Friday 30 January 2015

#Marriage: For Every Husband

The moment a woman gets married, some things changed. 

She tends to be far away from old friends and even the relationship with her family tends to take another turn.

Her husband seems to be everything to her from moment of union, a great friend to a wonderful brother to an understanding husband and most importantly her next of kin.

What seems to be unknown is that when a woman is married, she has no more place to return to in her family thus making her husband families are new kins. This is the African belief and act.

Most ladies tend to be lonely after the euphoria of ' I am married and oh! i am on honeymoon'. The only source of joy at that moment is the fact that she is with the love of her life.

Research carried out shows most men dont have an idea of this feeling from their partner because she so covers it up by dedicating her time to care for him.

The only sign of telling is when she gets back home and start talking about a new lady friend she just met and before you say jack, she has fixed an outing with her.

To cover up, you as the husband must make your woman proud to be with you and be appreciated for her sacrifices.

Making her feel appreciated isnt all about helping with house chores but with these little factors that really count.


Women expect their husbands to be that close friend, they so can open up to anytime. 

They want the emotional support that comes from the bond of friendship. 
Good friends help build confidence and can always be counted on when needed. 

You should be able to tell when she is hiding her true emotion about issues and when she is bothered but wont talk.


A good marriage is built on a foundation of trust.

Women want their marriages to be free from suspicion and insecurities. 

They want their husbands to be reliable, dependable, honest and loyal. 

They want to trust their husbands and be trusted completely by them.

Learn to tell the truth, argue and forgive rather for her to find out the truth after you have lied and things get ugly.

Telling the truth aint easy bro but its rather better option to a great dilemma of mistrust.


A secure emotional bond is essential. 

Women want demonstrations of affection. 

They want assurances that their husbands enjoy being with them, and to hear the words, "I love you." 

Women also want their husbands to be empathetic and sensitive to their needs.

Once in a while, surprise her with gifts.(personal gifts). choose from material things she loves having.


Women want open, honest communication. 

They want husbands who are good listeners, and who show interest in their wives by giving them undivided attention. 

They also want to hear their husbands open up and share their deepest thoughts and feelings on every issue that could be except football.


Women want their husbands to balance things up. 

Every woman knows her husband need to work to keep the family in shape but they don't want a workaholic.

Internally it is of  wish that her husband must know how to balance his work ethic with time for his family.

The action gives a woman a sense of belonging.


Women want stable marriages that are based on mutual stands. 

If there is agreement on important matters such as where to live, whether to have children and how to raise them, and the importance of religion and family, there will be less opportunity for conflict within the marriage.

Your woman isnt married to you to be decorated as a wife, it is of honour to seek her understanding, opinions and feelings about important issues that will make impact on the family.

Never be a dictator, it kills every woman internally.


Women want admiration and respect in their marriages. Husbands should be their wives' greatest fans, lavishing praise and showing gratitude whenever possible. Women want to know that their efforts are valued and appreciated.


Women want their husbands to inspire and comfort them. 

Optimistic men who have faith that bad times are bound to improve make great husbands. 

They don't wallow in self-pity or despair in difficult situations. 

They're intelligent, positive thinkers who believe they can solve problems. 

They're able to lift spirits with their upbeat approach to bleak times.


Women do want to have fun in their marriage. 

They want men who are serious, but not too serious to know when to relax and enjoy themselves. 

They want fun-loving husbands with a good sense of humor who know how to have a good time and how to keep the romance alive during the long haul.

Have private time together without the kids.


The critical difference between cohabitation and marriage is the depth of commitment. 

Married women want to feel secure in the relationship. 

They want to know their husbands don't regret choosing them as a life partner. 

Women want to feel their husband's ongoing attachment to them.

Make her feel secure at every point of your lives together

Every marriage do have ups and downs but Love, Patience and Understanding build a solid home.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

#HealthMatters: Preventing Dehydration with Lemon and Water

Dehydration occurs when the body has insufficient water and other fluids to function properly.

It can lead to blood clots, seizures and other potentially fatal complications.

Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can have adverse effects on mood and energy.

The signs of dehydration aren’t always obvious like thirst and fatigue.

Six Important indicators that point out you might be dehydrated.

1. Bad breath.
2. Dry skin.
3. Muscle cramps
4. Fever and chills
5. Food cravings, especially for sweets
6. Headaches.

It is recommends that most women should drink about 2.7 liters of water a day (or about 12 cups)  and most men to have an intake of about 3.7 liters a day (or about 15 cups).

Total water intake also includes water gained from foods, other beverages like tea and fruit mixture.

Research shows mixing lukewarm water with Lemon gives a lot of healthy touch to the body.

Ten Important reasons why an early morning drink of lukewarm water and lemon gives you a great morning start.

1. Supports the immune system: The juice of half a lemon in a glass of water is rich in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and assists the body in fighting colds and flu. Lemon also enhances the body’s ability to absorb iron, an important nutrient for a healthy immune system.

2. Aids digestion: As lemon juice is similar in atomic structure to the stomach’s digestive juices, it has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It helps cleanse the bowel by flushing out waste more efficiently and stimulates the release of gastric juices, which aid digestion. The digestive qualities of lemon juice can also help relieve symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and bloating.

3. Repairs skin: Lemons are great for combating skin ageing. The antioxidant properties help combat free radical damage, which is responsible for the symptoms of ageing.

4. Reduces appetite: Lemons contain pectin, a soluble fibre commonly found in citrus fruits. Pectin helps stave off hunger as the fibre creates a feeling of fullness, which results in the suppression of hunger cravings.

5. Balances pH levels: Lemons are one of the most alkalising foods for the body and a good pH level is essential as too much acidity in the body can be inflammatory.

6.  Cleanses the urinary tract: Lemon juice is a diuretic, meaning it encourages the production of urine. As a result, toxins are released at a faster rate, helping to purify the system and keep it healthy. Lemon juice can also change the pH level of the urinary tract which discourages the proliferation of bad bacteria.

7.  Freshens breath: The antiseptic qualities in lemon juice help kill off bad bacteria in the mouth by acting as a disinfectant. A glass of lemon water is also a healthier morning wake-you-up than coffee.

8.  Protects overall health: High levels of potassium in lemons can help brain and nerve functioning and control blood pressure. Lemon water can also ward off stress and depression, which have been linked to low levels of potassium.

9. Promotes healing: Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, promotes wound healing in the body and is an important nutrient in maintaining healthy bones, tissue and cartilage. It also calms inflammation in the body.

10. Detoxifies the liver: Lemon water acts as a liver cleanser by assisting in detoxification. It purifies and stimulates the liver by encouraging the production of bile.

So lets get drinking everyone….
#Relationship: Never Be Too Blind To Let Go

Every relationship is sweet at the beginning...

