Friday 29 May 2015

#LensAFRIK: Nigeria inaugurates a new Democratic President,  General Muhammed

Years ago I was in front of the TV and witnessed the breaking news of the overthrown regime of General Buhari as a Military President , today May 29th, 2015 I will be seated right in front of the TV to witness the inauguration of General Muhammed Buhari as a democratic President of Nigeria

Hmmm ‪#‎Whatisyourstory‬, have you moved past your past life to make a fresh start of impact? Never doubt the power of ‪#‎SecondChance‬ however the decision lies with you... ‪#‎ToBe‬ or ‪#‎NotToBe‬

Happy Democracy Day, Nigerians

Happy Inauguration Day....

May the Fresh Spring of life be bestowed upon us and our households...

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