Wednesday 7 January 2015


DA FEMININE IN ME is an empowerment body specially designed to address and also contribute positively to the world of women.

This body promotes gender equality, encourages empowerment and mentorship among women in order to aim at achieving bigger resounding goals and set positive targets for themselves with due respect to present global trends, challenges and realities.

Our aim is to touch lives of women in the most positive ways we can through trainings, mentorship, Skill acquisition and also promote behavioral change through awareness programmes on important vices affecting the world at large.

 It is our belief that from a woman comes generations of world leaders thus such woman must be empowered.

Our core activities include

Skill Acquisition Programmes
Empowerment Programmes
Leadership Skill Programmes
Outdoor Activities to vitalize body, mind and soul
Employment Opportunities
Adult Education
Business Consultation
and other opportunities…

Our target is to empower young girls of 15yrs to full grown adult women of 40yrs

The Skill acquisition and Empowerment programmes will be executed at a considerable minimal and affordable rate to encourage participation in DFIM

Online training is available for interested participants living outside the state of training zone and also can not travel down.

Certificates are issued on every skill acquisition programme undertaken.

The THEME for the first quarter of the year 2015 is ‘EMPOWERMENT – Get equipped for a better tomorrow’.

It is of belief that when a single woman is empowered, it paves an avenue to feeding a generation.

Skiill Acquisition Programmes available for the first quarter of the year are as listed

Bead Making (Wireworks)
Makeup ( Bridal and Artistic makeover)
Gele Tying
Fruit Decoration
Detergent Soap Making
Skincare Cream Making
Hair Styling – Traditional Plaiting, Weave on fixing and Braiding Styles
Nail Designs - Pedicure and Manicure
Facial Treatment

For more information on our empowerment programmes, visit Da Feminine in Me on facebook.


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