Some relationships are just not meant to be...

Every relationship is worth saving by all cost but deep down in our heart we must come to term that not all relationships are worth drowning for (#JACK #TITANIC).

Never be too blind to let go when the affection is one-sided;

You waiting for such days your partner will wake up and adorn you with 95% affection in return might be the days your true love actually comes looking and you aren't available.

Never be too blind to let go of a loveless relationship;

A partner who doesnt love you enough to have a future plan for you deserves an early breakup to avoid trauma, drama and misdeeds.

Never be too blind to let go of a relationship that lacks respect;

A partner who doesn't realise your worth through your courtship periods doesn't deserve your presence in his/her life, respect is reciprocal.

Never be too blind to let go of a relationship that subjects you to emotional blackmail;

 A partner that blackmails you with his/her emotions and keeps the attitude of repeated mistakes will forever subject you to emotional trauma.

Never be too blind to let go in an abusive relationship;

The thought of such dilemma to stop after marriage is 1%,if your partner can not control physical violence,THINK TWICE.

To be alive,single,happy and healthy for a while is much more better than wearing shades to cover up the abuse episodes and subjecting yourself to health hazards as a result of such violence.

Never be too blind to let go when a partner is uncontrollable obsessed and over possessive of you;

if a partner is uncontrollable obsessed with you and never fails to subject every move/things/people around you to scrutiny,BEWARE…

A likeable case of killing you for the wrong reasons due to irrational conclusion is 85%.

if such a partner is not subjected to psychological therapy,it could be dangerous.

if both of you can’t seem to work it out,don't allow your love to blind you to death.

Never be too blind to let go when your partners’ families are not so into you;

The percentage of a man getting away with marrying a lady whose family are against the relationship is 75%.
They might eventually succumb to make the lady happy if it is noticed she is madly in love with the man;though at the back of their mind,they wait silently for that day she will need a shoulder to cry on and tell her ‘ i told you so,he was never right for you’.

vice versa for a lady,it is 25%.

A lady never survives the wrath no matter the years of marriage,the families wait patiently like a lion in wait for meal.

A relationship must be 1+1 to make 1 and not 1+1 to make 2.

No one is a scape goat for the other.

Every individual deserves to have a happy relationship,courtship and marriage thou the test of time is never exempted.

Be wise with your choice.

Monday 26 January 2015

#Kidsco: The Polythene Bag Scheme

Picking after the kids could be quite adorable, it give a sense of parenting especially when they are at the innocent state of their lives but the moment a child can differentiate wrong from right, picking after them becomes an issue to apply disciplinary actions over.

Research shows the following results

· Picking after female child 35%
· Picking after male child 65%

To cub this attitude, deploy the polythene bag scheme

· Get a new clean black polythene bag.

· Pick all packable your kid must have littered the floor with (toys, books, clothes etc).

· Don’t touch anything in his room or playroom (so your action can be justified).

· Fold the polythene bag and place in a neat corner in the kitchen or laundry room.

· Don’t say a word until your kid notice the disappearing acts of his objects.

The moment your kid searches to no avail and ask you about it, follow the script (parents are such talented actors);

Kid: Mum/Dad, have you seen my toy?

Parents: Not really deary. where did you put, in your room?

Kid: No, I think I left it in the living room (anywhere he/she could say).

Parents: oh my, I hope it wasn’t on the floor? I had to pick all the litters on the floor to clean up. check the dustbin, that black polythene bag in the kitchen/laundry room.

There are two reactions to expect from such statement you made,

Firstly, your kid can run straight to the kitchen/laundry room to locate the polythene bag and get all his/her stuff.

Secondly, he/she can just burst into tears, cry and whine till eternity thereby leaving you with the option of bringing the polythene bag yourself to sort out in front of him/her.

Either way your kid reacts, your next statement should be the message you want to get across.

Parent: oh dear, am so sorry. I wouldn’t have packed it with the litters if it was neatly placed in your room or playing room.

The message sent ‘if it was neatly placed in your room’ is a manipulative mind game of telling your kid what you expected of his/her toys after his/her playing hours.

Your kid has a choice of taking to correction, leaving you with a choice of repetition or the option of getting new toys.

Kids could be stubborn but persistence of our little polythene bag scheme sure works.

The Polythene bag scheme was a form of orientation i came up with babysitting some nephews, though the whinnng persisted for three days, they gave in the forth day to allow peace...

Do share what you come up with engaging the scheme.


Sunday 25 January 2015

#HamazonACADEMY: HIMPS #Masterclass Lab (Nigeria)

HamazonACADEMY has released the schedule for Masterclass programs for the year 2015.

The HIMPS Masterclass Lab offers a month intensive training on the following programs in Lagos, Nigeria.

The training is powered by HamazonACADEMY, the training arm of HamazonIMPRESSIONs
( "")

Each Lab emphasizes a hands-on and practical approach to development for films, documentary projects and TV production.

The HIMPS Masterclass Lab is a yearly training program powered by HamazonACADEMY and open to talented young aspiring and professional in each field.

The training emphasizes on discussion and group work to encourage networking, sharing of knowledge and experience among participants.

The HIMPS Masterclass includes


Topics to be treated in this Lab will include

.Script development for TV programmes
.Script development for feature Films, Documentaries and .Short Movies
.Script Analysis and Implementation
.Legal issues related to writing
.Pitching script for Grants
.Pitching script to Producers
.Negotiating Schemes
.Co-production opportunities
.Marketing Mediums and Materials

Participant are encouraged to register with their script for case study and analysis, however it is not mandatory.

LAB FEE: NGN 25, 000K


This Lab will focus on ‘How to Write Radio Serial Drama for Social Development’

Topics to be treated in this Lab will include

.The Meaning of Drama
. Dramatic Conflict
. Components of a Drama
. The Structure of a Drama
. Types of Radio Drama
. The Multi-Plot Nature of a Serial
. Advantages of Multiple Plots in an Enter-Educate Serial
. The Structure of a Radio Serial Episode.

Participant are encouraged to register with their script for case study and analysis, however it is not mandatory.

LAB FEE: NGN 25, 000K


This Lab will focus on ‘Script to Screen’ from a Cinematographer point of view.

Topics to be treated in this Lab will include the major aspects of Cinematography

. Physical Aspects of Cinematography
. Technical Aspects of Cinematography
. Compositional Aspects of Cinematograph
. Continuity Aspect of Cinematography

This is a practical oriented Lab with field works.

LAB FEE: NGN 35, 000K


This Lab will focus on video editing for TV Programmes, Films and Documentaries.

