Monday 5 January 2015

#FeminineInMe: #VaginalDouche

Douching is now a common trend among ladies of 15yrs to 45yrs, this act is adapted because it is felt to be a safe way of cleaning the Vagina.

This is adapted from the views of experts  on Douching...

What is a Vaginal Douche?

Vaginal douche is a process of rinsing or cleaning the vagina by forcing water or another solution into the vaginal cavity to flush away vaginal discharge or other contents. 

Why Do Women Engage in Vaginal Douches?

1.Rinse away any remaining menstrual blood at the end of the monthly period.

 2.Avoid pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases following sexual intercourse.

 3.Reduce vaginal odors. 

Is Douching Healthy?


 Douching may result into the underlisted

1. Reduce a woman's chance of becoming pregnant during a particular month by approximately thirty percent.

2.Regular vaginal douching changes the delicate chemical balance of the vagina and can make a woman more susceptible to infections. 

3.Douching can introduce new bacteria into the vagina which can spread up through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Researchers have found that women who douche regularly experience more vaginal irritations and infections such as bacterial vaginosis, and an increased number of sexually transmitted diseases.

4.Furthermore, regular users of vaginal douches face a significantly higher risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) -- a chronic condition that can lead to infertility, or even death, if left untreated. 

Bacterial vaginosis and PID can have serious adverse affects on pregnancy including infections in the baby, labor problems, and preterm delivery.

So how do i care for my vagina?

 The only safe and healthy way to clean the vagina is to let the vagina clean itself. The delicate chemical balance of the vagina is very sensitive and easily disrupted by routine vaginal douching.

How does the vagina clean itself?

The vagina cleans itself naturally with its own mucous secretions. When bathing or showering use warm water and gentle unscented soap to cleanse the outer areas of the vagina. 

Feminine hygiene products such as soaps, powders, and sprays are not necessary and may lead to irritation of sensitive tissues.

Other element is to eat healthy food especially lots of fruits and vegetables.

However, douching is neither a contraceptive nor a preventatives measure against STDs or other infections. It can, in fact, increase the risk of developing an infection. 

It is advised to see your doctor on serious vaginal discharges.

Adapted by Mariam Adams @princesadams 
Jan 6, 2015 8:09:54 AM  

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