belief that these graduates are not highly qualified and competent for the position but the real question here is

2. Are the right study process,study materials and study facilities in place in the university environ?

Universities with the right facilities are way too expensive to afford and subject students to rules considered for secondary school students.

3. When will the act of placing incompetent family members/friends in positions meant for qualified graduates stop and reduce the rate of a graduate being in a position of baboon dey work na monkey dey chop?

Nobody lives forever thus to elongate the life span of a community,each of its generations must be given the opportunity to blossom.

Our graduates deserve a chance to prove their worth.

if such a chance is given and misused,it is a misfortune on the part of the graduate but at least the opportunity was given.



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We sure do have moments we are so embarrassed about thus decided to share one of mine.

The moment was just so right seeing him standing in front of me all smiles as he poured the wine into the wine glasses.

I was so lost the moment he cuddled me up in his arms as he sat beside me on the sofa,he kept on the musical video to intoxicate the moment and it was romantic to the core.

I was lost to planet mars when our eyes locked and my heart missed a beat,it was definitely coming ‘THE KISS’.I was trembling as he took my wine glass from my hand and placed it on the table,’oh my,i think am in love already’ i thought.

He drew me closer into his chest and held my hair to pull my head backwards so i could face him,i couldn't help but close my eyes as i felt his lips drawing nearer

Alas! my wig came off from his grip,immediately my eyes opened because i had koroba (traditional plaiting) on my head which was my favourite,i was so like a bird splashed with water

If he had smiled i would have gotten over it easily but he just smiled and burst out laughing after the shock on his face and he did that for more than 3mins,still there i was like a wounded birdie

After entertaining himself with his laughter,he held my head in between his hands and said ‘oh my,you are so cute and you have such small head’, and he hugged me.

That was my last date with wig on.




MAY 29TH,2014 7:30am

I woke up not in the mood for anything,unusually my system was too down.I couldn't move to open the blinds or even get set for a new day not because i was ill but due to the fact that i was just not in the happy mood.

Lying in bed trying to figure out why i was in such state,i received the news‘My mentor left too soon’.

A woman of honour she is.

A giant amid men.

From afar,her personality can be mistaken for one with ego but getting to know her,no one can be as young in heart as she is.

A woman that sees the beauty of talents in you even before you could deem yourself fit of it.

Ever so ready to give you the opportunity to prove her right of the uniqueness she sees in you.

Never a dull moment in her world,so humorous yet of frank manner.

Never discriminates but would rather make you know ‘it doesn't work for me’,her words.

A motherly figure in all thoughts,she would rather acts than say so to tell you she is more aware of you than you know.

Her belief in touching lives with her knowledge and skills made individual like me her mentee,could still phantom her presence in directing and editing class pointing out little things that counts in production.

An icon never to be forgotten in the entertainment industry she is.

A pacesetter whose legends will forever live on.

I love you,Ma’am


Princess Adams


To Chris ihidero,Grace babasola,Tope lawanson and other crew members of her great production outfits:

She wont want us to grieve but to keep the fire of all she has impacted burning.


To the family:

Words aint enough to describe the feelings of this moment but pray the divine presence of our Lord almighty be with the household,accept my condolence.





Dairy is believed to have numerous health benefits, especially for women. Our focus will be on how to add dairy to your diet and keep off excess weight.

Why is having dairy in your diet so important for women specifically?

Dairy products are excellent for bone health, helping to prevent osteoporosis. This is because taking in calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, and yogurt helps to increase the bone acquisition during the bone’s growing stages, helps slow age-related bone loss, and it also reduces the risk of suffering from an osteoporotic fracture. It is especially important to eat dairy products in the earlier years of life as a person’s peak bone mass is reached by the time they are in their 20s. Attaining peak bone mass is important in the later adult years, especially for women that have gone through menopause.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women need about 1300 milligrams of calcium every day and dairy is a great source to cover their basic requirements, while supplementation is recommended to ensure optimal intake.

If you’re looking to lose weight, what are the best ways to do so while incorporating dairy into your diet?