Topics to be treated in this Lab will include:

. Introduction to NLEs - Interface, capturing, Timeline, Effects, Rendering Capture, edit, render given footage
. Understanding Postproduction - Color correction, masking, advanced image processing before and after shots provided, achieve results
. What is editing I - narratives, sequence, kulchicoff effect, etc, types of edit Identify and describe all edits in TVC provided.
. What is editing II - narratives, sequence, kulchicoff effect, etc, types of edit Use appropriate edits for clips provided and postproduction
. Understanding Shots - Simple, Complex, Developing Shots Identify shot types in clips provided
. 6 Elements I: Motivation, Information, Composition, Sound, Camera Angle, continuity Identify 6 elements of the shot/edit in clips provided
.6 Elements II: Motivation, Information, Composition, Sound, Camera Angle, continuity Use appropriate edits for clips provided and postproduction
. Elements of edit in the cut, mix and fade I Identify Elements for cut/mix/fade in clips provided.
. Elements of edit in the cut, mix and fade II Use appropriate edits for clips provided and postproduction
.Types of Edit I - Action edit, Screen position, Form, Concept, Combined Idenitfy Types of Edit in clips provided.
.Types of Edit II - Action edit, Screen position, Form, Concept, . . Combined Use appropriate edits for clips provided and postproduction

This is a practical oriented Lab with field works.
LAB FEE: NGN 30, 000K

The HIMPS Masterclass Lab will commence from

Date: March 9th – March 26th, 2015

Registration Deadline: February 27th, 2015

For Enquiries and Registration details, call Admin on +2347044852899 Whatsapp 08126989955

#Marriage: A Place Of Honour

There is nothing that could be compared to you loving your spouse and placing him/her in a place of honour.

For better for worse aint just mere saying, its more of a musketeer creed ‘ONE FOR ALL; ALL FOR ONE’.

Your spouse must be seen through you right from

· The way you speak about your spouse (with love);

· The way you treat your spouse before families and friends (with respect);

· The way you both converse on phone and messages (with affection);

· The way you both carry yourselves in public (with honour);

· The way you both make up after an argument (with understanding) and so on

An outsider will only reckon with your spouse the way you have subjected him/her to such individual;

. Avoid a third party opinion concerning your partner,always remember a third party opinion wasnt seeked the very moment you dedicated your heart to your him/her;

. Never argue infront of outsiders or friends, hide your shame at the privacy of your home;

. Never put down your partner in any form during conversation, at events or any form of gathering.

. Never make your partner a point of gossip among friends no matter how rosy or otherwise the situation at home is.

Endurance is the perfect word...

Marriage aint a relationship of interest, it’s a home full of greater lessons of life however not easy but LOVE CONQUERS ALL.

#Up&Close: When The Heart Wanders

When the heart wanders,the soul,body and mind tends to weaken.

The mind becomes turbulent with all sort of negative thoughts,the body becomes devoid of action and the soul becomes agitated.

At this point,the mind tends to believe all hope is lost.

Life was created with two sides to it, life and death;failure and success;pain and gain;laughter and tears; and so on.

Disappointment might be the result of the today but success can be the result of tomorrow.

Duly believe in yourself.

Never give up on your dreams.

If you can think it and envisage it,you can achieve it against all odds.

Every fruit has their seasons and humans are also subjected to this trait,your time will definitely come.

it all boils down to IF ONLY YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN.

The roads aint easy but the grace is unlimited.

Waking each day subjects one to a new day and a new beginning for a new script;



Assuming you take route A out each day to the main road of your Street and this faithful day,you get to route A and the gates have been locked.

Do you go back home lamenting about it or do you seek another way out to the main road in order to get to your destination?

Life is a maze with many route out.

Every closed door subjects you to:

A new direction to track your way out.
A new plan to execute that business to success.
A new Self branding tactics to get that job.
A new touch of thoughts and so on

Everyone has a story to tell,deary; for life aint that easy.

Life wasnt meant to be a straight road with easy routes.

You are meant to write your story in the book of life thus life is giving you the opportunity to pursue the dreams you believe in.

Keep moving;
keep engaging yourself with that dream;
keep at it and one day soon the Universe will succumb to your callings.

Most importantly, never give up on yourself...

You are your key to life...

Wednesday 21 January 2015

#Up&Close: #Reflection #LovingYou

The first step to changing your thoughts is to LOVE YOURSELF.

Loving yourself opens your eyes to those little details you chose to ignore.

To love yourself is to invite positive changes into your life and it starts with your physical attributes which is your appearance.

The physical appearance sheds light on all the physical attributes of your body from your hair to your toe nails.

It gets to a certain point in our lives that we damn all consequences concerning your appearance all in the name of surviving and when our attention is drawn to this fact, our possible reply might be ‘ who is observing me’.

 What we tend to know not is that someone out there is actually watching.

Do you know what separates a goal getter from a non goal getter?

A goal getter tends to spend his/her last dime on taking care of his/her physical attributes because he/she has gotten to a level that going hungry to care for his/her appearances will yield a positive result sooner or later.



Don’t let the stress of life turn you into wolverine, keep your hair neat and have a nice cut to your taste every 2weeks. Same goes for those keeping their hair long or in other styles


Ø Your hairstyle must change every 2 weeks if it is fixing so to avoid a smelling hair and dirty scalp.
Ø A braided hair should be kept for only 2 to 3 weeks to avoid dryness and dirty scalp as well.
Ø Get a nice wig to cover up for those moments you can’t afford a new hairdo, just be careful of the breeze.
Ø If you have a long natural hair, keep it clean by washing with lukewarm water, creamed and neatly packed.
You can get affordable shampoo, hair spray, hair gels or cream for less than $5 to give your hair the best of treat.

Ø Dip cotton wool in water to soften the buds and clean your ears weekly, just as the face attracts dirt so does the ear.
Ø Wash thoroughly with soap while bathing or soak cotton towel in water to wipe outer ears both at morning bath and evening bath.

Ø Brush you teeth twice daily i.e. first thing in the morning and before you get into bed at night
Ø Minimize the intake of coffee, could lead to teeth coloration.
Ø Quite smoking, it is quite dangerous to health and also discolour your lips, teeth and tongue
Ø Drink lots of water to avoid dryness of the throat and sided lips spit while talking.

Ø Dip cotton bud in water to soften the bud and use to clean the nostrils (this method isn’t only limited to babies).
Ø Never pick your nose in public with your fingers and always have a handkerchief/tissue papers with you.
Ø Never use your hands to blow your in public, aint hygienic. Always move around with handkerchief.

Ø Too much caffeine affects the eyes so stay off cigarettes, alcoholic drinks and minimize intake of coffee
Ø Take lots of water, it rejuvenates the skin and your eyes.
Ø Always exercise your eyes weekly by opening it to water for 3mins
Ø Before you finally lay down to sleep at night, soak cotton towel water and place over your closed eyes for 10 mins (I won’t tell what that does to you or your eyes, try it to find out so you can recommend to friends).


