Tuesday 27 January 2015

#HealthMatters: Preventing Dehydration with Lemon and Water

Dehydration occurs when the body has insufficient water and other fluids to function properly.

It can lead to blood clots, seizures and other potentially fatal complications.

Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can have adverse effects on mood and energy.

The signs of dehydration aren’t always obvious like thirst and fatigue.

Six Important indicators that point out you might be dehydrated.

1. Bad breath.
2. Dry skin.
3. Muscle cramps
4. Fever and chills
5. Food cravings, especially for sweets
6. Headaches.

It is recommends that most women should drink about 2.7 liters of water a day (or about 12 cups)  and most men to have an intake of about 3.7 liters a day (or about 15 cups).

Total water intake also includes water gained from foods, other beverages like tea and fruit mixture.

Research shows mixing lukewarm water with Lemon gives a lot of healthy touch to the body.

Ten Important reasons why an early morning drink of lukewarm water and lemon gives you a great morning start.

1. Supports the immune system: The juice of half a lemon in a glass of water is rich in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and assists the body in fighting colds and flu. Lemon also enhances the body’s ability to absorb iron, an important nutrient for a healthy immune system.

2. Aids digestion: As lemon juice is similar in atomic structure to the stomach’s digestive juices, it has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It helps cleanse the bowel by flushing out waste more efficiently and stimulates the release of gastric juices, which aid digestion. The digestive qualities of lemon juice can also help relieve symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and bloating.

3. Repairs skin: Lemons are great for combating skin ageing. The antioxidant properties help combat free radical damage, which is responsible for the symptoms of ageing.

4. Reduces appetite: Lemons contain pectin, a soluble fibre commonly found in citrus fruits. Pectin helps stave off hunger as the fibre creates a feeling of fullness, which results in the suppression of hunger cravings.

5. Balances pH levels: Lemons are one of the most alkalising foods for the body and a good pH level is essential as too much acidity in the body can be inflammatory.

6.  Cleanses the urinary tract: Lemon juice is a diuretic, meaning it encourages the production of urine. As a result, toxins are released at a faster rate, helping to purify the system and keep it healthy. Lemon juice can also change the pH level of the urinary tract which discourages the proliferation of bad bacteria.

7.  Freshens breath: The antiseptic qualities in lemon juice help kill off bad bacteria in the mouth by acting as a disinfectant. A glass of lemon water is also a healthier morning wake-you-up than coffee.

8.  Protects overall health: High levels of potassium in lemons can help brain and nerve functioning and control blood pressure. Lemon water can also ward off stress and depression, which have been linked to low levels of potassium.

9. Promotes healing: Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, promotes wound healing in the body and is an important nutrient in maintaining healthy bones, tissue and cartilage. It also calms inflammation in the body.

10. Detoxifies the liver: Lemon water acts as a liver cleanser by assisting in detoxification. It purifies and stimulates the liver by encouraging the production of bile.

So lets get drinking everyone….

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