Tuesday 8 April 2014




When the heart wanders,the soul,body and mind tends to weaken.

The mind becomes turbulent with all sort of negative thoughts,the body becomes devoid of action and the soul becomes agitated.

At this point,the mind tends to believe all hope is lost.

Life was created with two sides to it, life and death;failure and success;pain and gain;laughter and tears; and so on.

Disappointment might be the result of the today but success can be the result of tomorrow.

  • Duly believe in yourself.
  • Never give up on your dreams.
  • If you can think it and envisage it,you can achieve it against all odds.
  • Every fruit has their seasons and humans are also subjected to this trait,your time will definitely come.

it all boils down to IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE YOU CAN.

The roads aint easy but the grace is unlimited.

waking each day subjects one to a new day and a new beginning for a new script,WHAT IS YOUR SCRIPT?


Assuming you take route A out each day to the main road of your Street and this faithful day,you get to route A and the gates have been locked.do you go back home lamenting about it or do you seek another way out to the main road in order to get to your destination?

Life is a maze with many route out.

Every closed doors subjects you to

  • a new direction to track your way out.
  • a new plan to execute that business to success.
  • a new ------- to get that job.
  • a new ------- and so on

Everyone has a story to tell,deary;for life aint that easy.

Keep moving,keep engaging yourself in something;keep at it and one day soon the Universe will succumb to your callings.

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