Your face bear it all, the clothes you wear can hide other parts of your body but not your face.

It is so open it tells your critical moments to the happy days in short it gives you away easily more than your lips.

Have you ever asked yourself this question ‘what sells you?’

If a brand needs a representative to promote their products/services, the first thing the company will tell the marketing manager is to seek out someone that has the FACE. The face in this phrase could only mean a pretty/handsome face, a face free of pimples; a face free of stress; a face people can reckon with; a charming face with smiles and so on


Life aint easy deary, telling you to pay more attention to your face is like a waste of time compared to you focusing on getting that job but what you should realise is ‘your face gets you that job’; that face gets you that guy; that face gets you that favour; that face gets you the recognition’.

When was he last time you went for facials?

‘Facials! When I am so seeking for financial breakthrough to survive’, this is exactly someone’s reply to this question right now.

For both genders, your face matters a lot.

Facials at least is at the rate of $50.if you are low in cash, you can DIY at the comfort of your home.

DIY at home i.e. do it yourself at home though it might not be as luxurious as visiting the spa. You will need

Ø Spa salt
Ø Facial scrub
Ø Hot water
Ø Honey
Ø Onions
Ø Towel
Ø 2 Small hand towels

Ø Boil water and pour into big bowl.
Ø Pour diced onion into the water.
Ø Bend over the bowl and cover up with the big towel.
Ø Stay for 10 – 15 mins so to open the pores.
Ø Use small towel to damp the face.
Ø Use spa salt to rub your face in a circular motion to exfoliate the cells; leave for 3mins and wipe clean with the small damp towel (wash towel to reuse).
Ø Use the facial scrub as well in a circular motion, leave for 3mins and also wipe clean with the damp hand towel.
Ø Soak a new hand towel in lukewarm water and use to press every corner of your face as a whole.
Ø Use honey to rub your face and leave for 3mins.
Ø Finally wash off with lukewarm water and facial wash liquid.
Ø Avoid heavy makeup for the next 3days.

A pharmacist aint a cosmetologist, to know the right set of products for your skin type, visit a good and certified cosmetologist.

Don’t just use anything recommended by anyone due to popular demand in the market.


Your body is a temple i.e. a host to your soul, taking good care of it renews your soul.

Ø Eat healthy foods.
Ø Take lots of water, veggies and fruits.
Ø Exercise 3 times a week to keep your body fit.
Ø Stay clean with every parts of your body to your nail, shave your armpits and never forget your perfume/roll on.
Ø Get the right body products to aid your skin type.
Ø Dress decently.
Ø Avoid junk meals to avoid obesity and other ailments attached to it.

Above all stay happy, go out and have fun.

#NAIJA4LIFE: Important Postal Codes

Despite the easy access to emails by latest technology gadgets, the old age postal mode still manages to be in existence.

How well do you know your postal codes in Nigeria?

Abia 440001
Adamawa 640001
Akwa-Ibom 520001
Anambra 420001
Bauchi 740001
Borno 600001
Delta 320001
Edo 300001
Enugu 400001
Imo 460001
Jigawa 720001
Kano 700001
Kaduna 800001
Katsina 820001
Kebbi 860001
Kogi 260001
Kwara 240001
Lagos (Island) 101001
Lagos (Mainland) 100001
Niger 920001
Ogun 110001
Ondo 340001
Osun 230001
Oyo 200001
Plateau 930001
Rivers 500001
Sokoto 840001
Taraba 660001
Yobe 320001
Ebonyi 840001

Tuesday 20 January 2015

#MARRIAGE: Your #Woman is your #Image

A wife changes her name for you...

Leaves her home to create a new home with you...

Leaves her family to be bonded with you as her only next of kin...

Moves in with you to create a new beginning...

Builds a home with you to give room for new memories...

Gets pregnant for you to protect your legacy "Your Name"...

Pregnancy changes her body yet with love she is filled

She gets fat yet with fulfilment she is carrying your child...

Almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pains of child birth yet her only thought is "Am giving birth to his child, our child"

Even the kids she delivers bear your name to keep your family name alive...

Everything she does, (cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning, advising you, ensuring you can be relaxed, maintaining all family relations, everything that benefit you.....are at the cost of her own health , hobbies and beauty.

Till the day she dies...

Dear men appreciate the women in your lives always.

Let the vows count in your marriage.

Treat your woman as your priceless jewel and not as an asset or decoration in your home.

Make your woman feel proud of herself for having you in her life each moment.

Rock her world with surprises, private outings together and recreational outings with the family as a whole.

She is never too young nor too old to be pampered.

Inevitably there will be differences and disagreement however be patience with your words and action towards her.

An action that turns physical is an abuse and detrimental words could lead to mental abuse.


Your woman is your image...

Monday 19 January 2015

#HealthMatters: Green Leafy #Vegetables

A nutrition professor once told me that it was common for our ancient ancestors to eat up to six pounds of leaves per day. He imagined them walking along from one place to another, just picking and eating leaves as they went.

Can you imagine eating a grocery bag full of greens each and every day? Few of us even eat the minimum recommendations of 3 cups of green vegetables per week.

Green leafy vegetables are, calorie for calorie, probably the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food.

They are a rich source of minerals (including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium) and vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins .

They also provide a variety of phytonutrients including beta-carotene, lutein , and zeaxanthin, which protect our cells from damage and our eyes from age-related problems, among many other effects.

Green leaves even contain small amounts of Omega-3 fats  and perhaps the star of these nutrients is Vitamin K.

A cup of most cooked greens provides at least nine times the minimum recommended intake of Vitamin K, and even a couple of cups of dark salad greens usually provide the minimum all on their own.

Recent research has provided evidence that this vitamin may be even more important than we once thought and many people do not get enough of it.

Benefits of Green Leafy Veggies

1.Regulates blood clotting
2.Helps protect bones from osteoporosis
3.May help prevent and possibly even reduce atherosclerosis by reducing calcium in arterial plaques
4.May be a key regulator of inflammation, and may help protect us from inflammatory diseases including arthritis
5.May help prevent diabetes
6.Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, so make sure to put dressing on your salad, or cook your greens with oil.

Green vegetables have very little carbohydrate in them, and the carbs that are there are packed in layers of fiber, which make them very slow to digest.

Great news about green leafy vegetables is the fact that you can combine veggies with most food.

A cup of blended Spinach taken early in the morning and late at night before bed rejuvenates the body cells and aids weightloss.

Think Veggies for great health...
#LittleThingsThatCounts: Just a Smile

“I never will understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.”  In the words a woman who devoted her life to selflessness and altruism, Mother Teresa remarks on the importance of a smile.