Including low fat dairy products into an energy controlled balanced diet, may support your weight loss goals, notably as this supports calcium intake. Higher calcium intakes have been linked with better weight control. Researchers say there are a variety of potential mechanisms that may explain the benefits of calcium in support of weight management and merit further research. For example, it is believed that some of the minerals in dairy products, such as phosphorous and magnesium, may enhance calcium's beneficial effects on fat breakdown within the cells. In addition, the proteins in dairy products may help preserve muscle and increase metabolism.

To get the best results out of your diet and to see the results you want, you should be exercising regularly as well as sticking to a healthy diet. Exercise plays an equally important role in weight management as diet and is also in support of bone health in women.

What are the best low fat dairy options to add to your trolley?

Low fat dairy products have many benefits and can help reduce the risk of hypertension, support a healthy thyroid function and more. But when it comes to choosing your products, lower fat cheeses, low fat frozen yoghurts and Dairy Belle In Shape yoghurt and cottage cheese will satisfy your hunger.

What key tips would you give to women looking to create a diet that offers balanced nutrition?

Add, don't subtract - Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them.
Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, or crunchy snow peas. Slip those favourite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal; add the veggies into soups, stews, and sauces for dinner. Don't forget to add in something physical as well, whether it's doing a few dance moves before dinner, light exercises or taking a quick stroll.

Hydration helps - Down some water before a meal and you won't feel so famished. Drinking a glass of water before a meal will help you watch what you eat since you won’t feel as hungry as you were. Keeping your body refreshed with plenty of water may also help your workout, staying hydrated helps you to exercise more and longer than if you don't drink water.

Thursday 10 April 2014



1 two-wedding-rings

There is nothing compared to you loving your spouse and placing him/her in a place of honour.

For better for worse aint just mere saying, its more of a musketeer creed ‘ONE FOR ALL; ALL FOR ONE’

Your spouse must be seen through you right from

· The way you speak about your spouse (with love);

· The way you treat your spouse before families and friends (with respect);

· The way you both converse on phone and messages (with love);

· The way you both carry yourselves in public (with honour)

· The way you both make up after an argument (with understanding) and so on

An outsider will only reckon with your spouse the way you have subjected him/her to such individual.

Marriage aint a relationship of interest, it’s a home full of greater lessons of life however not easy but LOVE CONQUERS ALL.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Explore our creativity as we adorn you with the best of exquisite designs.
Our Services: Bridal Beads & Accessories


Are you an April/May bride?,then take advantage of our platinum package promo.

Gold and Orange Cora bead for Bride
comes in set of  neckband;wristband and earrings

Plated beads for Bride’s Mum
Pendant differs and comes in different colours.
comes in set of  Neckband;Wristband and Earrings

Plated beads for 3 Bridal train Ladies.
Pendant differs and comes in different colours.
comes in set of Neckband and Earrings
       PROMO RATE: NGN 45,000K
We cater for brides,bridal trains locally and internationally.
For enquiries,call +234 704 485 2899






Creating a bond between you and your baby should not be subjected till after birth, its should start right from the moment you discovered you are pregnant.

Learning to talk to your baby while still in your womb creates an amazing bond which could really be overwhelming and you will be surprised your baby actually listens.

Learn to wake up in the morning, place your right hand on your tummy and say words of morning shower.

Engage your baby in conversation after chores or while resting.

Develop a habit of talking and sharing jokes while in the bath.

Sing and read stories to your baby at leisure hours.

Every step you take concerning your baby’s development, learn to share with your baby like why you need to take that particular pill; why you need to be on a certain diet; why you need to exercise; why you need to visit the doctor for check-ups so to understand these are necessary steps to place her in a healthy state.

Talk about the dad, how you met him; your experience with him; his reactions hearing about your pregnancy the first time and how he hopes to be a great dad.

Share your happy moments and moments your baby kicks or make any kind of movement and what it does to you so he/she can know what you are enduring to have him/her in your womb for 9months.

Pray together and never fail to tell how much he/she is loved.

Despite the silence in the womb, your baby hears every single word of yours and you will be most amazed at the unbelievable ways your baby can reply.

Keep your conversation simple, fun-filled, heart-warming and adventurous.

