Tuesday 13 January 2015

#HealthMatters: #CardiacArrest and #HeartAttack

#Casestudy: Ranjan Das, CEO and MD of SAP-Indian subcontinent died after a massive cardiac arrest in Mumbai recently.

He is one of the youngest CEOs, he was only 42 and quite active.

The question so far has been how do we manage such situation if it arises?

For those who have little experience with first aid, a heart attack and cardiac arrest are similar. Although both concern the heart, they both differ in terms of physiology and how you respond to them with first aid.

Both are a chest and heart emergency, which means that a call for medic is necessary.

It is quite important for most people to understand the differences between these conditions and how to approach them.


Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. When this happens, the patient loses consciousness almost at once, and there are no signs of breathing.

The most common cause of cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation, which is a condition characterized by the heart's cardiac conduction system becoming so chaotic that it stops working altogether.

 Ventricular fibrillation can arise as a result of a heart attack, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, and a lack of oxygen in the body.


Upon suspecting cardiac arrest, it is important to call medics immediately. The longer the patient's heart is without defibrillation, the harder it is to make it start again.

Performing CPR should be immediate. Make sure the patient is flat on his or her back, and place both of your hands on the chest bone. Interlock the hands with one on top of another, and push them deep into the chest while keeping your arms straight and elbows locked. You need to alternate between doing this 30 times with two rescue breaths. When compressing the chest, push around four to five centimeters into it. To perform a rescue breath, tilt the patient's head back, and breathe into the mouth. If you get the rescue breath wrong, do not stop to correct the action. It is more important to push on to the next cycle of chest compressions. Evidence shows that compression efficacy can decline after two minutes. As such, you should try to alternate with another person present if possible.


A heart attack usually occurs when something cuts off the heart's blood supply.

In a small number of cases, it can occur because of a coronary spasm, those who are more likely to suffer from include people who are on unhealthy diet.

Diets that are high in fat raise the presence of low-density lipid cholesterol, which in turn can cause atherosclerosis, and a risk of clots.

The elderly are also more likely to suffer from heart attacks than those who are young. Illicit drug use and alcohol abuse are also common causes of heart attacks.

When a heart attack occurs, the cardiac muscle begins to die. This means that swift treatment is necessary.


If you suspect that someone is suffering from a heart attack, call medic immediately. While doing this, provide the patient with aspirin if there is some to hand. This thins the blood, which can make access to the circulatory system easier.

Ensure the individual is sitting upright and comfortable, if conscious. If the person is unconscious and breathing, place in the recovery position. When a patient stops breathing, performing CPR is an important option.


Sometimes, cardiac arrest occurs unexpectedly.

However, there are lifestyle factors that increase or induce your risk of both heart attacks and cardiac arrest.

Eating a diet high in fat is a major risk factor, as it increases the risk of coronary artery disease.

Smoking is another major risk factor, as it causes peripheral vascular resistance, and the buildup of plaque on artery walls.

Patients who do not exercise on a regular basis are also placing themselves at risk of a heart attack. Those who have an ongoing heart condition need to adhere to treatment and advice to reduce their heart attack risk.


Exercise. One of the ways you can prevent cardiac arrest is to exercise regularly. Having an exercise regimen will be good for your body. You can do 30 minutes of exercise everyday and this is enough for you body. You can start by walking around your neighborhood or using a treadmill. When your body has adjusted to your exercise activity, you can start jogging.

Lose Weight. If you are on the heavy side, it is time for you to lose weight. Fat can clog the arteries in the heart that can lead to cardiac arrest. If you have time, workout at the gym and get an instructor to work with you so that you know the proper way to do things. Also, have a proper diet. You can ask a nutritionist to give you the proper diet for your height and weight.

Get Regular Check Ups. You must also go to regular check ups with your doctor so that you can make sure that everything in your system is okay. Some of the things that you can have checked are your blood pressure and your heart. If the doctor recommends something for you to do, follow the orders so that you can be healthier.

Stop Vices. If you are a heavy drinker and smoker, now is the time for you to quit these vices. Having these toxins in your body can lead to other diseases that can lead to your death. Do not wait for yourself to get sick before you quit your vices.

Have a Healthy Diet. Improve your diet by eating low fat food and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. Avoid cholesterol rich food, sugars and increase your intake of fish. Some of the food that you can eat are oatmeal, boiled eggs, fresh fruit juices, fruits and chicken or fish. Avoid frying your meat and remember to remove the skin from the chicken.

Don't Stress. Avoid stress. This can be another factor that can lead to serious ailments. Take time away from your busy schedule to relax and unwind. This will help you to think of other things for a while and lessen your stress.

These are the few things that you can do to avoid cardiac arrest. Having a healthy lifestyle does not only prevent cardiac arrest but also other deadly diseases that you can acquire if you do not lead a healthy lifestyle. Remember to drink vitamins so that your immune system will be stronger in preventing diseases from entering your system.

Although cardiac arrest and heart attacks are different emergencies, they both require urgent medical attention. Upon suspecting either, it is essential that you call for medic.

Everyone makes mistakes but it is better to make a genuine mistake that sees someone receive unnecessary urgent attention than to make one that denies the person the attention needed. Any paramedic or doctor would rather manage a false alarm than sign a death certificate

Keep fit and eat well for your health matters...

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