Smiling is one of the most basic human facial expressions which can improve one’s health, relationships, and professional life yet not so many people reckon with this fact.

The sincerity and span of a person’s smile can also be used to predict one's life span.

These are scientific evidences to prove why a smile can provide countless positive benefits.

First, smiling suppresses the control we have on our facial muscles by releasing stress and tension and lowering one’s heart rate.

It also provides a natural form of happiness by reducing stress-inducing hormones such as cortisol, dopamine, and adrenaline and increasing mood-enhancing hormones such as endorphins.

Smiling also stimulates reward mechanisms by allowing us to feel rewarded when we see someone else smile.  According to Ron Gutman in a TEDx talk, he says that one smile can stimulate the same level of brain activity as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate.  

It is estimated that children smile up to 400 times per day and the average adult smiles 20 times per day.  Given the significant difference between adults and children, this explains why we inevitably smile in the presence of a young child and justifies the meaning of the cliché, “a smile is contagious.”

In the context of relationships, a genuine smile can make you appear more confident, self-assured, attractive, and reliable.

People who smile more often are also perceived as more trusting, making them more likely to engage in healthy relationships.

Smiling also puts you in a better mood: it allows you to step back and look at the big picture rather than focus on the minute details of a negative situation.

Overall, people who smile are able to elicit more positive connections with their family, friends, and loved ones.

Smiling in the workplace conveys professionalism and improves your perception at work.

People who smile at their place of work are viewed as more competent, open-minded, and creative.  

In the context of interviews, smiling can make one appear as a more attractive, team-oriented candidate for the job.

Smiling is often overlooked in our society because of the stress of daily survival however it is such a little gesture that counts.

Give that face a lift by smiling, it is free, healthy, and such an attractive way to achieve happiness, build personal and professional relationships.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

#EXPECTANT: #Drugs #Supplement Safety Measures


A pregnant woman feeling a slight pain in her stomach decided to buy painkillers over the counter. On taking the drugs, she felt uncomfortable and was rushed to the hospital. She had complications and lost the baby, her dilemma was traced back to the drugs she took.

At the very moment you become expectant, it changes everything from your diets to supplements you take.

Every drug or supplement must be prescribed by your doctor and subjected to thier view.

Not all drugs safe for your consumption is safe for your baby growing in you so be weary of medications or supplements you take without proper diagnosis.

Taking almost any drug during pregnancy can have serious
consequences for the fetus which increases the risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy.

However  later in the pregnancy, unprescribed drugs of any kind may cause pre-term labor and low birth weight, as well as babies who are irritable and have feeding difficulties.

Some women actually need to take drugs during pregnancy. This need may arise due to pains or for a serious condition such as asthma, epilepsy, hypertension or depression.

If you found yourself falling into this category and concerned about using a prescription or over-the-counter medication during pregnancy, talk with your doctor and get more information about the drug's safety.

While a few prescription and over-the-counter medications are
considered "safe" during pregnancy, most drugs are not.

If you are taking medications for medical purposes, here are
some safety tips to follow when you are pregnant:

1. Always read the medication label. Many of the products
will tell you on the label if they are safe for use while
pregnant. If you are unsure about taking an OTC product,
call your doctor.

2. Natural dietary supplements -- herbs, amino acids,
minerals, mega-vitamins -- might be considered natural,
but that does not mean they are safe. Talk with your
health care provider before taking any unproven or
"natural" remedy.

3. Aspirin and ibuprofen should not be taken during the last 3 months of your pregnancy unless you are instructed by your doctor to take it. These drugs can cause problems for your baby or cause problems when you are in labor.

Talk with your doctor about special prenatal vitamins that
are safe for mom and baby. OTC vitamins may have doses
that are too high.

Medicines to Avoid When Pregnant

1. Aspirin
2. Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
3. Herbs (no all herbs are safe during pregnancy)
4. Isotretinoin (Accutane) taken for acne
5. Thalidomide (Thalomid) taken for a type of skin disease

Your metabolism is quite different from your friends' thus avoid any suggestive prescription.

Always check with your doctor, he is just a phone call away thanks to technology.

#Relationship: #MentalAbuse

#CaseStudy:  A young lady in her 30s claims her fiance always put her down infront of thier friends.He always presumes a lady has no point of view of importance on any subject matter than to oversee the kitchen.The lady in question at a certain point had no issues with his words thinking it a joke each time of occurrence until she became so insecured and unsure of her capabilities. 'Each time i try to do or say something of importance, his words ring in my head and causes such fright that i freeze out on things', she said.

Mental Abuse can be more difficult to recognize than physical abuse since it does not leave visible evidence.

This form of abuse is also called Emotional Abuse.

How can you know if your relationship is emotionally or    mentally abused.


Mental abuse in a relationship involves threats, intimidation, put-downs and betrayal.

Mental abuse can look like teasing, bullying and humiliation and also can be very harmful.

It can undermine a person's confidence, feelings of self-worth and trust.

Also a personal that is being manipulated can experience intense fear and shame.


By understanding key aspects of mental abuse you may be able to help someone who is going through it to gain insight and seek help.

Step 1

Make it clear that mental abuse is abuse.

A person in a mentally abusive relationship may have a difficult time seeing the abuse. She may believe her partner's jealousy or controlling behaviors are a way of expressing love.

Most victims of mental abuse also believe they deserve to be treated this way and may even blame themselves for provoking their abuser.

It is important that you reinforce that they have the right to be treated with respect and that no one deserves to be emotionally harmed by their partner.

Step 2

Explain the cycle of abuse.

Help your friend to see that mental abuse occurs in specific patterns. For instance, after an angry outburst, the abuser may show remorse. The person being abused may excuse this as a one-time occurrence, and dismiss it, until it happens again. Showing your friend this pattern may help her to understand that the abuse is pervasive.

Reinforce that unlike physical abuse, mental abuse tends to happen daily.

Being unable to escape negative comments and manipulation on a daily basis can be psychologically harmful.

Step 3

Increase your friend's options and help partner get help.

Victims of mental abuse often do not seek help either because they don't see the abuse or because they don't believe change is possible.

Explain that such a partner has options. For instance, individual, couples and group therapies can help someone in a mentally abusive relationship.

Support your friend in whatever is decision.

Step 4

Compassion can be an important tool, although it has to occur on the part of both partners.

If your friend is in a relationship where communication is difficult, or if she is being abusive of her partner, encourage her to have compassion and consider how the other person is feeling.

Remember such relationship can have a psycological effect on you thus leave you in an unbalance state of mindset.

A relation needs all positive energies to blossom.

Dont for the sake of love be a slave to emotional imbalance.