You can also engage your spouse to create his own moments with the baby too at his available hours.

Tuesday 8 April 2014




Picking after the kids could be quite adorable, it give a sense of parenting when they are at the innocence state of their lives but the moment a child can differentiate wrong from right, picking after them becomes an issue to apply disciplinary actions over.

Research shows the following results

· Picking after female child 35%

· Picking after male child 65%

To cub this attitude, deploy the polythene bag scheme

· Get a new clean black polythene bag.

· Pick all packable your kid must have littered the floor with (toys, books, clothes etc).

· Don’t touch anything in his room or playroom (so your action can be justified).

· Fold the polythene bag and place in a neat corner in the kitchen or laundry room

· Don’t say a word until your kid notice the disappearing acts of his objects

The moment your kid notice, follow the script (parents are such talented actors)

Kid: mum/dad, have you seen my toy?

Parents: not really deary, where did you put, in your room?

Kid: no, I think I left it in the living room (anywhere he/she could say).

Parents: oh my, I hope it wasn’t on the floor? I had to pick all the litters on the floor to clean up, check the dustbin black polythene bag in the kitchen/laundry room

There are two reactions to expect from such statement you made,

Firstly, your kid can run straight to the kitchen/laundry room to locate the polythene bag and get all his/her stuff

Secondly, he/she can just burst into tears, cry and wine till eternity thereby leaving you the option of bringing the polythene bag yourself to sort out in front of him/her.

Either way your kids reacts, your next statement should be the message you want to get across

Parent: oh dear, am so sorry. I wouldn’t have packed it with the litters if it was neatly placed in your room or playing room.

The message sent ‘if it was neatly placed in your room’ is a manipulative mind game of telling your kid what you expected of his/her toys after his playing hours.

Your kid has a choice of taking to correction, leaving you with a choice of repetition or the option of getting new toys.




When the heart wanders,the soul,body and mind tends to weaken.

The mind becomes turbulent with all sort of negative thoughts,the body becomes devoid of action and the soul becomes agitated.

At this point,the mind tends to believe all hope is lost.

Life was created with two sides to it, life and death;failure and success;pain and gain;laughter and tears; and so on.

Disappointment might be the result of the today but success can be the result of tomorrow.

  • Duly believe in yourself.
  • Never give up on your dreams.
  • If you can think it and envisage it,you can achieve it against all odds.
  • Every fruit has their seasons and humans are also subjected to this trait,your time will definitely come.

it all boils down to IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE YOU CAN.

The roads aint easy but the grace is unlimited.

waking each day subjects one to a new day and a new beginning for a new script,WHAT IS YOUR SCRIPT?


Assuming you take route A out each day to the main road of your Street and this faithful day,you get to route A and the gates have been you go back home lamenting about it or do you seek another way out to the main road in order to get to your destination?

Life is a maze with many route out.

Every closed doors subjects you to

  • a new direction to track your way out.
  • a new plan to execute that business to success.
  • a new ------- to get that job.
  • a new ------- and so on

Everyone has a story to tell,deary;for life aint that easy.

Keep moving,keep engaging yourself in something;keep at it and one day soon the Universe will succumb to your callings.




Ex and scars are elements one can not erase from every relationship.

The memories never fail to linger thus hurts the heart more than anticipated however life is so funny the the minute you get dumped the next minutes someone else is flashing the green light for your attention.

Revenge becomes the next point of call due to experiences with your ex thereby treating a gem unfairly and one is mostly blinded to this fact until the very last minute of losing such gem do you realise his/her value in your life.

No matter your experiences with your ex, EVERY NEW RELATIONSHIP IS A CLEAN SLATE.

  • A clean slate with new beginnings;
  • A clean slate with new write-ups;
  • A clean slate with review attitude;
  • A clean slate with hope and faith;
  • A clean slate with open heart to love;
  • A clean slate on which what you write on it becomes you;

Life is a risk as such everything in it including relationships.

Nobody can predict the outcome of a tossed coin or dice but a leap of faith is all that matters.

Always remember that new lady/guy in your life now is A CLEAN SLATE TO WRITE ON, you have a choice to either write a beauty & beast story or silk or stone story.