Monday 26 January 2015

#Kidsco: The Polythene Bag Scheme

Picking after the kids could be quite adorable, it give a sense of parenting especially when they are at the innocent state of their lives but the moment a child can differentiate wrong from right, picking after them becomes an issue to apply disciplinary actions over.

Research shows the following results

· Picking after female child 35%
· Picking after male child 65%

To cub this attitude, deploy the polythene bag scheme

· Get a new clean black polythene bag.

· Pick all packable your kid must have littered the floor with (toys, books, clothes etc).

· Don’t touch anything in his room or playroom (so your action can be justified).

· Fold the polythene bag and place in a neat corner in the kitchen or laundry room.

· Don’t say a word until your kid notice the disappearing acts of his objects.

The moment your kid searches to no avail and ask you about it, follow the script (parents are such talented actors);

Kid: Mum/Dad, have you seen my toy?

Parents: Not really deary. where did you put, in your room?

Kid: No, I think I left it in the living room (anywhere he/she could say).

Parents: oh my, I hope it wasn’t on the floor? I had to pick all the litters on the floor to clean up. check the dustbin, that black polythene bag in the kitchen/laundry room.

There are two reactions to expect from such statement you made,

Firstly, your kid can run straight to the kitchen/laundry room to locate the polythene bag and get all his/her stuff.

Secondly, he/she can just burst into tears, cry and whine till eternity thereby leaving you with the option of bringing the polythene bag yourself to sort out in front of him/her.

Either way your kid reacts, your next statement should be the message you want to get across.

Parent: oh dear, am so sorry. I wouldn’t have packed it with the litters if it was neatly placed in your room or playing room.

The message sent ‘if it was neatly placed in your room’ is a manipulative mind game of telling your kid what you expected of his/her toys after his/her playing hours.

Your kid has a choice of taking to correction, leaving you with a choice of repetition or the option of getting new toys.

Kids could be stubborn but persistence of our little polythene bag scheme sure works.

The Polythene bag scheme was a form of orientation i came up with babysitting some nephews, though the whinnng persisted for three days, they gave in the forth day to allow peace...

Do share what you come up with engaging the scheme.


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