Step 5

Emotional abuse can escalate into physical abuse, If you believe someone is at risk of physical harm, get help immediately.

A man or a lady who talks down on you whether you are alone, among friends or strangers isnt worth the sacrfice.

Always remember a mentally abused relationship can lead to  psycological issues and affects your health too.

Seek help or walk away before it ever gets physical.

A relationship needs all positive energies to blossom.

In a relationship, #respect is reciprocal...

Be wise with your choice...

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Truly yours featured on AfkInsider...

#Relationship: Every #Woman deserves #Respect

Irrespective of age, when a woman loves a man she tends to be young and restless.

At this point she sees nothing wrong in every move her man makes while in the relationship until when the bubble bursts.


#throwback2014: A beautiful single mother met and fell in love with a man who she believed she will settle down with. He actually treated her right so taking pictures of her in bed and while having sex wasn’t a crime at that point in time until when she could not cope any longer with his demands for money from her. She sincerely called him to order on his spending spree like the adult they are and what did she get in return, #pictures of her nakedness and sex escapades #trending on every medium of social media.

#Throwback2014: A young undergraduate guy madeq a bet with his friends on three ladies; it is of belief that these ladies are the #geeks and no nonsense type on campus. Three days later, he #trends the #pictures of  his #sex escapades with the three ladies on every medium of social media to win his bet.

Irrespective of age, ladies do beware of every activities you engage in with your partner.

A man’s nakedness can be still be overlooked as a minor issue but the nudity of a woman is sacred talkless her sex escapades in bed especially in Africa.

Yes, every lady wants to please her man, make him happy and be all over the moon with him but what is wrong is wrong irrespective of what life is throwing back.

Every woman’s hormones tends to make her a weakling when she actually loves a man but these are days of technology that you must be weary of every move in that relationship.

A man that respects you will never take a picture or video of you while in the groove in bed. If you are not a porn star, do not allow yourself to be portrayed as one.

A man that respects you will never have sex with you in presence of his friend sharing a room with him.

Respect is reciprocal, quoting Nikki Giovanni 'Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you same way'.

Appreciate the #Feminine in you, it is the beginning of wisdom.

#HealthMatters: #CardiacArrest and #HeartAttack

#Casestudy: Ranjan Das, CEO and MD of SAP-Indian subcontinent died after a massive cardiac arrest in Mumbai recently.

He is one of the youngest CEOs, he was only 42 and quite active.

The question so far has been how do we manage such situation if it arises?

For those who have little experience with first aid, a heart attack and cardiac arrest are similar. Although both concern the heart, they both differ in terms of physiology and how you respond to them with first aid.

Both are a chest and heart emergency, which means that a call for medic is necessary.

It is quite important for most people to understand the differences between these conditions and how to approach them.


Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. When this happens, the patient loses consciousness almost at once, and there are no signs of breathing.

The most common cause of cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation, which is a condition characterized by the heart's cardiac conduction system becoming so chaotic that it stops working altogether.

 Ventricular fibrillation can arise as a result of a heart attack, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, and a lack of oxygen in the body.


Upon suspecting cardiac arrest, it is important to call medics immediately. The longer the patient's heart is without defibrillation, the harder it is to make it start again.

Performing CPR should be immediate. Make sure the patient is flat on his or her back, and place both of your hands on the chest bone. Interlock the hands with one on top of another, and push them deep into the chest while keeping your arms straight and elbows locked. You need to alternate between doing this 30 times with two rescue breaths. When compressing the chest, push around four to five centimeters into it. To perform a rescue breath, tilt the patient's head back, and breathe into the mouth. If you get the rescue breath wrong, do not stop to correct the action. It is more important to push on to the next cycle of chest compressions. Evidence shows that compression efficacy can decline after two minutes. As such, you should try to alternate with another person present if possible.


A heart attack usually occurs when something cuts off the heart's blood supply.

In a small number of cases, it can occur because of a coronary spasm, those who are more likely to suffer from include people who are on unhealthy diet.

Diets that are high in fat raise the presence of low-density lipid cholesterol, which in turn can cause atherosclerosis, and a risk of clots.

The elderly are also more likely to suffer from heart attacks than those who are young. Illicit drug use and alcohol abuse are also common causes of heart attacks.

When a heart attack occurs, the cardiac muscle begins to die. This means that swift treatment is necessary.


If you suspect that someone is suffering from a heart attack, call medic immediately. While doing this, provide the patient with aspirin if there is some to hand. This thins the blood, which can make access to the circulatory system easier.

Ensure the individual is sitting upright and comfortable, if conscious. If the person is unconscious and breathing, place in the recovery position. When a patient stops breathing, performing CPR is an important option.


Sometimes, cardiac arrest occurs unexpectedly.

However, there are lifestyle factors that increase or induce your risk of both heart attacks and cardiac arrest.

Eating a diet high in fat is a major risk factor, as it increases the risk of coronary artery disease.

Smoking is another major risk factor, as it causes peripheral vascular resistance, and the buildup of plaque on artery walls.

Patients who do not exercise on a regular basis are also placing themselves at risk of a heart attack. Those who have an ongoing heart condition need to adhere to treatment and advice to reduce their heart attack risk.


Exercise. One of the ways you can prevent cardiac arrest is to exercise regularly. Having an exercise regimen will be good for your body. You can do 30 minutes of exercise everyday and this is enough for you body. You can start by walking around your neighborhood or using a treadmill. When your body has adjusted to your exercise activity, you can start jogging.

Lose Weight. If you are on the heavy side, it is time for you to lose weight. Fat can clog the arteries in the heart that can lead to cardiac arrest. If you have time, workout at the gym and get an instructor to work with you so that you know the proper way to do things. Also, have a proper diet. You can ask a nutritionist to give you the proper diet for your height and weight.

Get Regular Check Ups. You must also go to regular check ups with your doctor so that you can make sure that everything in your system is okay. Some of the things that you can have checked are your blood pressure and your heart. If the doctor recommends something for you to do, follow the orders so that you can be healthier.

Stop Vices. If you are a heavy drinker and smoker, now is the time for you to quit these vices. Having these toxins in your body can lead to other diseases that can lead to your death. Do not wait for yourself to get sick before you quit your vices.

Have a Healthy Diet. Improve your diet by eating low fat food and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. Avoid cholesterol rich food, sugars and increase your intake of fish. Some of the food that you can eat are oatmeal, boiled eggs, fresh fruit juices, fruits and chicken or fish. Avoid frying your meat and remember to remove the skin from the chicken.

Don't Stress. Avoid stress. This can be another factor that can lead to serious ailments. Take time away from your busy schedule to relax and unwind. This will help you to think of other things for a while and lessen your stress.

