Wednesday 14 January 2015

#Relationship: #MentalAbuse

#CaseStudy:  A young lady in her 30s claims her fiance always put her down infront of thier friends.He always presumes a lady has no point of view of importance on any subject matter than to oversee the kitchen.The lady in question at a certain point had no issues with his words thinking it a joke each time of occurrence until she became so insecured and unsure of her capabilities. 'Each time i try to do or say something of importance, his words ring in my head and causes such fright that i freeze out on things', she said.

Mental Abuse can be more difficult to recognize than physical abuse since it does not leave visible evidence.

This form of abuse is also called Emotional Abuse.

How can you know if your relationship is emotionally or    mentally abused.


Mental abuse in a relationship involves threats, intimidation, put-downs and betrayal.

Mental abuse can look like teasing, bullying and humiliation and also can be very harmful.

It can undermine a person's confidence, feelings of self-worth and trust.

Also a personal that is being manipulated can experience intense fear and shame.


By understanding key aspects of mental abuse you may be able to help someone who is going through it to gain insight and seek help.

Step 1

Make it clear that mental abuse is abuse.

A person in a mentally abusive relationship may have a difficult time seeing the abuse. She may believe her partner's jealousy or controlling behaviors are a way of expressing love.

Most victims of mental abuse also believe they deserve to be treated this way and may even blame themselves for provoking their abuser.

It is important that you reinforce that they have the right to be treated with respect and that no one deserves to be emotionally harmed by their partner.

Step 2

Explain the cycle of abuse.

Help your friend to see that mental abuse occurs in specific patterns. For instance, after an angry outburst, the abuser may show remorse. The person being abused may excuse this as a one-time occurrence, and dismiss it, until it happens again. Showing your friend this pattern may help her to understand that the abuse is pervasive.

Reinforce that unlike physical abuse, mental abuse tends to happen daily.

Being unable to escape negative comments and manipulation on a daily basis can be psychologically harmful.

Step 3

Increase your friend's options and help partner get help.

Victims of mental abuse often do not seek help either because they don't see the abuse or because they don't believe change is possible.

Explain that such a partner has options. For instance, individual, couples and group therapies can help someone in a mentally abusive relationship.

Support your friend in whatever is decision.

Step 4

Compassion can be an important tool, although it has to occur on the part of both partners.

If your friend is in a relationship where communication is difficult, or if she is being abusive of her partner, encourage her to have compassion and consider how the other person is feeling.

Remember such relationship can have a psycological effect on you thus leave you in an unbalance state of mindset.

A relation needs all positive energies to blossom.

Dont for the sake of love be a slave to emotional imbalance.

Step 5

Emotional abuse can escalate into physical abuse, If you believe someone is at risk of physical harm, get help immediately.

A man or a lady who talks down on you whether you are alone, among friends or strangers isnt worth the sacrfice.

Always remember a mentally abused relationship can lead to  psycological issues and affects your health too.

Seek help or walk away before it ever gets physical.

A relationship needs all positive energies to blossom.

In a relationship, #respect is reciprocal...

Be wise with your choice...

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