Monday 1 June 2015

#Upclose: That which makes you exceptional...

It is not about the fight...
Nor about the race...
It is about what makes you exceptional that makes you worthy of the fight...
It is that which makes you exceptional that wins the race ahead..
It is also that which lies in you that makes you stand out among peers...

Don't be afraid to take a step into what you so believe in...
A step taken is a step nearer to breakthrough...
A step taken is a step closer to more opportunities and openings...
A step taken is a step closer to deducing who you really are and what you stand for...

As ridicule as you might think of what makes you exceptional,
Remember someone out there crave for such uniqueness...

Duely  believe in yourself...
Look inwardly...

#BeInspired #Bemotivated

The roads one can not say are easy paths but the grace is abundant..

Happy New Month...


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