These are the few things that you can do to avoid cardiac arrest. Having a healthy lifestyle does not only prevent cardiac arrest but also other deadly diseases that you can acquire if you do not lead a healthy lifestyle. Remember to drink vitamins so that your immune system will be stronger in preventing diseases from entering your system.

Although cardiac arrest and heart attacks are different emergencies, they both require urgent medical attention. Upon suspecting either, it is essential that you call for medic.

Everyone makes mistakes but it is better to make a genuine mistake that sees someone receive unnecessary urgent attention than to make one that denies the person the attention needed. Any paramedic or doctor would rather manage a false alarm than sign a death certificate

Keep fit and eat well for your health matters...

Saturday 10 January 2015

#OpportunityDesk: #Opportunities #Leadership #Mentorship #Schorlarship #Internship #Deadline

#Deadline: January 13, 2015

The Camargo Foundation Core Fellowship Program 2015/2016 – Cassis, France

Central America & the Caribbean (CAC) Peace for Youth Fellowship 2015 – Guatemala

EU Job: Assistant in the field of Parliamentary Work

#Deadline: January 14, 2015

2015 Gates Millennium Scholars Program

Become an Environmental Fellow at Harvard University – with Annual Stipend of $60,000

MSFS Full-tuition Scholarship for Africans to Study at Georgetown University

#Deadline: January 15th, 2015

1. Enter the Microsoft Cyberspace 2025 Essay Competition – Win up to $10,000 |

2. Thiel Fellowship for Young People – $100,000 Grant |

3. MasterCard Foundation Scholarship for Undergraduate Study at Michigan State University |

4. MAWISTA Scholarship for Students Studying Abroad with a Child |

5. Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship for Canada |

6. Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship for USA |

7. Generation Google Scholarship to Study in USA or Canada |

8. Terra Foundation Research Travel Grant to USA |

9. The Dell Scholars Program 2015 – $20,000 Scholarship for College Students |

10. Coloplast Global Graduate Program + Wide Range Of Job Opportunities in Denmark |

11. Girls20 Summit 2015 – Istanbul, Turkey (full-funded) |

12. Apply to attend the 1st International Youth to Youth (Y2Y) Summit 2015 – Vilnius, Lithuania |

13. Trans-Disciplinary Innovation Program 2015 – Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Scholarships Available) |

14. AAUW Community Action Grant – Up to $10,000 |

15. Vanderbilt International Summer Research Program for Undergrads 2015 (Fully-funded) |

16. Fully Funded Master’s Scholarship to Study at University of Amsterdam |
#FruitDelight:  #Fruits #BellyFat #Exercise #Food

A bloated stomach not only hampers your personality but
also makes you uncomfortable.

The best way to get rid of such a disgruntled belly is by
following a low-calorie diet and practising regular exercise.

A list of food that aids in getting a flat stomach:

 # 1: Almonds

This tiny food is not only rich in skin-boosting vitamin E
and protein, but their richness in fibre content helps you to
stay full for a longer duration. Even though they are slightly
high in calories but that will not contribute to belly fat, so
keep swapping a handful of almonds as snacks to curb your

# 2: Watermelon

The name says it all - this giant fruit contains 82 percent
water, which helps to keep you full for a longer duration and
also removes excess sodium present in the body. This super
sweet fruit, is also rich in vitamin C and contains barely 100
calories in one cup. So start eating this delicious fruit as a
snack, if you wish to have a body like your favourite celeb.

 # 3: Beans

Consuming means on a regular basis helps to get rid of the
body fat, develop body muscles and improves digestion.
Beans also help to feel full for a longer duration, thus
avoiding over indulgence. Add beans to your diet, if you
want your middle to be sexy and firm.

 # 4: Green leafy vegetable

Want to get a flat tummy instantly? Then fill for plate with
green leafy vegetables. All types of green leafy vegetables
are extremely low in calories, full of fibre and offer several
vital vitamins and minerals that help to ease water retention
without causing the bloating and tummy discomfort.

# 5: Cucumber

Cucumber is an extremely refreshing and low-calorie food.
They contain approximately 96 percent water content, which
makes it a cooling food. One full cucumber contains just 45
calories, making it sexy stomach food.

# 6: Avocado

This is a truly magic fruit, due to their richness in various
vital nutrients. Avocado is rich in fibre, which helps to keep
hunger at bay and the presence of monounsaturated fatty
acids helps to burn belly fat easily.

 # 7: Oats

The best way to start your journey to sexy stomach is by
having oats for your breakfast. Oats are filling and thus help
you to lose weight. Besides, it is also low in calorie and
provides energy to your body slowly. It is a very good
source to provide energy to your body all throughout the
day, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer and can even
lower your cholesterol.

 # 8: Water

The best way to avoid stomach bloat is by keeping yourself
very well hydrated. Drinking ample amounts of water helps
to flush excess fluid and toxins out of your system.

# 9: Apples

Apples are packed with fibre, which makes your belly feel
full. Thus, avoiding over eating; besides it also fills your
body with maximum nutrients.

 # 10: Peppermint

Peppermint has great healing and calming digestive
properties. It is also good for removing belly fat. The easiest
way to do this is to drink it in tea form. Besides, it also
helps in cleansing your skin.

Research shows dedication to eating these food and exercising 3 times a week has a great impact on reducing belly fat...

#FeminineInMe: # HIV #Contraceptive #HighRisk

 Recent study has found that women who use contraceptive injections are at an increased risk of contracting HIV.

The study, conducted on more than 39 500 sub-SaharanAfrican women found that women using the depotmedroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) injection forbirth control are exposed to an additional 40% risk of contracting HIV than women using other forms of contraceptives.

Researchers from the University of California, Berkley School of Public Health analysed the pooled results of 12 observational trials to confirm the link between contraceptive injection and higher chances of contracting HIV.

The research also found that sex workers who use the
injection were at an even greater risk to contracting HIV.

Globally, around 41 million of the 144 million women who use hormonal contraception opt for injectable forms of birth control over the pill.

The injection is the most popular form of birth control in South Africa with at least 75% of women using this form of contraception.

Researchers are unable to explain why the increased risk was seen among women using Depo-Provera and not in other forms of hormonal contraception, but the authors of the study suggest that birth control with higher levels of progestin (the synthetic form of the natural hormone progesterone) possibly
changes the vaginal lining or alters local immunity, increasing, the risk of HIV infection.

Despite the findings, lead study author Lauren Ralph says the research doesn’t merit withdrawing this type of birth control at the expense of denying millions of women access to a product that protects women against unwanted pregnancy.

“There are significant risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth as well. It can be tricky to ensure a reliable supply of contraceptives in sub-Saharan Africa.

Removing Depo-Provera doesn’t mean the women will have immediate access to other methods of birth control that are as effective.

