Wednesday 9 April 2014






Creating a bond between you and your baby should not be subjected till after birth, its should start right from the moment you discovered you are pregnant.

Learning to talk to your baby while still in your womb creates an amazing bond which could really be overwhelming and you will be surprised your baby actually listens.

Learn to wake up in the morning, place your right hand on your tummy and say words of morning shower.

Engage your baby in conversation after chores or while resting.

Develop a habit of talking and sharing jokes while in the bath.

Sing and read stories to your baby at leisure hours.

Every step you take concerning your baby’s development, learn to share with your baby like why you need to take that particular pill; why you need to be on a certain diet; why you need to exercise; why you need to visit the doctor for check-ups so to understand these are necessary steps to place her in a healthy state.

Talk about the dad, how you met him; your experience with him; his reactions hearing about your pregnancy the first time and how he hopes to be a great dad.

Share your happy moments and moments your baby kicks or make any kind of movement and what it does to you so he/she can know what you are enduring to have him/her in your womb for 9months.

Pray together and never fail to tell how much he/she is loved.

Despite the silence in the womb, your baby hears every single word of yours and you will be most amazed at the unbelievable ways your baby can reply.

Keep your conversation simple, fun-filled, heart-warming and adventurous.

You can also engage your spouse to create his own moments with the baby too at his available hours.

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