Wednesday 30 April 2014




And so i was let in on the interview five steps saga of employment.

Graduates seeking employment now have to undertake five different interview levels before they can be considered for employment.

so i asked the great question: what does each step of the interview entails? and what kind of employment interview takes up to five steps when you are not seeking international grants.

A research was conducted to expose the five levels of interview by seeking out candidates who had really experienced the levels.

Many attested to the first level which comes in a written test mode for proposed graduates from different backgrounds.

Few certified to the existence of the second level which is another form of written test in seeker’s environ.

One testified to the third level as a verbal interview to test candidate’s IQ and background analysis.

None was found to give details of the fourth neither was there anyone to account for the fifth level.

thus our conclusion:

From first level to third level,it is a case of MANY ARE CALLED FEW ARE CHOSEN for decorative data analysis.

From forth level to fifth level,if these levels ever exist,it is a case of ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS through connection.A case of ANIMAL FARM.

These facts point us to three important questions

1.Must we subject our graduates who strive so hard to make a living and keep up to earn a degree to ridicule and deprive them of better livelihood?

The excuse is always of belief that these graduates are not highly qualified and competent for the position but the real question here is

2. Are the right study process,study materials and study facilities in place in the university environ?

Universities with the right facilities are way too expensive to afford and subject students to rules considered for secondary school students.

3. When will the act of placing incompetent family members/friends in positions meant for qualified graduates stop and reduce the rate of a graduate being in a position of baboon dey work na monkey dey chop?

Nobody lives forever thus to elongate the life span of a community,each of its generations must be given the opportunity to blossom.

Our graduates deserve a chance to prove their worth.

if such a chance is given and misused,it is a misfortune on the part of the graduate but at least the opportunity was given.

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