Ultimately, decisions around which birth control method to use should be made between a woman and her healthcare provider.

“Further evidence regarding the magnitude and mechanisms of the depot medroxyprogesterone acetate and HIV link among high-risk women, such as commercial sex workers and women in serodiscordant partnerships (where one partner is HIV- positive and the other is HIV-negative) is urgently needed.”

The World Health Organisation has advised health
professionals to inform women at high risk of HIV that
contraceptive injections “may or may not increase their risk of HIV acquisition,”

#Bitter leaf #VernoniaAmygdalina)

Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) is a vegetable used for preparing the popular Bitter leaf soup.

It is also known as Onugbu, Shiwaka and Ewuro by the Igbos, Hausas and Yorubas in

Bitter leaf (Vernonia Amygdalina) as the name implies, is actually a bitter plant whose leaves, extracts, stems and barks are used for culinary, medicinal and curative purposes.

Vitamins in Bitter leaf includes; Vitamin A, Vitamin C ,Vitamin E, Vit.B1 and Vit.B2.

To get the best results from the bitter leaf plant, it's best taken freshly squeezed from the leaves.

How to extract the Bitter leaf Juice:

Dry bitter leaf is also potent, but has to be properly cleaned before use

Rub the clean leaves in between your palms with the help of a little water and squeezing out the juice from the leaves.

You can also use a juicer or blend the leaves with a little water, in a blender and strain out the extract with a cheese cloth, coffee strainer or a sieve with a tight mesh.

To reduce the bitter taste of the bitter leaf juice, simply blend it with spinach or Ugwu (fluted pumpkin) or add some sweet fruits to it, such as pineapple, apples, or oranges.
Some of the #health benefits of Bitter leaf (Vernonia Amygdalina):

It speeds up metabolism and therefore is great for weight loss.

Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions. Take the squeezed juice, 3 times daily until the symptoms disappear.

It also helps to reduce high sugar level in the blood, and great for diabetic patients.

Squeeze the fresh leaves on your palm and apply the juice on skin rashes, eczema, ring worms and any superficial skin ailments, you'll notice a change in few days. Never apply to open wounds.

Bitter leaf is said to soothe and also cure pile.
Taking a cup of bitter leaf juice a day, is a great way to detoxify the body of harmful toxins.

Bitter leaf juice nourishes the skin.

Bitter leaf (Vernonia Amygdalina) also cures mild stomach ailments

Bitter leaf juice is said to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers.

The washed roots and stalks of bitterleaf are boiled and the infusion is taking as a worm expeller. A cup of bitter leaf infusion should be taken first thing in the morning before meals

Bitter leaf juice is used by local women in Guinea-Bissau to contract the uterus after childbirth and therefore should not be taking during pregnancy or if you're trying to conceive, because high intake might cause miscarriage.

Wednesday 7 January 2015


DA FEMININE IN ME is an empowerment body specially designed to address and also contribute positively to the world of women.

This body promotes gender equality, encourages empowerment and mentorship among women in order to aim at achieving bigger resounding goals and set positive targets for themselves with due respect to present global trends, challenges and realities.

Our aim is to touch lives of women in the most positive ways we can through trainings, mentorship, Skill acquisition and also promote behavioral change through awareness programmes on important vices affecting the world at large.

 It is our belief that from a woman comes generations of world leaders thus such woman must be empowered.

Our core activities include

Skill Acquisition Programmes
Empowerment Programmes
Leadership Skill Programmes
Outdoor Activities to vitalize body, mind and soul
Employment Opportunities
Adult Education
Business Consultation
and other opportunities…

Our target is to empower young girls of 15yrs to full grown adult women of 40yrs

The Skill acquisition and Empowerment programmes will be executed at a considerable minimal and affordable rate to encourage participation in DFIM

Online training is available for interested participants living outside the state of training zone and also can not travel down.

Certificates are issued on every skill acquisition programme undertaken.

The THEME for the first quarter of the year 2015 is ‘EMPOWERMENT – Get equipped for a better tomorrow’.

It is of belief that when a single woman is empowered, it paves an avenue to feeding a generation.

Skiill Acquisition Programmes available for the first quarter of the year are as listed

Bead Making (Wireworks)
Makeup ( Bridal and Artistic makeover)
Gele Tying
Fruit Decoration
Detergent Soap Making
Skincare Cream Making
Hair Styling – Traditional Plaiting, Weave on fixing and Braiding Styles
Nail Designs - Pedicure and Manicure
Facial Treatment

For more information on our empowerment programmes, visit Da Feminine in Me on facebook.


Monday 5 January 2015

#FeminineInMe: #VaginalDouche

Douching is now a common trend among ladies of 15yrs to 45yrs, this act is adapted because it is felt to be a safe way of cleaning the Vagina.

This is adapted from the views of experts  on Douching...

What is a Vaginal Douche?

Vaginal douche is a process of rinsing or cleaning the vagina by forcing water or another solution into the vaginal cavity to flush away vaginal discharge or other contents. 

Why Do Women Engage in Vaginal Douches?

1.Rinse away any remaining menstrual blood at the end of the monthly period.

 2.Avoid pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases following sexual intercourse.

 3.Reduce vaginal odors. 

Is Douching Healthy?


 Douching may result into the underlisted

1. Reduce a woman's chance of becoming pregnant during a particular month by approximately thirty percent.

2.Regular vaginal douching changes the delicate chemical balance of the vagina and can make a woman more susceptible to infections. 

3.Douching can introduce new bacteria into the vagina which can spread up through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Researchers have found that women who douche regularly experience more vaginal irritations and infections such as bacterial vaginosis, and an increased number of sexually transmitted diseases.

4.Furthermore, regular users of vaginal douches face a significantly higher risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) -- a chronic condition that can lead to infertility, or even death, if left untreated. 

Bacterial vaginosis and PID can have serious adverse affects on pregnancy including infections in the baby, labor problems, and preterm delivery.

So how do i care for my vagina?

 The only safe and healthy way to clean the vagina is to let the vagina clean itself. The delicate chemical balance of the vagina is very sensitive and easily disrupted by routine vaginal douching.

How does the vagina clean itself?

The vagina cleans itself naturally with its own mucous secretions. When bathing or showering use warm water and gentle unscented soap to cleanse the outer areas of the vagina. 

Feminine hygiene products such as soaps, powders, and sprays are not necessary and may lead to irritation of sensitive tissues.

Other element is to eat healthy food especially lots of fruits and vegetables.

However, douching is neither a contraceptive nor a preventatives measure against STDs or other infections. It can, in fact, increase the risk of developing an infection. 

It is advised to see your doctor on serious vaginal discharges.

Adapted by Mariam Adams @princesadams 
Jan 6, 2015 8:09:54 AM